The Black Horse

Chapter 67


On the canal, two gangs, Cao Gang and Yan Gang, were born with the water. With the arrival of the King of Zhou, civil strife occurred frequently.

First, the gang leader of the Salt Gang was stabbed to death in the chaos. Deputy gang leader Liu instigated the gang to attack the government office at night. The gang was chaotic. Fortunately, Bai Shiqi was known to have great power, and the King of Zhou sent people to help. Not only did he rescue the leader of the gang, but he also calmed down the chaos in the gang by the way.

While Bai Zhenting was seriously injured and confused, Bai Shiqi took care of the affairs of the gang while serving the illness. First, he sent someone to clean up Qian Sai's site, followed by the sober gang leader Bai back to the Suzhou mansion to recover from his injuries.

Seeing her husband who seemed to have aged ten years from a serious injury, Mrs Su was even more saddened and cried hard before saying, "Anyway, I saved my life!"

She ate canal meals with her husband for half her life, and the bones of many young and strong men were fed into the mud at the bottom of the river. Bai Zhenting was able to come back alive at a young age. It was really a blessing from the Bodhisattva, and she could not wait to go to the temple tomorrow to repay.

After this incident, Bai Zhenting actually saw a lot of things. After a few days, his body got better, so he called the deputy gang leader Song and several sub-leaders plus Bai Shiqi to hold a small meeting in front of the bed, dragging the sick body to express To resign - anyway, looking at Zhou Wang's dedication to his own cubs, he is not afraid of being hunted down by his enemies after he resigns.

Although the leader of Bai Gang, who has gone through countless rivers and lakes and rainy nights, is short-tempered, he is extremely pragmatic. In addition, King Zhou personally visited the disease and repeatedly expressed his intentions. As long as the Bai family agreed to the marriage, he would write an excerpt to request the marriage.

The gang leader Bai leaned on the pillow and said with a face of vicissitudes: "In the past, this old man always thought of arranging his life for the seventeenth, and he almost lost his old life by picking and choosing. It depends on her own wishes, as long as she is willing, the old man is fine!"

Bai Shiqi has had great ideas since he was a child, and he is not willing to obey when he is pressed on the neck.

Zhou Wang had long been concerned about it. He had obtained the approval of the gang leader Bai, and Chunfeng was proud to go to work. This Cao Gang small meeting also started in front of the hospital bed of the gang leader Bai.

"My health is not as good as before. Even if I get better, I'm afraid I can't take on the role of gang leader. Deputy gang leader Song is honest and honest. I can rest assured that I will leave the help to him. Do you have any other ideas?"

Song Kaiyuan refused to accept it: "The gang leader is young and strong, and it will be good to support him for a while.

Bai Zhenting said: "I know my own body that I have hurt my vitality this time, and I will have a good life in the future, so it's better to let Xian go."

Seeing that the Bai gang leader had made up his mind, the deputy gang leader Song exchanged glances with the rest of the gang leader and said, "Since the gang leader insists, it's better for the son to inherit the father's business, and the seventeenth to inherit the gang leader position."

"This... I'm afraid it's not right?" Bai Zhenting was stunned for a moment, and said apologetically: "I kept Seventeen as a son without telling everyone. Seventeen is my daughter's house, so I'm afraid I won't be able to help you."

One of the helmsmen said: "Why should the gang leader be humble? The ability of the young gang leader is obvious to all. Whether she is a woman or not, she can lead the brothers to live a good life."

After Qian Sai was arrested at the Cao Gang Conference in Baihualou, the people in the Cao Gang panicked. Following the officialdom in Suzhou, they were turned upside down by the Zhou King's people. Many officials from Yandao to Caoyun and local government offices were arrested. In the big prison, and those who found out the evil deeds, did not even save the head of Dahao.

In extraordinary times, Zhou Wang Leiting's methods, as long as the evidence is complete, even the procedure of sending it to Beijing for review by the Ministry of Punishment is exempted, and the origin is legal.

Now the officials on Jiangnan Road have also gone seven or eight out of ten. Some of the officials who can stubbornly stay in place are still at the point of "staying at the post to check and make up for their faults".

Officials who want to come to Beijing to wait for a post in the Ministry of Personnel can quickly get transfer orders, which can be regarded as alleviating the pressure on the backlog of talents in Beijing.

Under such circumstances, the good relations that the Cao Gang had established with the officials at the checkpoints along the way had all vanished, and everything had to be operated from scratch.

Song deputy gang leader is loyal and has the opportunity to change his lack. He has always been worried about establishing diplomatic relations with foreign countries. He is used to staying in the rear to ensure logistics. He heard that the leader of the Bai gang was thinking of quitting, so he met with the helmsmen of each branch in private, and again With King Zhou's remarks at the Cao Gang conference, and Bai Shiqi was indeed shrewd and capable, he was Chu Qiao among the younger generation in the gang, and everyone had already discussed how to deal with the gang leader in the event of a pick. It was Deputy Gang Leader Song who responded fluently at the moment.

"I'm too old, and I can't compare to the aggressiveness of young people. The young gang leader is young and promising, whether it is a son or a girl, he is enough to take on heavy responsibilities. If the gang leader really wants to rest, he will be succeeded by the young gang leader. I will not wait any longer. Dissenting!"

Song Yuankai's words won the unanimous approval of the rest of the helmsmen.

"Exactly, I can't wait for the young gang leader to be talented, and I agree that the young gang leader will inherit the position of the gang leader!" He was eager to throw this hot potato out in a hurry to deal with the chaos in front of him.

Bai Shiqi always has to be humble: "All the uncles and uncles are more experienced and talented than me. I am still young, and I can run errands, but it is absolutely impossible to be a helper!"

Song Yuankai was the first to refuse: "The gang leader is tough, but he needs to recover for a while. Even if the gang leader is inexperienced, and the gang leader gives guidance from the side, he can handle the internal affairs of the gang well if he wants to. Why should the gang leader be humble?!"

Everyone supported him unanimously, and it was a sure thing for Bai Shiqi to inherit the position of gang leader.

When the new leader of the Cao Gang succeeds to the throne, there is always a feast for the guests to announce to the Quartet.

Bai Shiqi was busy in circles, and spent several nights learning about the situation of each sub-rudder. It happened that the rudder masters of each sub-rudder of Jiangsu Caobang were in Suzhou, which was convenient for two reasons.

Most of the men in the Cao Gang are blind and blind, relying on their bravery to seek a life on the water. Most of the men who can be divided into the helmsman rely on their fists and excellent water skills. Although Bai Shiqi was a woman, there were many women on the canal asking for a living, but none of them could match Bai Shiqi's ability.

Not only is she literate, she is not weak, she is also very good at dealing with officials along the way, and she is considerate for her brothers and has business acumen. The Cao Gang brothers who have followed her in the past few years have lived well. Xiao Shi Waiting for her death made everyone feel that she was affectionate and righteous. With the bonus of King Zhou's power, everyone had no reason to disobey.

All the helmsmen gathered in the Bai Mansion to discuss with her on the affairs of the help. The lights in the hall were turned off when the sky was getting dark for several days. This day, Bai Shi was lazy in his busy schedule and took time to go to the back house, wanting to go to Su's room. It was loose and loose, but I didn't expect that Song Si Niang was intercepted in the middle of the road.

"Master—" She stood on the side of the road sadly, quite haggard, with red blood in her eyes, looking at it even harder than Bai Shiqi, who was busy with internal affairs for several days and hadn't slept well.

Bai Shiqi clenched his fists to his lips in embarrassment: "Cough... You all know that, right?"

Song No. 4 Lady Hyun was about to cry: "... They all say that the father is a woman? I don't believe it! Unless the father tells me personally!"

When she was fourteen years old, she met Bo Shiqi, who helped her with a sword. She supported her all the way to become famous, and lost her heart to Bo Shiqi. Later, she became the concubine of Bo Shao's gang leader. She was overjoyed, but she didn't expect a thunderbolt in a sunny day, and the beloved turned into a female Jiao'e.

Bai Shiqi dared to do something to the fourth lady of Song now, and touched her soft temple hair, feeling quite apologetic: "I'm really sorry, if the fourth lady doesn't dislike it, it's better to be my righteous sister and choose for you in the future. Yiliangren, I will hold a wedding for you?"

Song Si Niangzi's tears couldn't stop falling: "My beloved is you!" She leaned over timidly, hugging her neck and crying.

- She didn't know how many times Xiao thought about this embrace, but she never thought that when she came over, she was doomed to miss this life.

The more she thought about it, the more sad she became.

Bai Shiqi was warm and fragrant and nephrite in his arms, just wanted to say: Lao Tzu's wound hurts!

In fact, the place where she was stabbed by Wen Tao has not completely healed, but there are too many things in succession, and there is no time to recover. Even Su Shi and Bai Zhenting don't know that she still has injuries on her body.

Qiu Yunping came over after hearing the sound, and from a distance, she saw Song Fourth Niangzi hugging the neck of Young Master Bai and letting out a mournful sound in her arms, like a woman abandoned by her beloved, her heart was extremely complicated.

Young Master Bo is used to being a bachelor. He is skilled at teasing little girls, but his ability to coax people is really poor.

The fourth lady of Song cried even more fiercely.


Mrs. Su has another righteous daughter, and she is still a well-behaved and beautiful little padded jacket whose temperament is many times better than that of her own Bai Shiqi. He also highly recognized that listening to her talk about faith and being able to sit for an afternoon, greatly relieved Ms. Su's regret that her little padded jacket was inconsiderate.

Song Si Niangzi also tasted the difference from this mother-daughter interaction.

When I took the Su family as my mother-in-law, I always felt that I was being criticized and alienated; after becoming the righteous daughter of the Su family, even the mother-in-law in the Su family greeted her with a smile, and she was treated like a daughter-in-law and a daughter-in-law. But it's different.

Bai Shiqi changed hands to solve the "inner house problem", so he devoted himself to helping, until the day of the banquet.

The succession of the new gang leader is a major event for the Cao Gang. Not only the brothers on the boat ship came to congratulate the new gang leader, but also the wealthy old businessmen in Suzhou City who had an old relationship with Bai Zhenting, and the big merchants who used to transport goods by water boats all came to congratulate.

Bai Shiqi was still dressed in men's clothing, more sassy and capable, and the deputy gang leader Song personally welcomed the guests, and the helmsmen of each branch also helped to entertain. , to support their own cubs.

Mrs. Su brought the fourth lady of Song to greet the daughters of each family, and also introduced the newly received righteous daughter to everyone.

The Bai family mansion was full of guests, and it was very lively.

Bai Shiqi toasted with the elders one by one today, with Huang Youbi's homemade hangover pill on the bottom of his tongue, and he was able to handle it with ease.

She would socialize with Bai Zhenting on weekdays, and when the guests heard rumors, when she heard that she took over as the leader of the gang, seeing that she appeared in men's clothes today, she was still the same suave and romantic appearance in the past, and she felt that she would take over. The role of a helper is what it should be.

Besides, most of the guests in and out of the house had to take advantage of the convenience of the Caobang on the water, and nothing could be more secure than the binding of interests. They even complimented Bai Shiqiang for his incompetence and his ability to support such a large stall as the Caobang.

Halfway through the banquet, the steward at the door received a big gift, and when he heard about the other party's name, he didn't dare to neglect, and rushed to report it, listening to Bai Shiqi's instructions.

After a round of toasts, Bai Shiqi was surrounded by many friends of the same age to congratulate her. Compared with her identity, everyone was more curious about her gender, poured her several glasses of wine, and kept asking: "Seventeen, Are you really a daughter?"

"Seventeen, are all the rumors true?"

Bai Shiqi smiled like a smile: "What about the real thing? What about the fake one? Anyway, we are still brothers. Are you planning to break up with me?"

She is now the leader of the Cao Gang, and when she heard that she has climbed the big tree of King Zhou, everyone is not a fool, and immediately laughed: "Of course not, how it was in the past, and how it will be in the future, I just hope to ask you for something in the future. On your head, don't shirk."

Bai Shiqi raised his glass: "It's easy to talk about it!" His neck was dry.

The steward at the door looked at Kong Zi and quietly approached, and whispered: "Seventeenth Lang, someone at the door brought a generous gift, saying that it is the second son of the Hou's Mansion of Huaiyang."

Bai Shiqi: "... Zong Feng?" The guy who made the sisters of the brothel change their mood

When did the Cao Gang have such a big face, they dared to work the second son of the Houfu of Huaiyang to come to send congratulations in person

"Please go to the study, I'll pack up and go over immediately." She woke up and ordered.