The Black Horse

Chapter 40


Zhao Ziheng, who was raised as a young man, has a large number of followers who follow him even when he is hunting. As for the hunting results, he expresses that he doesn't care.

Similar to a country hunter who measures mountain trails on foot, he has never tried the arduous hunting method of drilling through forests and climbing trees. When he set off, he was still a little apprehensive: "What if I can't walk?"

Bai Shiqi generously solved the problem: "It's okay, if you really can't walk, I will carry you."

Shu Changfeng's eyes flickered slightly: "If you don't help the Ten Young Masters, if Thirteenth Lang can't walk, his subordinates can carry it." He said to himself: If Your Highness knew that Bo Shiqi was carrying you, he wouldn't know what to do. Feelings

Zhao Ziheng believed it to be true, and excitedly followed Bai Shiqi into the mountains to hunt, but was fooled into digging pits and setting traps, climbing trees, walking through steep mountains, harvesting blisters full of palms, two legs as heavy as lead, cheeks covered in The thorns cut through several scars, screaming in the mountains: "Seventeen, I'm broken!"

Bai Shiqi was very calm: "You have to believe in old man Huang's medical skills."

Zhao Ziheng sat under the tree with two bloody rabbits on his butt and refused to move half a step: "I really can't walk anymore! I won't go anymore!"

Bai Shiqi also carried two pheasants in his hands and two nests of bird eggs in his waist. He watched a majestic wild boar walk through the forest and could not wait to drool: "Roasted wild boar is also very fragrant..." It's a pity that the direction of this "brother" running is completely different from the trap they dug, alas!

Zhao Ziheng stared at the Taoist temple in the distant mountains with bleak clouds: "Seventeen, you promised to carry me back!"

With a wicked smile, Bai Shiqi pulled up Shu Changfeng, who was also carrying the rabbit, and ran, shouting: "If you don't go back by yourself, you can spend the night on the mountain tonight! There are tigers, wild boars, pythons, and everything on the mountain anyway. It's fun enough!"

Her clear and joyful laughter rang out all over the mountains and plains. Shu Changfeng almost burst into laughter, and was dragged by her to stagger. When he looked back, Zhao Ziheng looked at them with a dull expression, as if he hadn't reacted. After a few steps, he shouted "Wow", "Bai Shiqi, how dare you lie to me?!"

Bai Shiqi turned his head and stuck his tongue out at him proudly, and shouted in a particularly rude manner, "Then you're going to hit me?"

Zhao Ziheng's legs were like two pillars that didn't obey orders. They were stiff and heavy. With two steps, they seemed to be dragging a heavy stone. He was about to cry. On the mountain stream, he couldn't return to the Taoist temple if he dragged on until it got dark, so he rushed forward with tears in his eyes and teeth.

Now he deeply understands a truth: Miscommunication with gangsters is unreliable!

Bai Shiqi was just like a living bandit, how could she believe her words

Zhao Wu Jiu finished the needle injection and soaked in a bucket of medicinal bath, he was left in the yard in a wheelchair, holding a medical book he had just picked up from the case in a daze. A thick mattress was placed on his knees, and he looked at the distant green hills, looked at the sky, and said a few words: "Seventeen should be back."

Zhao Wu Jiu was silent, as if he had never heard of it.

After half an hour, Bai Shiqi and Shu Changfeng swept into the courtyard like a whirlwind, when Zhao Wu Jiu looked up, he saw the two of them rush in holding hands, their expressions changed: "Chang Feng—"

Shu Changfeng was ready to come back with Zhao Ziheng on his back, but he didn't expect to run back because of Bai Shiqi's deliberate mischief. Besides, her behavior was too naughty, which was really funny and funny, so he rushed straight. After coming in, the smile on his face didn't change, he only reacted when he heard Zhao Wu Jiu's voice, followed his gaze to automatically check the focus of Zhao Wu Jiu, only to realize that the two... ran back holding hands.

He quickly withdrew his hand, and Bai Shiqi ran, panting slightly, holding his knees and laughing: "Ziheng is so stupid! He dares to believe my words."

When Zhu Shoumei heard the sound, she couldn't guess what she looked like: "Seventeen, are you messing up again?"

Bai Shiqi was very dissatisfied: "Brother Zhu, I don't like to hear what you say, why did you tell me to harass me again?" She said it in a high-sounding manner: "Ziheng is in poor health, so Shu Changfeng and I will take him there. Exercising on the mountain is clearly for his own good!"

- People are pacing the horses and dogs, but only her comrades are running all over the mountains!

Zhu Shoumei smiled and nodded: "Yes, you are really considerate of the body of the little servant in Brother Zhao's family."

Bai Shiqi has a playful and playful temperament since he was a child, and he grew up in the Cao Gang, and no matter who is around him, he can mingle with each other. Even his companions when he was a child, Big Fat Ergouzi and Xiao Shishi, ended up under her command to be the vanguard of mischief. , not to mention that Zhao Wu Jiu's servant was treated as a playmate by her.

What is rare is Zhao Wu Jiu, this person has always been serious, seeing Zhao Ziheng who is almost exhausted from running, he only knows how to gasp for breath with his tongue sticking out, he actually agrees with Bo Shiqi's approach: "Ziheng also Time to run."

Zhao Ziheng suffered a loss on the first day, and Bai Shiqi proposed to enter the mountain again the next day. He also hesitated and struggled, but Bai Shiqi asked in an innocent tone of naturalness: "Ziheng, don't you go and see what you dug yesterday. Is there any prey in the trap?"

Last night, Bai Shiqi made a fire to roast rabbits and stew chickens outside the Taoist temple. Zhao Ziheng, who was collecting firewood and making a fire, went around in circles. He didn’t know if he was overworked, or the rabbit he had hunted himself learned to cook by himself. The taste was delicious like never before.

Zhao Ziheng gritted his teeth: "I... I'll go!" The big deal is to run again today.

On the bright side, after Zhao Wu Jiu's physical training on the way, he found that he was not as fragile as he imagined, without the support of others, the back road was cut off, he also ran back in a hurry, fell asleep and went into the mountain yesterday. The pain is not so real, but the pleasure outweighs the pain.

He remembered the fragrance of the forest trees in the mountains, the birds chirping on the branches, the fat rabbit who survived the disaster, and the appearance of Bai Shiqi, who was looking forward to sighing and drooling... It was actually quite fun on the mountain.

Yesterday, the strong and fat wild boar had a good ability to escape danger, but the other one, whose age and experience were not as old as it, went out to hunt for food in the middle of the night, and fell into the trap they dug.

Hearing the voice in the trap from a distance, Zhao Ziheng trotted over and shouted excitedly, "Seventeen, Seventeen hunted a big guy!"

Don't waste their hard work.

In just 20 days, the mountain behind the Taoist temple was almost destroyed by Bai Shiqi. She saw that the sky was pulling Shu Changfeng and Zhao Ziheng out. When they couldn't finish eating, they went to the bottom of the mountain to sell together as an hunter.

Zhao Ziheng is used to enjoying it. The money he spends on weekdays is like water, and the meager silver he gets from selling prey is not willing to spend it. It is like a treasure in his arms. I know you are so rude."

Zhao Ziheng has been running on the mountain these days, and recently he doesn't feel that his legs are heavy, his complexion has darkened a lot, and he has become a little stronger. When it comes to his livelihood, he can actually know a little about the world: "I never knew how to cherish silver taels in the past, but now I have I think it's not easy for a farmer or a hunter."

Shu Changfeng said in his heart: If Your Highness hears your high remarks, I don't know how relieved it will be.

Bai Shiqi smiled and leaned back and forth: "Hey, where is this? You already understand the suffering of the people?" She counted with her fingers: "There is no such thing as hardship in this world. I haven't tasted the same. If you are interested, why not take this opportunity to experience it?"

Zhao Ziheng was frightened by her malicious smile, and finally learned a lot: "You all say it's hard, I don't want to experience it."

Recently, Bai Shiqi has more opportunities to show off his cooking skills of barbecue and stew. He even used all the salt in his purse. He simply went to the official salt store to buy some fine salt. As a result, he went in and asked the price, and even Zhao Ziheng couldn't help but suck it back. With a sigh of relief: "... so expensive?" The hunting silver in his arms was actually too salty to eat.

The official salt sellers are all backstage in the official government, and their tone is not very good. Recently, the three of them are running around in the mountains, all wearing rough cloth bunts. Although their appearance is neat and splendid, they can rely on clothes and horses and saddles for the official salt shop. At first glance, the buddies were three poor and sour, and his tone became bad: "If you can't afford it, go out, don't stand here and get in the way!"

He slapped and slapped as if trying to chase people away.

Zhao Ziheng had suffered from this kind of servant's anger, and he was about to have an attack. He was pulled by Bai Shiqi, and he was dragged out. He looked back at the official salt shop, but when he saw that the door was empty and business was deserted, he knew something was different. After walking around the street for a long time with the three of them, he followed a strong man carrying a basket into the alley, bought half a catty of private salt and went back.

"What's going on?" Thanks to the meager silver taels in his arms, Zhao Ziheng is now aware of the suffering of the people. He just knew that the salt in the official salt store could not be bought, but he didn't expect a basket on the street. A young man can buy salt with a price difference of several times, and the fineness and thickness are not much different. Isn't there something strange about this

Seeing the thirst for knowledge on his face, Bai Shiqi sighed, "You fool! The prices in the official salt store are ridiculously high. Ordinary people can't afford it, so they secretly buy some private salt to eat. You can't eat salt, right? "

"Private salt?"

Zhao Ziheng and Shu Changfeng have lived in the upper floors for a long time, and the other has lived in the military camp for a long time. They have no idea of the people in Jiangnan, not to mention Jiangnan, which is known as the rich and famous. The production of salt tea ranks first in the country. How come the common people can't even afford official salt, so they have to take the risk to buy private salt to eat

It is illegal to sell illicit salt!

"Could it be that the local officials are flooded with private salt? They don't care?" Zhao Ziheng was deeply puzzled.

Bai Shiqi rolled his eyes: "Why don't you ask why the price of official salt is so high? The common people who are forced to eat official salt can't afford it anymore, so why doesn't the government care?"

"This..." Zhao Ziheng rationally thinks that it is illegal to sell illicit salt, but emotionally he wants to stand in the position of Bai Shiqi, and also wants to ask: "Why doesn't the government care?"