The Blackened Male God Always Wants To Set A Routine For Me

Chapter 132: The prince is very sick and delicate 57


Before coming, Prime Minister Zhao warned that the envoy might not be kind this time, and told him not to act recklessly.

Looking at it now, it's not here to talk about marriage, it's clearly here to make trouble.

Afterwards, many generals couldn't bear it anymore, they stood up together

"I'll meet you"

Ouyang Ling nodded and put on a gesture of invitation.

Smart voice

"I hope all the generals will be merciful."

Seven people entered the field, followed by a vicious fight.

The girl was riding on the white tiger, smiling gracefully.

The seven people tried their best, but they couldn't hurt the white tiger and the woman in the slightest.

After a cup of tea, boom!

The last person was thrown down by the tiger, and the roar of the tiger made some people with weak hearts tremble.

This time, the atmosphere became more tense.

Chunhua saw that Su Yan was still standing here holding the jug, and motioned to her

"Not sent to His Highness yet?"

Su Yan nodded, walked to the front, and put the jug in front of the table.

Xuanyuan Yongzhen didn't care much about the stalemate atmosphere in the audience and the lively things on the high stage.

He saw Su Yan bent over to pour him wine, the corners of his lips curled up.

Su Yan was about to get up, but he grabbed her white hand.

Some of the wine glass in Su Yan's hand was spilled.

he approached, his voice soft

"Why have you been here for so long? Dallying"

She put the wine glass on the table, her hand was still being held.

Su Yan felt a gaze staring at her from the side.

Looking sideways, it was the eldest prince's person.

Just during this pause.

On the high platform, Ouyang Ling's gaze inadvertently swept over.

When she saw Su Yan, a gleam flashed in her eyes.

Isn't this the maid who bumped into her before

Didn't die? !

Ouyang Ling squinted her eyes, and then looked at Xuanyuan Yongzhen who was sitting next to the maid.

Originally, Xuanyuan Yonghao fell in love with her marriage this time.

Among the three princes, he is the best to control.

Now, the man she likes is flirting with a maidservant who should have died, ambiguous.

She should be punished for ignoring her like this.

Especially for that maidservant, it would be light to apologize with death.

While thinking about it, a killing intent flashed in his eyes.

She got down from the white tiger's body, reached out and patted the white tiger's body, and grabbed the white tiger's fur with her fingers, using all her strength.

The white tiger suddenly lost control of the pain,


In the next second, he rushed towards the positions of Su Yan and Xuanyuan Yonghao.

Xiao Hua screamed in fright in the pearl earrings

"Ah!! Host! Tiger!"

All this happened so fast that it was impossible for people to react.

Even Nan Tang didn't have time to react.

Seeing that the two of them were about to be bitten by the tiger.

In the next second, Su Yan stood in front of Xuanyuan Yonghao.

Without changing his face, he picked up the plate in front of him, and with a bang, it hit the head of the tiger who was yelling at her.

The fierce tiger that had pounced on it retreated several meters in the next second, staying where it was and whimpering.

Everyone in the audience was stunned.

What's wrong with this white tiger


Then, everyone's eyes were once again on the maid who dared to beat the tiger.

Xuanyuan Yongzhen was stunned for a moment, then hugged Su Yan directly, and burst out laughing.

After laughing enough, he rested his head on Su Yan's shoulder, closed his eyes, and looked frightened

"The tiger was very ferocious just now, I was really frightened."

The thin lips opened and closed, saying the same thing as the truth.

Su Yan looked at the person lying in her arms, thought for a while, patted his back, and said comfortingly

"With me here, I won't let it bite you."

The gentle voice is surprisingly reassuring.