The Black Horse

Chapter 21


Bai Zhenting is tall, with a thick beard and a full face. He is imposing and dignified. He has the courageous spirit that he has worked hard on the Caohe for many years. Ordinary children will cry when they see it. He asked, "Did you get into trouble again?"

Bai Shiqi and Wen Tao didn't seem to get along very well, but they didn't seem to get along with their father... even more.

She said angrily, "When did I get into trouble?" Besides, she usually takes care of the aftermath herself when she gets into trouble.

Bai Zhenting is like the strict father in the world. When he was a child, he thought his child Yu Xue was cute, but when the child grew up, he started to have a headache when he was able to catch cats and dogs, and he was still stubborn like Bai Shiqi. A method that even Xiaoerlang can't match.

The way he loves the child is to give money. Materially, it can be called doting, but the only trick that the child knows is to use violence to control violence, and don't even think about any calm communication.

However, Bai Shiqi achieved economic independence at the age of thirteen or fourteen. After he brought the grain to Beijing alone, he became self-financing and was able to support the gang members who accompanied the boat in Beijing, which cut off Bai Zhenting's way of showing kindness. Ting's fatherly love was all fed to the dog at home, and he couldn't find a way to love him at all, and the only thing left was questioning.

According to the secret report of the confidant who accompanied the boat northward, everyone preferred the less gang master to escort the grain to the north. Not only did they have good food, but they could also play all the way back.

When Bai Zhenting heard these compliments, he secretly rejoiced in his heart. He was so prejudiced that Bai Shiqi couldn't even say a soft word, and his concern was hidden under the harsh questioning. If you don't like it, you have to go back. The father and son usually meet like a quarrel. Su Shi has a headache and argues with him several times: "Can't you take half the effort to coax me to deal with Seventeen?"

Bai Zhenting was also very distressed: "I want to scold my mother when I see this brat's unruly appearance!"

Today is no exception.

The father and son hadn't seen each other for several months, this little brat not only didn't show any of that, in Qiu Yunping's words, it was called "love of Ru Mu", and his face was full of unruly, which made Bai Zhenting's hands itchy again: "Which time have you been? Going out without causing trouble?" He put on a warm smile and greeted Wen Tao: "Why did your nephew come here? How is your father recently?"

- This is what Bai Shiqi hates Wen Tao in particular. When he was a child, he tried his best to beat him up, but when he grew up, he was not pleasing to the eye.

Although Bai Zhenting was her biological father, he was very kind to Wen Tao. He didn't have a few good words for her. From the hair to the toes, he could not wait to criticize and suppress him.

Wen Tao's courteous and thoughtful chats in front of Bai Zhenting were completely different from the image of the rambunctious outside. He pretended to say: "My father is all well, he is not in Huaian recently, otherwise he will definitely ask for a drink when he knows that his uncle is here. I met him yesterday. Seventeen, let's play together after a long time."

Bo Shiqi was afraid that he would reveal his concubine, so he hurriedly grabbed the conversation and introduced to Bo Zhenting: "Father, these two are my friends Zhao Ziheng and Zhao Wujiu."

Bai Zhenting has been able to hang out on the Caohe for so many years, and it is not as rough as he looks. In fact, he noticed that the Zhao brothers entered the main hall.

That's all for Zhao Ziheng, a standard rich boy. From his walking posture, he can see that he usually does not exercise much. But the one in the wheelchair is not to be taken lightly.

Although Zhao Wu Jiu was carried in by the guards in a wheelchair, the aura of Zi Linyuan Zhiyue came to his face. If he still treats his son and nephew kindly and casually towards Wen Tao, then he treats Zhao Wu Jiu very differently. On the contrary, it is more like a peer-to-peer relationship.

"It's the first time for Mr. Zhao to come to Jiangnan? There are many places to enjoy and play in the south of the Yangtze River. If the young master has a place he yearns for, the old man can send someone to escort him."

He clearly saw Zhao Wu Jiu's escort accompanying him, but he still proposed to send someone to escort him. Knowing his father, Mo Ruonv, Bo Shiqi immediately looked at him and asked, "What do you mean?"

Bai Zhenting glared at this uneasy brat, who knows what Buddha was provoked this time

Zhao Wu Jiu said straight to the point: "To tell the truth from Lord Bai, this junior is going south to find a famous doctor in Jiangnan. If he recovers from his illness, he would be very willing to send someone to escort him."

While everyone was talking, Song Si Niang took Zhen Er and huddled behind Zhao Ziheng honestly, the distance from Bai Shiqi was a bit far away, and she quietly glanced at Bai Zhenting, for the old gang leader who was rumored to forbid the gang leader of Bai Shao to take concubines. The majesty suddenly understood a bit.

When Bai Zhenting saw Zhao Zihengsheng's handsome and romantic appearance, he followed the girl, he didn't care, he never thought that this was the concubine brought back by his own cub.

When there were guests in the house, Bai Zhenting ordered the kitchen to clean up the banquet and clean up the dust for the little brat and the guests.

Seeing this scene, the fourth lady of Song knew that she was not suitable to accompany her, so she simply pleaded guilty. Bai Shiqi asked Yu Si to take the person to the guest room to rest. Before leaving, she looked back at Bai Shiqi resentfully—the two were newly married, but they couldn't get close.

When Zhen Er helped her go back, she made the bed and babbled: "Master is not too young, maybe the family will meet for a kiss soon, when the time comes, the grandma in the main room will be brought in, and I don't know if the girl will be able to live in the future. It can't be better. The girl has to quickly give birth to a son and a half daughter, and then she will be able to gain a foothold in the Bai family. "

The fourth lady of Song sat in front of the bronze mirror and combed her hair. The person in the mirror was the most beautiful time in a woman's life, but she was worried about gain and loss: "Zhener, do you think he likes me?"

The master and servant were worried about the matter, and they were also talking about it at the moment.

Because of what Bai Zhenting mentioned: "I saw your father three months ago. He said that the family was going to propose a marriage for you. Which family's daughter did he choose?"

They are all looking for a living on this land, and the salt gang has a lot of money. Wen Tao’s future daughter-in-law can choose from a wide range. Apart from the fact that it is not easy to marry the official family, the local Jinshen rich businessman’s family can give it a try.

Wen Tao smiled and glanced at Bai Shiqi: "I've seen many little ladies, but they always don't suit me." He half-joked: "If my uncle has a daughter at home, my father would be very happy to kiss and kiss!"

Bai Zhenting's brows jumped, and Quan Dang this boy had a quarrel with his own cubs, and took this opportunity to laugh at her girlishness: "It seems that there is no hope in this life."

Bai Shiqi gave Wen Tao a sidelong glance, and always felt that his words were a bit strange: "If I had a younger sister, how would I dare to marry you? Just because you act like Qin Mu, Chu Shu and Yang Hua, don't cheat on my sister."

Zhao Wu Jiu glanced at Wen Tao thoughtfully, suspecting that the doubts in his heart coincided with this young gang leader Wen, but he was amused by Bai Shiqi's words. However, he is restrained by nature, and he has developed a taciturn temper in the army over the years, and there is only a slight smile on his lips.

Only Zhao Ziheng, the stunned young man, corrected in a low voice: "Seventeen, the shrewdness of the Qing Dynasty and the Qin Dynasty, Yang Hua is talking about women!"

Qiu Yunping also attended the meeting, sitting right next to him, familiar with Wen Tao's relationship with Bai Shiqi, stabbed his arm, and explained in a low voice, "Young gang master did it on purpose!"

Bai Zhenting doesn't read much, and he can't read a lot of big characters. Over the years, he has invited many gentlemen to accompany him to eat, drink, and have fun. The literati's gameplay is much more elegant, and it is difficult for him to not be ugly on various occasions. , Minato and recognizing a few words, it doesn't take Bai Shiqi's words to ridicule Wen Tao seriously.

- As long as these two little brats don't fight on the spot and smash the banquet, he will turn one eye away.

Wen Tao was not annoyed at being satirized, and smiled: "Seventeen is not too young, my father has already started to worry about my marriage, and my uncle is not ready to get a wife for Seventeen? She is so naughty, she should have married a long time ago. The daughter-in-law came in and took care of her."

Bo Zhenting has been worried about this matter for many years, but he can't make it clear to the outside world. He was poked at the center by the news, and his expression was stagnant for a moment, and then turned clear: "It's not that your Auntie didn't think about it, but... This kid has a bad reputation outside, Suzhou. The little lady in the city doesn't look down on her, so she can only plan slowly."

Wen Tao thought to himself: This is not an obvious excuse, what is it

Zhao Wu Jiu also had this intention, the doubts in his heart became bigger and bigger, the original guessing 7*8 points became 9 points, he couldn't help thinking.

Bai Shiqi blamed Wen Tao: "You're in a hurry to marry a daughter-in-law, are you afraid of being a bachelor? I'm not in a hurry, anyway, there are a lot of little ladies who like me, so I have to slowly pick one that suits my heart."

Wen Tao raised his glass: "Seventeen is right, in the event of marriage, we always have to choose someone who agrees with each other. I wish both of us can choose a wife who agrees with us!" He bit the last three words between his lips and teeth. , with a smile on his face, he touched a cup with Bai Shiqi, and drank his neck.

The author has something to say: It's very early tonight, I'm going to write about the young marshal.

good night babies