The Blackened Male God Always Wants To Set A Routine For Me

Chapter 1341: Ding dong, the black heart medicine jar is here! 3


Su Yan nodded obediently

"it is good."

Follow, Tongzi whispered

"Host, aren't you curious, why did you stop her from being with Feng Xuan?"

"Not curious."

The words that Xiao Hua reached her lips were held back.

Su Xiaohua snorted

"If you don't want to know, you don't want to know."

After listening to Xiaohua's task, Su Yan raised her head.

It happened to meet Lin Rou's eyes.

Su Yan followed Lin Rou's gaze and looked into her arms.

That's where the purse was left.

Lin Rou smiled very happily, and said it again

"Hi, my name is Lin Rou, what's your name?"

"Su Yan"

"The name is really nice."

Su Yan didn't answer.

The two fell silent.

After staying for a while, Lin Rou stood up.

She pointed overboard

"I'm going out first, you rest."

Su Yan didn't speak, but closed her eyes.

Lin Rou walked out with strides.

At first hearing the name Lin Rou, one would think it was a weak and delicate girl.

It's just that this person works with quick thoughts, quick eyes, and quick brains.

It's kind of weird.

The ship sailed for a day and a night.

Finally at dawn, the ship arrived at Canghongpai Wharf.

One after another, people walked down from the boat to the pier of Daocang Hong faction.

When Su Yan walked to the pier, she heard the voice of a person in front of her

"Come on, all those who signed up for the Canghong Sect's disciple examination, gather here."

Crash, everyone walked in the direction of that person's finger.

Lin Rou, who had disappeared for a day and a night, reappeared next to Su Yan.

She looks around on tiptoe

"There are so many people."

At the very front, there is a table with a transparent crystal ball on it.

Everyone lined up to touch the ball one by one.

The ball will change into various colors of red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue and purple.

Lin Rou looked at Su Yan, and the bunch of editors tied to her head swayed with her movements.

she asked curiously

"What spiritual root are you?"

Su Yan shook her head

"do not know."

Lin Rou raised her hand and patted Su Yan's shoulder

"Don't be afraid, when the time comes, I will test first, and you can test as you watch me do."

As soon as the voice fell, it was time for them.

Lin Rou raised her hand and placed it on the crystal ball.

Soon a light blue light appeared above.

A smile finally appeared on the serious face of the tester.

"That's right, a single line of water spirit root."

In this world, the human body is filled with many elements such as gold, wood, water, fire, and earth.

Spiritual roots are also evolved from these elements.

For the average person, these elements are undetectable.

Unless it is beyond the normal standard.

If a single spiritual root is detected, it is the best talent.

Most people have multiple spiritual roots, these are called miscellaneous spiritual roots.

Lin Rou smiled and looked back at Su Yan

"Look, it's very simple."

Su Yan also reached out and put it on.

I just feel that the crystal ball is cold.

Then, a lush green color emerged from it.

The smile on the tester's face widened.

"Single line of wood spirit roots."

On the other hand, Lin Rou next to her was smiling just now, but now that smile froze for a moment.

Then his eyes fell from the crystal ball to Su Yan.

widen the smile on the face

"Su Yan, your talent is really good."

Su Yan looked at Lin Rou.

Did not speak.

Just watching Lin Rou's body gradually filled with malice towards her.

Not before.

After the spirit root was detected, it did exist.

Is it because she is also a single spiritual root

Su Yan's eyes were probably too open, so that Lin Rou's eyes dodged for a moment.

moved elsewhere.

Lin Rou's malice towards Su Yan was also weakening.