The Blackened Male God Always Wants To Set A Routine For Me

Chapter 1322: The Emperor is Happy 38


Seeing her seriousness, Situ Xiu rolled his throat and spoke slowly.

"If you want to ban the army, Your Majesty should go to the Minister of the Ministry of War, but I don't have it in my hand."

Su Yan shifted his gaze to the side

"I already have a way."

"Oh? I don't know if I can know it?"

"I intend to fill the harem."

With that said, Su Yan brought over a booklet.

The above is a list of men in Beijing.

Su Yandao

"The Minister of War has three sons, the youngest is sixteen and the oldest is twenty-one.

I heard that in the early years, the Minister of the Ministry of War was injured on the battlefield and suffered from hidden diseases, so he could no longer have other children.

I plan to bring these three into the harem. "

Marriage, marriage, concubine.

Maintaining the stability of the court is one of the means for the stability of the Gentiles.

Wait until she takes these three sons in as hostages.

Even if the Minister of the Ministry of War has a second heart, he must actively protect it.

Otherwise, he would have to cut off his sons and grandchildren and lose the incense lineage.

If you don't want to enter the palace, you can.

Surrender the ban on the military, and return to your hometown for retirement.

Naturally, there is no need to enter the palace.

Su Yan thought it was a good idea.

It's better than violently robbing.

Situ Xiu next to him was silent, with a gloomy expression on his face.

Su Yan was still looking at the list.

Situ Xiu stretched out his hand and pulled it away.

He was smiling, but at first glance, he didn't seem angry.

"How much does the empress plan to pay?"

Su Yan thought about it

"Seventy-two concubines in the Sangong and Six Courtyards."

Not all were taken hostage.

But it seems that every emperor will have these.

Then she has to have it too.

The more Situ Xiu heard it, the bigger his smile became.

"Your Empress has such a big appetite, aren't you afraid that you won't be able to handle it?"

Su Yan shook her head

"The treasury is abundant and affordable."

The voice fell.

With a snap, Situ Xiu threw the memorial away.

Throwing it far away, it fell to the bottom of the steps.

He reached out and grabbed Su Yan's belt inlaid with white jade.

pull once

"My lord empress, I don't know if I should say something or not."

Su Yan's belt loosened by him.

reach out

"you say."

He smiled and groaned, leaning close to Su Yan's ear

"My lord, the seventy-two concubines of the Sangong and Six Courtyards, don't even think about it in this life.

Even if the Empress is buried a hundred years later, no other man will appear. "

When he said this, no matter how he heard it, he felt like he was saying it through gritted teeth.

The next second after speaking, Su Yan was pressed on the dragon chair.

He spoke in Su Yan's ear, with a little gloomy

"If Wei Chen remembers correctly, His Majesty said he likes Wei Chen.

Your Majesty is not afraid of hurting the hearts of his subjects by doing this? "

Inexplicably, Su Yan felt that he wanted to bite herself again.

He stretched out his hand to cover his mouth.

she just said

"I will give you the position of queen, do you want it?"

Situ Xiu was taken aback.

He propped himself up and looked at Su Yan.

Su Yan said seriously

"If you want the position of queen, then I don't want other concubines."

Situ Xiu could hear his blood flow backwards.

Obviously a queen.

He didn't even bother to take the position of emperor.

But look at her serious look.

He was just happy.

He reaches out.

Touching Su Yan's lips.


"Huh? What?"

"Why don't you want other concubines if you want Weichen?"

Su Yan has a serious face

"I wanted to ban the army because I was afraid that one day you would rebel.

If you become a queen, why do I still need to ban the army? "

Situ Xiu


He hugged Su Yan and knocked his head on her shoulder.


"Your Majesty's words made this minister very sad."

Su Yan is also a little bit reluctant

"I also feel that being a queen has wronged you."

She was about to continue.

Situ Xiu suddenly looked up

"If Your Majesty still thinks about the idea of the Seventy-two Concubines of the Three Palaces and Six Courtyards, Your Majesty will marry one and die the other."

Su Yan
