The Black Horse

Chapter 48


The window was opened from the inside, Bai Shiqi stood against the wall with a pale face, lowered his voice and asked excitedly, "Brother Zhao, have you brought me something to eat?"

Zhao Wu Jiu: “…”

Bai Shiqi leaned on the wall and walked slowly, sitting on a drum stool in front of the window, his eyes wandered from behind the wheelchair in his arms in turn: "Brother Zhao, I'm about to starve to death by old man Huang... You really Didn't you bring half a roast chicken or duck here?" She retreated and asked for the next best thing.

Zhao Wu Jiu: “…”

It was the first time for him to be so embarrassed to visit a doctor.

Bai Zhenting and Su's husband and wife were very polite to him, but they were also alienated. When asked about Bai Shiqi's injury, they mostly perfunctory as "serious injury", but they refused to say any more details. He mentioned that he wanted to When visiting a doctor, he was blocked by the words "still need to rest."

Bai Zhenting also said meaningfully: "Huang Youbi doesn't like to deal with the people in the government. He can help His Royal Highness Zhou Wang to heal his leg, but it's still the villain who lies in the middle. I hope His Royal Highness can remember the painstaking efforts of the villain, and after the leg is cured. Leave as soon as possible, so as not to be exposed and destroy the relationship between our brothers!"

In short, their husband and wife could not wait to use the incident of Bai Shiqi's injury to separate them, so that they would never meet again.

Zhao Wu Jiu, a dignified prince, was shriveled in front of the Bai family and his wife one after another, which was unprecedented, but he didn’t seem to be angry at all, and was extremely reasonable: “The things that the gang leader Bai are thinking about are not unreasonable, it’s just that now I'm afraid I can't do it. One is that the lower leg injury has not healed, and the other is... Seventeen is so dedicated to helping me, how can I leave in peace if I don't see her injury healed?"

Bai Zhenting and Su Shi exchanged a worried look, if he couldn't persuade him, he could only step up his defense. The wife at the door of Bai Shiqi kept changing three shifts and stopped the Zhao Wu Jiu brothers from visiting the doctor.

It was hard to see Bai Shiqi, but I didn't expect her to look so pitiful.

Zhao Wujiu couldn't bear it, but he also knew that she was seriously injured and should not eat greasy and meaty food: "... Mr. Huang won't let you eat it, so don't eat it for the time being." With an angry expression on her face, she complained, "That's not it, old man Huang is taking revenge! I've been drinking rice soup for four or five days, and I'm so hungry that I can't get up." She cupped her hands and begged: "Brother Zhao, Okay, let's eat the meat?!"

Bai Shiqi, who has never been in the sky, sat weakly against the wall like a beggar on the side of the road, with a deep longing for food in his eyes, the kind that can be resurrected full of blood by throwing a piece of flesh and bone.

Zhao Wu Jiu reluctantly continued to console: "Wait for you to be well, but with all the delicious food in Jiangnan, how about I invite you to eat it over and over?"

"But I want to eat it now!" Bai Shiqi won't be coaxed by the pie he painted, he stretched his nose and took a few breaths of air: "It's so fragrant." He stretched out his hand to ask for Zhao Wu Jiu: "Big Brother Zhao, since you brought the meat, don't hide it, give it to me?!"

Zhao Wu Jiu was stunned: "I really didn't take it..." A head suddenly popped up behind him, holding a greasy roast chicken in his hand, the tip of his proud tail was about to stick up: "Seventeen, I'm still brother enough. Bar?!"

It was Zhao Ziheng who sneaked over.

All of Bai Shiqi's attention was immediately attracted by the roast chicken, and he poured out sweet words like he didn't want money: "Ziheng, you're still a brother, it's not worth it that I've been thinking about you all the time. The delicacies of mountains and seas, wine and delicacies come to thank you!"

Zhao Ziheng gave his cousin a flamboyant look, ran over and handed the roast chicken to Bo Shiqi through the window, and asked with concern, "Seventeen, how is your wound? Gang Master Bo and his wife took our brothers as a plague, I can't wait to go ten miles away, it's really not easy to come and see you."

Bai Shiqi took the roasted chicken and took a deep sniff, and the happy ones were about to cry: "It's so fragrant! Are you asking about the wound?" She smiled slyly: "It's already healed!"

With the roast chicken, her spirit and energy changed instantly, ah woo took a bite on the plump and plump chicken leg, and was grabbed by the collar of the back of her neck, Zhu Shoumei stood at her with a tiring face. Behind him, Pishou snatched the roast chicken from her hand.

Bai Shiqi: "…"

Bai Shiqi stared at Zhu Shoumei, who had fallen from the sky, and couldn't understand why she was only in a drowsiness for a few days.

Zhu Shoumei reprimanded her with a dark face: "You survived and got your life back, but you don't know how to cherish it?" Holding her cheeks on both sides, she even snatched out a big mouthful of meat from her mouth, and she wanted to knock her hard on the head. Twice, so that she can remember a little longer.

Bai Shiqipan's eyes are green, and he can't stop easily, hugging Zhu Shoumei's waist and starting to pretend to cry: "Shoumei! Meimei! Did you forget the fight I fought for you back then? You forgot. Did I grill the fish for you back then? How could you be so cruel to grab meat from me?"

Zhu Shoumei held the roast chicken aloft, and was hugged by Bai Shiqi's waist and pressed her whole body against him, her face flushed immediately, knowing that she was seriously injured and did not dare to push it away, she stuttered when she spoke: "I, hurry up. Loosen... let go! The master told me to pay attention to food... You get up... Seventeen..."

Outside the window, Zhao Ziheng laughed, and asked from the window, "Master Bai, do you want me to come in and help you?"

If it was someone else, Zhao Ziheng would have retreated long ago, but Zhu Shoumei and him had half a catty and a half ounces of force, so they dared to stand up for their brothers.

Zhao Wu Jiu stared at the entangled figures of the two, he didn't know what it was like.

Zhu Shoumei was afraid that Bo Shiqi would grab the meat, and she was afraid that her serious injury would not heal her wounds, so she could only try to win with her height, stood on tiptoes and blushed. Ouch" a scream, slowly slipped down from Zhu Shoumei...

“Seventeen?” Zhao Wu Jiu hurriedly stood up from the wheelchair, his voice trembled as he climbed the window: “Seventeen, are you serious?”

Zhu Shoumei was also frightened by her, so she squatted down and asked, "Seventeen, how are you?"

Zhao Ziheng was about to climb in by the window, but found that Bai Shiqi turned his head and nibbled on the roast chicken, and winked proudly at the two brothers.

Zhu Shoumei was concerned, and when she found out that she had been deceived, she suddenly became angry: "If you do this again, I will call the master! I can't control you, the master and the gang leader Bai can always control you, right?!"

Bai Shiqi can be soft or hard, and he knows current affairs very well, so he quickly begged for mercy: "Shoumei! Shoumei! I just took a bite, just a small bite! Oh, it hurts! The wound hurts!"

Zhu Shoumei was suspicious: "Really?"

Bai Shiqi sat on the ground covered in cold sweat with his stomach covered, his eyes half closed: "It hurts..."

She has always been alive and kicking, she is seldom so weak, how can Zhu Shoumei control the truth, she hurriedly threw the roast chicken and hugged the person in her arms, Zhao Wu Jiu and Zhao Ziheng both stood in front of the window, the door suddenly Opening it from the outside, Zhao Wu Jiu quickly closed the window, only to hear Bai Zhenting's loud voice resounding like thunder: "What's going on?"

The window was not closed tightly, there was still a small gap, Zhao Wu Jiu saw Bai Zhenting and Qiu Yunping coming in from the outside through the gap, he probably saw Zhu Shoumei and Bai Shiqi hugging each other, his expression was a little uncomfortable. So pretty.

Zhu Shoumei: "...Maybe the wound was pulled by walking."

Not knowing what Bai Zhenting was thinking, he grabbed Qiu Yunping from behind and pushed him forward: "Yunping, go and help Seventeen to the bed."

Except for Bo Zhenting who ordered, everyone inside and outside the room was shocked by him.

Zhao Wu Jiu sat back in the wheelchair, motioned Zhao Ziheng to push him away, and if he stayed, he was afraid that he would not be able to rush in.

Compared to Zhao Wu Jiu leaving sadly, Zhu Shoumei and Qiu Yunping in the room looked at each other.

Zhu Shoumei was reluctant to let go, but Qiu Yunping involuntarily took a step back, as if there was a big hole waiting for him in front of him, if it wasn't for Bai Zhenting who insisted on pulling him over to visit, he would not want to step in at all.

Bai Shiqi climbed Zhu Shoumei's arm and stood up, his regretful eyes stayed on the roast chicken on the ground for a moment, and he kicked without a trace, and the plump roast chicken was kicked under the table.

She leaned back on Zhu Shoumei and went back to the bed. She didn't know if it was an illusion. Zhu Shoumei always felt that since the gang leader Bai came in, Bai Shiqi was extremely weak, and even his voice became weaker. He leaned on the bed and asked in a low voice: " Daddy is here... but is there something wrong?"

Bai Zhenting hinted to her with his eyes, "You know what I mean", and pushed Qiu Yunping over: "I guess you are bored alone, so I brought Qiu Yunping over to relieve your boredom."

Qiu Yunping: "..." In the heart of the gang leader Bai, I'm just a juggler

He warmly suggested: "If the gang leader is bored, why don't you let Song Si Niang come in and listen to the book?"

Bai Zhenting's thick eyebrows were about to be pinched together, and he said gruffly, "I asked you to accompany Seventeen, what are you doing with someone else?" Pu Fan wanted to slap him on the back of the head, so that this The boy is enlightened.

As soon as he said this, Qiu Yunping was puzzled, but Zhu Shoumei's face was ashen, and she stood frozen at the head of the bed, unable to say a word.

Zhao Wu Jiu finished writing a letter, handed it to Shu Changfeng to seal it, and told him: "Send it back to Beijing as soon as possible."

Yu Ang stretched his neck and wanted to know the content of the letter. He was most worried about his current situation: "Has Your Highness mentioned something about Wei Chen to Your Majesty?"

Zhao Wu Jiu: "If I mention you, you are a dead person." He was in a bad mood today, so he didn't want to be a kind person.

Yu Ang: "His Royal Highness, that's different!" I heard that another official from the DPRK and China to inspect the Lianghuai Salt Road was already on the way, which made Yu Ang's situation even more embarrassing.

"Then Your Highness... writing to Your Majesty, isn't it for the sake of the Lianghuai Salt Dao?"

Zhao Wu Jiu gave him a cool look, his eyes seemed to have blood surging: "No. This king is writing a letter to ask the emperor to clean up the water bandits in the rivers and rivers of the two Huai Rivers, lest they continue to cause harm to the place."

Yu Ang: "…"

Shu Changfeng: "His Royal Highness... is it for Young Master Bai?"

Zhao Wu Jiu: "This king is for the people along the Huai River to no longer suffer from water bandits."

Zhao Ziheng was moved by himself, and clenched his hands: "Cousin, I thank you for the seventeenth!" Since the cousin took the shot, why is there trouble with the bandits

In the future, Bai Shiqi will not have to encounter this kind of danger again.