The Black Technology Chat Group of the Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 71: Variety


His whole body was hot, his pores were dilated, and he was sweating profusely. It felt like there were ants crawling through my bones. It was itchy but I couldn't stop it.

"Water, drink water!" Lu Zixin felt that his throat was extremely dry, so he quickly drank a few large mouthfuls of mineral water.

But just after drinking the water, he felt extremely dizzy again, and he felt like he was fainting. Lu Zixin hurriedly walked to the bedroom, but before he could lie on the bed, he passed out.

He didn't know how long he had slept, and he was completely unconscious. When Lu Zixin woke up again, it was already dark outside the window.

"Have I slept all day?" Lu Zixin rubbed his head, picked up his phone and looked at it. There were several missed calls and text messages on it.

He opened it and saw that it was the company employee's phone number and Su Zhirong's private message to him.

Lu Zixin replied briefly, and then began to examine his physical condition.

He remembered that people who had been injected with the super serum often transformed from thin to strong, with eight-pack abs as soon as they woke up. Like Captain America, or Spider-Man.

However, Lu Zixin opened his shirt and saw that not only was he not strong, but he had lost a lot of weight due to a genetic mutation that consumed a lot of fat. Fortunately, the instructions have already mentioned that after supplementing nutrition, the body will become stronger than before.

He tried to stretch his muscles and bones, and felt a lot more flexible? After dozens of push-ups, Lu Zixin didn't feel any difficulty.

Even the carp push-up action, which he couldn't do before, can now be done easily, and even walking upside down is a breeze.

Now his physical fitness can only be said to be better than ordinary people, reaching an excellent level. However, the effect of H1 serum cannot be fully exerted in a few hours, and will gradually increase after half a month.

"I'll test again in a few days. Eat now, I'm starving!" Lu Zixin quickly found the prepared food and stuffed it into his stomach hungrily.

He stayed at home for a whole week, and the company's affairs were handled over the phone.

After a week, Lu Zixin had become completely different. A normal person's weight will change by twenty or thirty pounds, and there will be obvious differences in appearance.

However, Lu Zixin burned fat first and then quickly grew various cells through mutated genes. The difference was even more obvious.

In the mirror, Lu Zixin looked at his body. The originally flat lower abdomen now has well-defined abdominal muscles, making it look toned and strong.

The chest muscles are slightly swollen, but not exaggerated, and the biceps and triceps on the arms are also clearly visible.

On the whole, it is relatively well-proportioned, and the whole person reveals a masculine beauty.

As for the face, the contours of the face are also more obvious and more three-dimensional. Not to mention other aspects, it at least increased Lu Zixin's appearance by 30%! Step right into the ranks of hotties.

When Lu Zixin came to the company, everyone who saw him was shocked and suspicious.

Zhu An's eyes widened, he looked all over his body, and said, "Damn it, I remember you weren't like this?"

"Didn't you go for plastic surgery? Are you more handsome than me?"

"Have you ever seen a plastic surgery that only takes a week?" Lu Zixin asked, "Actually, I just changed my look and exercised at the same time."

"It's impossible? Is it because I've been too busy recently and haven't noticed your changes?" Zhu An was puzzled. He always felt that something was wrong, but Lu Zixin was still Lu Zixin, and it was impossible for him to become like this even after a week of plastic surgery. Moreover, Lu Zixin looked stronger, and there was no other suspicion.

"Is it so amazing to change your look? I'll change my look one day too!" he said with envy.

Not only him, but other employees looked at him with surprise and suspicion.

In the bathroom, a female employee said in surprise: "I saw our Mr. Lu just now. Why do I feel that he has become more handsome? Have I become a nympho?"

"You think so too?" said my companion, "I thought I was dazzled, I always felt like he had changed a bit."

"It's so strange." Although they were a little suspicious, no one could think of the reason. They all thought it was because they didn't pay much attention before.

In the Wanjie Technology chat group, Lu Zixin asked the red queen about her physical condition. It was learned that it would take at least two weeks for the effects of his H1 serum to be fully realized, during which time his physical fitness would slowly improve.

Lu Zixin sat in the office and opened a document. He glanced at it, and the content above was already imprinted in his mind.

After many tests, his memory has been greatly enhanced. As long as he has read things carefully, he can almost never forget them.

Not only that, the speed of thinking has also been greatly improved. He could get the answer to the same question in less than half the time it took before.

"Dang!" Su Zhirong knocked on the door and walked into the office.

"Mr. Lu, this is a document that needs your signature." Lu Zixin didn't come for a week and saved a lot of work. Su Zhirong held a lot of documents, all of which needed Lu Zixin's approval.

"Bring it here." Just after Lu Zixin finished speaking, Su Zhirong heard a surprised voice, "Huh?"

She froze in place, her eyebrows furrowed slightly, and her eyes showed surprise.

"Are you Lu Zixin?" Su Zhirong asked in a suspicious tone.

"Don't you recognize me?" Lu Zixin stood up and said with a smile.

"No... you... I always feel that you have changed a bit, but I can't tell the difference." Su Zhi said dullly.

"I know, he's become more handsome!" Lu Zixin said with a smile.

"She's become so pretty!" Su Zhirong gave him a playful look.

Lu Zixin suddenly felt an impulse in his nerves and couldn't help but step forward and hug her.

"What are you doing, office, work!" Su Zhirong wanted to break away, but found that Lu Zixin's arms were so strong that there was no way to escape.

Lu Zixin remained motionless, staring at her with piercing eyes, which made Su Zhirong feel a little embarrassed and her cheeks were slightly red.

But at this time, Lu Zixin was thinking about another problem. The H1 serum improved his physical fitness, and the secretion of various hormones was also more effective than before.

Su Zhirong's playful look just now made him a little impulsive. Maybe this was a side effect? Or am I not determined enough

Lu Zixin pecked Su Zhirong's pretty face and said with a smile, "What are you afraid of? This is my office."

"It would be bad if someone saw it." Su Zhirong broke away and said, "I have been lazy for a week, and you are very busy today. These documents require your approval. I have already read them once and marked them out for you. A place to pay attention to.”

Lu Zixin took a look and saw that there were pencil marks on the document, and he could see that Su Zhirong was very attentive.

"Thank you for your hard work." Lu Zixin said with emotion. This was his job, but Su Zhirong had already done it for him.

"I guess you'll be busy today. It's okay. I'll work overtime with you in the evening." Su Zhirong said.

"No, it will be done in an hour." Lu Zixin smiled confidently and began to review and approve the documents.

"Bragging! It's great that you have finished your work today. I saw that it took two days!" Just after Su Zhirong finished speaking, she saw Lu Zixin had already started working. He moved quickly, almost with a glance, and made The decision was made surprisingly quickly.

"Look carefully, some are important documents." Su Zhirong emphasized, "What if there is a mistake?"

"It's not wrong. If you don't believe me, just read it again." Lu Zixin seemed to be able to do two things at once. He actually started to approve two documents at the same time. He picked up two pens in his left and right hands and signed them together, like a primary school student copying new words.

Su Zhirong didn't believe it, picked up a copy and checked, and it was indeed correct. She picked up the others and checked them one by one. She found that there were no problems, and some important comments were written in very detail, not like they were written randomly.

"Why are you so fast?" Su Zhirong exclaimed, "I can't even see it with my eyes, but you have already thought about it? Are you a genius?"

"Of course, the genius among geniuses!"

In less than an hour, Lu Zixin had finished all the accumulated work. Su Zhirong couldn't even check it. She was completely convinced.