The Black Technology Chat Group of the Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 76: Yes, yes!


Lu Zixin usually hangs out in the water, handles official duties, and then plays two games before getting off work.

Lu Zixin and Su Zhirong were eating in a restaurant near the office building. He ordered a portion for three people, which made Su Zhirong a little surprised: "You eat so much!"

As physical fitness improves, the nutrients needed by cells will naturally increase, which makes Lu Zixin a big eater.

"It's the weekend off tomorrow, let's go out and play?" Lu Zixin asked, "Don't tell me you still have to work!"

"There is no work." Su Zhirong showed a helpless expression, "It's just that there will be other troubles tomorrow."

"What's the trouble?" Lu Zixin asked.

"I'm going to see my sister tomorrow. I haven't seen her in two months." Su Zhirong said. In the past two months, work has been really busy.

"Your sister?" Lu Zixin heard her say that she also had a sister who was in high school, named Su Xiaomeng, who went to a high school in Jiangcheng and was a full-time boarding school.

"Yes, she also has a holiday. That little girl is so dishonest. Her head teacher called me and said that she has been restless recently, so I have to go and have a look." Su Zhirong said.

Lu Zixin didn't really know much about Su Zhirong's family situation, and she didn't say much herself. He only knew that Su Zhirong's family was in business and she was originally from Jiangcheng, but now her parents have gone to Shanghai.

She is the only one in the family who went to college in Jiangcheng and has not officially graduated yet. Her sister Su Xiaomeng is still in her second year of high school, five years younger than her. It was said that her parents were planning to give birth to a boy for the second time, but who knew it would be a girl again.

"You have to go and see." Lu Zixin nodded, "High school is the most important time."

Just as he was talking, Su Zhirong's cell phone rang. Su Zhirong looked at it and said, "My sister."

She answered the phone, and a girl's sweet voice immediately came from the call: "Sister~!"

Lu Zixin observed Su Zhirong's expression and found that she did not become happy or overjoyed. Instead, she raised her eyebrows and asked, "Did you do something bad again by calling her so intimate?"

"No!" Su Xiaomeng retorted, "In the last monthly exam, my score was still among the top ten in the class."

"Only the top ten? When I was in high school, I was at least the top three in my grade!" Su Zhirong's words gave Su Xiaomeng and Lu Zixin a critical blow.

This is the academic master, and it feels like taking the exam to be in the top three of your age is just a joke. If it weren't for genetic evolution, Lu Zixin's thinking ability would definitely not be as good as hers.

"You're a pervert!" Su Xiaomeng said what Lu Zixin wanted to say. Su Zhirong frowned and said, "How to speak?"

Su Xiaomeng's tone suddenly dropped a few decibels, and she said, "I've worked very hard, okay, I don't have any problems anyway, you don't need to come see me."

"No, you are not allowed to go anywhere tomorrow. I will go to school to find you!" Su Zhirong ordered in a domineering tone.

"But I have to go out to play tomorrow." Su Xiaomeng complained.

"where to play?"

"It's the Happy Valley amusement park."

Hearing this, Su Zhirong noticed something sensitively and immediately asked: "With whom?"

"Just... just a few classmates." Su Xiaomeng replied.

"Humph, it's more than that, right?" Su Zhirong hummed.

"Sister, I'm just going out to play on vacation, and you have to take care of me?" Su Xiaomeng said dissatisfied.

"I don't care what your arrangements are for tomorrow. Anyway, you will be at school when I go to find you in the morning." After Su Zhirong finished speaking, she hung up the phone, not giving Su Xiaomeng a chance to refute.

Lu Zixin asked: "Are you too strict?"

"You don't know." Su Zhirong said helplessly, "Don't listen to her talk about being coquettish and cute. In fact, she is not honest at all. I am sure that she may be doing something when she goes out this time. The most likely possibility is that she has found a man. friend!"

"Ah? She has found a boyfriend since her second year of high school?" Lu Zixin said in surprise.

"Well, last time she wanted to have puppy love, but luckily I stopped it. This time she must have been deceived by some little boy's sweet talk. I can't let my sister be fooled by those brats!" Su Zhirong held her chopsticks tightly, as if That's just like her sister.

The next day, Lu Zixin accompanied Su Zhirong to Su Xiaomeng's high school. Su Zhirong planned to educate Su Xiaomeng in the morning, and then go to the movies and go shopping with Lu Zixin in the afternoon.

He didn't drive this time because Su Zhirong felt that driving a luxury car to high school would have a bad influence. If classmate Su Xiaomeng saw it, it would affect her study.

The school Su Xiaomeng went to was a middle school affiliated with a prestigious university in Jiangcheng. It had a very good reputation. Lu Zixin had also heard of it. There were several top students in the college entrance examination, and many parents spent money and effort to send their children there.

Su Xiaomeng can be ranked among the top ten in the class in this school, which is actually considered a good academic performance, but not to the level of Su Zhirong.

Lu Zixin and Su Zhirong took a taxi here and registered at the guard before being allowed in.

It was a rare day off. Su Zhirong put on light casual clothes, a white T-shirt, three-quarter slim jeans, and a pair of white sneakers. She was very fresh and sunny. As she walked on campus, some students looked at her curiously.

"She is at the sports ground." Su Zhirong said, "I will teach her a lesson later, and you should be more serious."

"Yeah." Lu Zixin nodded.

They came to the school sports field, where a group of middle school students were playing on the plastic grass. There are three boys and three girls. The three boys are taking photos of the three girls with their smartphones.

The three girls were dancing side by side to the popular dance "C Mile C Mile" on the Internet.

The three girls are all high school students. They are wearing jeans, revealing their youthful white legs. They also tie their school uniforms deliberately around their waists and wear T-shirts with cartoon patterns, dancing happily.

There was a mobile phone playing the BGM "Panama", but there was a boy next to him who was dubbing the music, which made Lu Zixin laugh out loud.

"Brother, are there 400 pounds of ducks in your hometown?"

"It's for nothing, is it for nothing?"


"Yes, yes~"

"Yes, yes~"

"Yes, come and do it!"

"Sister, sister~"

"Sister, sister~"

"Do you want to pay the bill?"

"Hahahaha!" Lu Zixin couldn't help but laugh. It's amazing that a good song can be sung like this! Even Su Zhirong next to her laughed.

When they smiled, the boy who sang was not happy and stared at them. The girls also stopped, and one of them complained: "No, not this time, record it again. It's so annoying, these people! Can you please stop laughing?"

"Sorry!" Lu Zixin said while holding back his laughter.

Su Zhirong said to another girl: "Xiaomeng, you have such a good school uniform, why do you wear it like this?"

The girl said: "Sister, this is fashion! Fashion!"

"Fashion? It's obviously non-mainstream!" Su Zhirong criticized ruthlessly.

"Omit it!" Su Xiaomeng made a face at her and said to her companions: "Let's record it again."