The Black Technology Chat Group of the Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 85: planning


Lu Zixin explained: "I plan to establish a new electronic technology company, focusing on the development and production of electronic hardware. Hongxin Games and Computer Manager will both belong to it as subsidiaries."

Everyone understood that Lu Zixin wanted to extend from the software field to the hardware field. There is no big problem in this direction, as many current electronic technology companies have gone through it.

For example, some of the popular mobile phone and computer brands are formerly engaged in software development, or they developed software and hardware at the same time.

But there was something they couldn't say in their minds. If they walked too fast, they could easily get caught!

Lu Zixin’s development plan can no longer be described as fast, it is simply as fast as a rocket. While they were still stabilizing the software project, Lu Zixin was working on hardware again.

This is more difficult than software. Software can also sell creativity, while hardware only sells strength. Moreover, they did not have any relevant experience or technology before, so it was even more difficult to start from scratch.

Everyone looked at each other in confusion. Listening to Lu Zixin's tone, he had already made a decision. Liu Tong coughed lightly and said, "Mr. Lu, this method is feasible. The main company focuses on R&D and production, and the subsidiaries cooperate with operations. However, the specific implementation is more complicated than dividing the subsidiaries."

Generally speaking, when dividing subsidiaries, projects, finance, and equity distribution are all big issues. However, Hongxin's current equity is controlled by Lu Zixin, so it is easy to divide on property issues.

As for the newly established electronic technology company, the business scope, personnel, office space, research and development direction, etc. are all blank.

Lu Zixin said: "This is indeed a very complicated matter, so I need everyone to come up with ideas to make this matter the best possible."

Everyone couldn't help but secretly complain. They were already busy enough with their current work. They also had to divide projects and establish independent subsidiaries. Now they had to prepare to establish a new company. Even splitting one person into two would not be enough!

"Everyone has been working hard recently. When the subsidiary is established, you will all be the core management. And I promise that as long as you make a certain contribution to the company, you may own a certain proportion of the shares of the subsidiary!" Lu Zixin dropped a bombshell , suddenly exploded into their hearts.

Shares, who doesn’t want shares? We don't start a business just to get a dead salary. How is that different from the state-owned enterprises ten years ago

However, all the company's shares are in the hands of Lu Zixin, who owns it completely, which makes some people less enthusiastic. No matter how high the salary and bonus are, it still feels like working for someone else. Only by owning shares can they have the most loyal sense of identification with the company.

The shares Lu Zixin mentioned were the shares of each of the two subsidiaries. He must still own all the shares of the main company. Of course, he will definitely hold more than 50% of the subsidiary companies. Other shares can be given to these veterans of the company at a certain percentage.

Liu Tong, Liang Song, Zhu An and others were immediately moved. Even if it was only 1% of the shares of the subsidiary, the meaning was completely different.

With Hongxin’s current revenue capacity, for example, how much dividends would it cost to pay 1% of Hongxin Games’ shares in a year? At least ten million to start! What if there were more

More importantly, with shares, they will have a certain say rather than being replaceable employees.

Zhu An immediately laughed and said, "Mr. Lu said so, so I'll go all out. The worst I can do is work overtime a little more every day!"

"Aren't you afraid of being scolded by your girlfriend?" Lu Zixin joked.

"Are you kidding? It's all my fault!" Zhu An tried to save his face in front of everyone.

Everyone laughed, and everyone was full of energy.

Next, the company entered a super busy state again, with project separation, resource allocation, company registration, etc.

Lu Zixin also encountered new problems and established Hongxin Electronic Technology Co., Ltd., focusing on research and development from the beginning. As for short-term profits, that comes next. If you want to make money quickly, it is better to make money quickly through games.

Research and development cannot rely on one person, but requires a team! A team that is strong in itself and has R&D capabilities.

Otherwise, even with the information provided by the Red Queen, he would not be able to develop anything on his own.

So he must find a way to form a top hardware R&D team in the country and even the world!

Building a team is the most important thing right now. Therefore, Lu Zixin directly asked the company's employees to collect information in this area, and at the same time issued recruitment requirements to seek relevant scientific and technological talents.

In the recruitment requirements, Hongxin also stated that it is about mobile phone chips and related hardware, computer-related hardware, etc.

This was also a choice made after Lu Zixin had people investigate. With the current domestic technology level, it is simply impossible to directly produce computer chips or other precision hardware.

For example, computer CPU technology is basically monopolized by foreign companies. The core technology of chips that are claimed to be independently developed in China is actually provided by foreign companies, and they have not yet reached the point of widespread commercial use.

Mobile phone chips are relatively simple. Some domestic mobile phone manufacturers have been able to independently develop mobile phone chips to a certain extent.

Start with mobile phone chips that are relatively open in technology. After accumulating a certain amount of experience and technology, we can then develop more difficult computer chips. This is Lu Zixin’s current plan. The specific development will depend on the situation.

The recruitment request was sent out, and in the red letter, matters about the new company were temporarily put aside to make an important decision. That is to determine the CEOs of the two subsidiaries and their respective operating teams.

"I myself will serve as the CEO of the main company, Hongxin Electronic Technology Co., Ltd." Lu Zixin said, "The two subsidiaries will operate independently and need to have their own decision-makers. They are Hongxin Game Co., Ltd. and Hongxin SOFTWARE TECHNOLOGIES LIMITED.

"First of all, let's talk about Hongxin Software Technology Co., Ltd., its current main business is Hongxin Computer Manager and Hongxin Online Game Accelerator." When Lu Zixin spoke, Liang Song became nervous.

Although he had been in charge of these businesses, he still felt a little uneasy before receiving confirmation from Lu Zixin.

"I am going to appoint Liang Song as the CEO of this subsidiary. His business ability and professional attitude are obvious to all. Liang Song, congratulations!" After Lu Zixin finished speaking, Liang Song looked happy and said quickly: "I will definitely not Live up to Mr. Lu’s expectations and do a good job at Hongxin Software Technology Co., Ltd.”

Everyone applauded and congratulated: "Congratulations, Mr. Liang!"

"Hongxin Games, I don't need to tell you this, everyone should have guessed that Liu Tong will be the CEO of Hongxin Games Co., Ltd." After Lu Zixin finished speaking, everyone applauded and congratulated Liu Tong.

Liu Tong stood up and thanked everyone with a smile on his face. But it seems relatively calm. He had already discussed this decision with Lu Zixin and was mentally prepared.

"You will negotiate and form the teams of your respective companies, and then report to me." Lu Zixin arranged the positions of several important people. Among them, Zhu An, an old classmate, stayed at Red Letter Games as executive vice president. His abilities still need to be developed, so let him exercise and learn more.

As for the new company, he will form a new team.

While Lu Zixin was busy with these things, things in the new company actually made progress at the same time. The person in charge of a technology company approached Hongxin with the intention of persuading Hongxin to invest in them.