The Black Horse

Chapter 16


Wen Tao was waiting for the newcomer to enter the house in Huaian. A group of friends of similar age were sitting in the front hall, all waiting to congratulate him. This time, Yanhong, the fourth aunt who was accompanying him from Suzhou, couldn't wait to stretch his neck to watch. See how the newcomer's color is.

Wen Tao, as the young leader of the Yan Gang, was held by a group of young men wherever he went, but he did not deal with Bai Shiqi from the Cao Gang. The two of them had been pinching each other since they were young. As parents, Bai Zhenting and Wen Bao were helpless. .

There was a young man who had heard Song Siniangzi tell stories and said, "Brother Wen is really beautiful, that Song Siniang not only put on a lot of stories, but also reads and reads, and has a beautiful appearance. Today, our brothers must congratulate Yiyi well. Brother Wen has won a beautiful woman!"

Wen Tao laughed complacently and took the lead in toasting: "Come on, young master is a bridegroom every day, what's so unusual about taking a concubine, first drink a drink."

Everyone was holding up their wine glasses to cheer, when suddenly a man rushed in from outside, with red silk still tied around his waist. This dress was exactly the gang members who went to the Song family to welcome their relatives today. They were full of panic, and when they entered the door, they shouted, "Young gang master. It's not good, someone stole the kiss!"

Wen Tao was furious, threw the wine glass in his hand, and stood up, he was about the same height as Zhao Wu Jiu, the thin shirt was wrapped with strong tendon flesh, honey-colored skin, two thick eyebrows, and he questioned the gang who reported the news: "Which bastard dares to do bad things to Lao Tzu?"

The man who delivered the letter looked at his face and hesitated to say a word, and he suddenly recalled it.

"Bai Shiqi is back?"

The man nodded wildly, and his ability to speak instantly recovered: "Not only did he come back, he also... beat the third brother Hu, stopped in the middle of the road to prevent the welcoming team from passing by, and asked the young gang master to lead the people in person..."

Wen Tao sneered: "Prepare the horse immediately."

The rest of the young men who came to Hexi also knew Bo Shiqi, and when they heard that the demon king of the world had returned, they talked a lot: "Brother Wen, we used to be strong for you."

"That's right, Bai Shiqi is too rambunctious. The Song family has charged you a huge amount of money for redemption, but it can't be wasted..."

There are people who join in the fun, and there are more people who add fuel to the flames. I am afraid that the world will not be chaotic, and I hope these two goods will be pinched.

The man under his hand brought the horse over, Wen Tao turned on his horse with a stern expression on his face, and rushed out with his legs between the horse's belly. Someone behind him laughed and said, "Brother Wen doesn't seem very angry this time."

There are also those who know the inside story and shake their heads: "I'm afraid it's Bo Shiqi who is angry, not Brother Wen. I heard that Bo Shiqi is like Song Si Niang. Every time I come to Huai'an, I have to run to Song's house. Lei Ting's methods are pressing, maybe people have been brought into Suzhou Baifu to be an aunt. He just came back from Kyoto, and he heard that the woman he loves is going to get married, so it's no wonder that he doesn't go crazy!"

Wen Tao saw Bai Shiqi sitting on something strange from a distance, Yu Si bowed and stood aside, wishing to bend his waist like a shrimp to persuade him: "Young gang master, this matter is not reasonable, why don't we go back?"

Bai Shiqi didn't seem to hear it, he almost exploded his lung tube when he rode to the front.

Hu Xian was kneeling on all fours with a bruised nose and a swollen face, with a blanket on his body. Bai Shiqi sat on his back, playing with a knife, and from time to time gestured on the kneeling Hu Xian's neck: "Hu San, if you want to complain, you can Complaining that you are following an irresponsible master, who is not good for angering someone and wants to snatch the young master's woman. You know what? With a knife from this position, the blood will come out three feet, and your little life will be over. !"

Hu Xian felt the cold blade on his neck and couldn't help shivering.

The men of the salt gang who greeted their relatives stood far away, daring not to act rashly—who would have thought that Young Master Bo would be such a bastard? When she came up without saying a word, she pulled Hu Xian off the horse and gave him a fat beating. When they reacted and wanted to save people, she had already put out a dagger against Hu Xian's neck, forcing everyone to retreat.

Wen Tao's eyes were red with anger: "Bai Shiqi, you are deceiving people too much!"

Bai Shiqi casually played with her pocket knife: "each other. Isn't this the day you've been waiting for?"

Wen Tao originally had the heart to add to the block, otherwise, why would he have to stare at Song Si Niang if there were so many female tricksters in Huai'an City? Even if he was exposed by Bai Shiqi, he pretended not to hear, and scolded angrily: "If you are really rare, you don't have to snatch it from me. Saying that my brother gave me his hands, and beat my entourage in the street, will it make you face?"

"Do you mean what you said?" Bai Shiqi put away the knife, patted Hu Xian's face, got oily sweat on his hands, rubbed his clothes several times in disgust, got up and kicked him: "Your master is here. Come on, get out!"

Hu San, as if receiving an amnesty, rushed in front of Wen Tao with crawling and rolling.

Wen Tao sat high on the horse, looked down at Bai Shiqi, and showed a malicious smile: "Hengzhuren has already been redeemed from the Song family, and there is absolutely no reason to send them back. Besides, Fourth Niangzi is not too young, so she should be found. Good luck, today either you marry or I marry!"

Bai Shiqi: "…"

Wen Tao seemed to see her sternness and sneering, and laughed: "It is rumored that the leader of Young Master Bo is young and romantic, but he turned out to be a silver-colored wax gun!" He directed the wedding team: "Since the master is here to welcome you in person, everyone will go back to the house in high spirits, The banquets in the mansion are all set up, so we can't let the guests wait, and I'm going to be the bridegroom today."

"On the big happy day, if you beat Husan, you will treat him as if he can't walk long enough, and I won't hold you accountable. Since you caught up, why don't you give me a generous gift, and I won't hold you accountable? It's over." He rode his horse over and lifted the curtain of the sedan chair with a horsewhip, but seeing that the bride in the sedan chair had already lost her hijab, her mouth was stuffed with red silk, her makeup was covered in tears, and she was tied up with a piece of red silk. Willing to this marriage, was tied and stuffed into the wedding sedan.

Bai Shiqi was patronizing and beating people, but he didn't even leave his hands to look in the sedan chair. He turned his head to see this scene, and was almost dizzy: "Wen Tao, you bastard! You can even rob civilians!"

Wen Tao slashed Song Siniang's cheek with his horse whip, without any sign of pity on Xiangxiyu: "This is going to marry the young master, and you still have other wild men in mind?"

The Cao Gang’s carriage was parked on the side, from robbing relatives and beating people till now, Zhao Wu Jiu sat in the carriage, Zhao Ziheng wanted to get out of the carriage several times to join in the fun, but was stopped by his cousin’s stern eyes, so he could only unwillingly lift the curtain to watch the movement When I saw Bai Shiqi beating people, I wanted to wave the flag for her, but now I see that the master is such a bastard, I can't care anymore, I lifted the curtain of the car and shouted: "Seventeen, it's just a concubine, if you accept it, accept it. Now, you can still stay well when you welcome it home, if you let this kid take it back, maybe after three years and five years, the jade will perish!"

Bai Shiqi was like swallowing a yellow lotus, saying that he was suffering.

Wen Tao didn't come for a fight, he took the whip and smiled like a smile: "Seventeen, brother, I'll just wait for you to say a word! Anyway, this girl is going to marry someone today, either you or me. I There are quite a few concubines serving in the backyard, and this one is just as fresh. But I heard... you like this girl very much, you really have to wait for me to admit it, you don't regret it! "

Bai Shiqi suddenly realized: "So you gave me a trick?"

Wen Tao laughed loudly, his heroic eyebrows were raised, and his eyes were full of indescribable joy: "I can see you in a dilemma, and I will give you a little bit of trouble, sir, no matter how much money I spend, it's worth it!" He immediately lowered his head and looked down at Bai Shiqi's handsome face: "This isn't a conspiracy, it's just a woman, if you want it, brother, I'll serve it up without a word, just in time when the house is ready, I drank a cup of tea from Si Niangzi. I'll take care of the rest of the brothers! If you don't want to—" He turned cold: "I'm sorry, Fourth Niangzi, I'll accept it today!"

Zhao Ziheng was anxious for her in the carriage: "Seventeen, if you accept it, it's over. If you let this bastard marry him, it's really going to be a toss up."

Zhao Wu Jiu coughed, but he couldn't stop this kid from talking nonsense.

Qiu Yunping huddled in the carriage without saying a word, and Shu Changfeng asked him quietly, "It's just a woman, why is Young Master Bai so worried?"

He had a melancholy look on his face: "The young gang leader has fallen into Wen Tao's pit. If the gang leader knew that he was taking a concubine, he would really break his legs. He's nothing to do outside, so he can't bring women outside home. ."

Shu Changfeng: "…"

The director of the Bai Gang is so strict, Bai Shiqi can be so stubborn, if she relaxes a little, I can't imagine her great achievements.

In the wedding sedan, the fourth lady of Song stared directly at Bo Shiqi with tears in her eyes, as if she was silently asking for help. Bo Shiqi gritted his teeth and made up his mind: "Then I will admit to hearing the love from eldest brother this time. Brother, I will accept it with a smile!"

The look in Wen Tao's eyes was obscure and difficult to distinguish, and the dark clouds soon dissipated, and he jumped off the horse and patted her on the shoulder twice: "Get on the horse and go home, let's have a wedding wine!"

Hu Xian stared dumbfounded at the scene in front of him. He didn't understand that the young gang leader had changed so quickly, and was kicked by Wen Tao: "Idiot, don't lead the way!"

Yu Si was so miserable that he still had to persuade him again: "Young gang master, do you need to think twice about this matter?"

Wen Tao rudely pushed him away, and bent over mockingly: "The young waitress and groom get on the horse." He was truly humble.

Bai Shiqi knew that there was a pit in front of him, but he could only accept his fate and jumped down, avoiding his hands and getting on his horse: "Brother Wen, are you still planning to follow me back to Suzhou to see with my own eyes how my father broke my legs? "

It's incredible how quickly Wen Tao's face changed, and it really made people suspect that he had no intention of marrying the fourth lady of Song: "Where? I haven't seen Uncle Bo for a long time, and I just happened to turn around to send a new couple back to visit his old man. !" He clutched his chest and made a distressed expression: "I have lost both my money and my beauty, why don't you let me watch the show and look for repairs?"

Bai Shiqi really wanted to laugh at his face - from childhood to adulthood, this guy's favorite drama was not the story on the outside stage, but the boogeyman of the Bai family's father and son!

The wedding reception team set off again, still going to Wen's house, but the groom's bridegroom changed.

The author has something to say: The message in this chapter is full of ten words and the red envelope still drops, please collect it and ask for flowers.