The Black Technology Chat Group of the Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 111: Repudiated the bill?


The nickname "Little Overlord Mobile Game Machine" spread on the Internet, and of course, Hongxin Company also pushed behind it.

In the game, sometimes when you praise your teammates for playing well in the game, someone will say: "666, is it the Xiaobawang mobile game console used by the boss?"

To scold a teammate for being a loser is to say: "Trash, you are such a loser, even the Xiaobawang mobile game machine can't save you!"

As the reputation of the Xiaobawang mobile game machine has become more and more popular, the sales of HX1 have also increased. Many people buy one just to play mobile games.

And the majority of male users are particularly fond of this phone. Of course, there are some female users, but they basically buy it based on its name of "Little Overlord Mobile Game Machine".

The sales of HX1 are increasing rapidly, and scalpers have seen the opportunity again and are preparing to stock up. It would be okay if there were more stocks of HX1, but there is less stock, so the rush to buy is even more intense.

On the 24th day after the launch of HX1, the first batch of stock was all ordered, and scalpers contributed at least one-third of the sales.

Hongxin Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. Tang Gang, who had just received the news from the channel seller, was very excited and said with a trembling voice: "In 24 days, 400,000 sales were achieved! We did it! HX1 did it!"

Professor Dai Liangcai also had a red face, which was an affirmation of their research and development results. What I want to mention here is that the second-generation red core research and development project has also started.

Lu Zixin smiled and said: "Haha, the sales volume of 400,000 has already exceeded the previous bet. Now everyone can see our strength!"

"But don't be too arrogant. Although we won the bet, our win was the sales of rice 1 mobile phones a few years ago. But this year, the sales volume of rice mobile phones in a month is several million units. The road is still ahead. Comrades are willing to Work hard!”

Tang Gang nodded and said: "Yes, after long-term accumulation, the old brand mobile phones are still ahead of us in technology and sales. We will continue to work hard."

"Mr. Lu, the market response is so good now. Agents are asking for additional orders. My plan is to double the previous orders from the foundry. What do you think?"

"Of course it will be doubled!" Lu Zixin said, "But the quality must be guaranteed, and reputation is the key. In the future, we will have to sell HX2 and HX3. Only with a good reputation can we go forward in the long run."

"I will strictly implement it." Tang Gang said seriously.

In addition to them, the employees of Hongxin Electronic Technology were also very happy. Some of them stayed in the company to work overtime during the Chinese New Year just for this HX1. The fact that HX1 is selling so well now is an affirmation of their work.

"Hahaha, fortunately I came to Hongxin when I was applying for a job. Now I have a bright future!" An employee said in surprise. He just learned that he was about to be promoted. Not only would his annual salary increase by more than 50,000, but this month The bonus is doubled!

"We used to make mobile phones at Wangtang Technology, but we couldn't sell them at low prices. Now HX1 directly crushes them. It's really different!" Some veteran employees of Wangtang Technology were filled with emotion.

"Work hard, maybe one day we can become the top executives of Hongxin!"

On the same day as the red letter, the latest sales news was announced. Within 24 days of its release, all 400,000 units of HX1 were sold out. The next batch of HX1 will not be available until next month, so those who want to buy it will have to wait.

The official Weibo of Hongxin Mobile also "naughtyly" clicked on the official Weibo of Mi Mobile.

Although there had been some rumors on the Internet earlier, when Hongxin officially confirmed the news, the media and netizens became excited again.

UC headlines: "Surprise! President Rice made this bet and lost one billion in one day!"

WeChat public account: "A joke triggered a billion-dollar bet, and Rice lost miserably!"

Weibo marketing account: "The Xiaobawang mobile game console craze is coming, breaking the new mobile phone sales record, and Hongxin won a billion dollar bet!"

Zhihu: "HX1 sales reached 400,000 a month. If Daimi lost the bet, will they really lose one billion?"

Tieba: "Rice will never lose money. If it does, I will live broadcast eating shit and wait for a slap in the face!"

There are also some media that come out to speculate on the hot topic and forcefully analyze this incident.

"Everyone knows that Hongxin was originally a company that started out as a mobile game player, and it must have a lot of research in this field. So their HX1 is also very good in this field. It is called the Little Overlord mobile game machine by the majority of netizens, and it has also become a Their selling point. That’s why they can create a hot-selling situation for new brand mobile phones. The editor here has to say that Hongxin is unconventional, it is a leather sofa!”

"As for the bet between Dao Hongxin and Da Mi, the editor believes that Da Mi did not lose. The billion-billion bet has no legal effect. On the contrary, taking advantage of this popular event, Da Mi's monthly sales of mobile phones are close to 10 million units! It can be said that it is profitable. There’s a lot of money to be made! And although Hongxin is a dark horse in the mobile phone market, there is still a big gap compared to Daomi or other mobile phone brands.”

In Beijing, at the Rice Science and Technology Park, CEO Tian Xiangshan naturally also saw the official news from Hongxin.

He frowned deeply and exclaimed: "In less than a month, the sales volume has already reached 400,000! And the supply is still insufficient. This red letter is really beyond my expectation!"

The vice president said from the side: "Yes, our company was not able to achieve such performance back then, but they are rising strongly!"

"However, they are taking the mobile game route, and there are lessons we can learn from it. Maybe we can also produce a mobile game model."

"Yeah." Tian Xiangshan nodded, "That's a good idea!"

"Then Mr. Tian, the media is clamoring about billions now, how should we respond?"

"Just say it's a joke, I definitely can't lose money!" Tian Xiangshan was still a little helpless. At first, he was full of confidence and felt that he would definitely win. Who knew that Hongxin actually did it.

Now, not to mention on the Internet, some friends in real life have ridiculed him. I am afraid this black spot cannot be cleaned away.

The vice president was also quite embarrassed. This time Da Mi was in disgrace. But it doesn't matter, as long as you make money, you can't eat your face.

Rice officials responded, stating that the original billion-dollar bet was just a joke and congratulated Hongxin Mobile for its achievements.

When netizens saw it, they left messages one after another to watch the fun.

"Hahaha, is this a slap in the face? Hongxin is awesome!"

"You are so shameless. I said before that I would definitely win, but now I don't want to give you any money if I lose!"

"Tian Xiangjun: One billion? What are you talking about? I can't understand?"

"Is this the legendary way of pretending to be incompetent and being dismissed instead?"

"If you don't repay the money you owe, you will be unconscionable! I'm here to collect the debt on behalf of Dahongxin! If Mr. Tian doesn't repay the money within ten days, I will make a new ghost video and send it to Station B!"

"What else is going on upstairs? Hurry up and do it. Just a random word, please link! I like to see Mr. Tian's antics the most!"

In addition to rice’s official news, Hongxin Mobile’s official WeChat account is also flooded with followers.

"@红信手机, Rice is going to default on its debt, what do you think?"

"@红信手机, professional debt collection, 28% split, please click on my avatar for details!"

"Selling videos on Weibo, help me stand up, good people will have a safe life!"

"When will the second batch of HX1 be sold? I just wanted to buy it yesterday and found out it was out of stock!"