The Blackened Male God Always Wants To Set A Routine For Me

Chapter 137: The prince is very sick and delicate 62


After toasting, the First Prince laughed and left.

Because Ouyang Ling was injured by Su Yan on the stage, he was hurriedly carried out for treatment.

And the white tiger who was poisoned by the snake poison and died on the spot also left.

The scene was a bit chaotic.

The envoy of Zhuri Sun could only maintain his expression, sat in his seat for a while, and left in the name of going to take care of the princess.

Although the ending was not good, the emperor was very happy.

Finally, the reputation of Xuanyuan Kingdom was preserved.

As a result, he also found a maidservant who made people shine.

Although his status was a bit humble, it was to his liking.

I have eaten too much big fish and meat, and this dish of different side dishes tastes very good.

After the favor is over in the future, it will be fine to give some points and some silver taels.

Xuanyuan Honghua glanced at Su Yan again with his dark eyes.

After a while, the emperor also left.

So much so that the banquet held for the visit of the envoy of the Princess of the Sun Dynasty ended early.

On the way back to the bedroom.

Su Yan supported Xuanyuan Yonghao, his alcohol tolerance seemed to be a bit weak.

Just after drinking that glass of wine, he kept holding her hand very hard.

Pull him to take a step, and he will take a step.

If Su Yan didn't move, he would also stand there motionless.

In the end, she had no choice but to bring Xuanyuan Yongzhen back to the bedroom step by step.

Su Yan led him to the side of the bed and asked him to sit down, but he still hadn't caught his breath.

Nan Tang pushed open the door with a bang and broke in.

Su Yan was stunned for a moment, and when she turned her head to look, Nan Tang had already stood by the bed.

The voice is cold and hard,

"My lords, please come here one by one to diagnose His Highness."

All in all, all the more than 20 famous imperial doctors from Tai Hospital were brought by Nan Tang.

After the words fell, Nan Tang looked at Su Yan, his eyes were cold and frightening.

Squeeze out a word from the gap between the teeth


Su Yan naturally noticed Nan Tang's sudden indifference towards her.

It's just... she looked at her tightly clenched hand.

Following that hand, she looked at the man with half-lidded eyes and a pale face sitting by the bed.

She blinked and said

"He won't let go."

The soft voice could not impress Nan Tang.

In Nan Tang's eyes, Su Yan was the murderer who wanted to murder his master.

Unfortunately, he couldn't kill her.

This feeling of having nowhere to vent made his attitude towards Su Yan even colder.

But even so, so what

The master wants her.

I want to die.

Even if this woman poisoned him to kill him, the master still held her hand, unwilling to let her leave.

Nan Tang took a deep breath, feeling that his calmness for so many years was about to collapse.

He had no choice but to ignore Su Yan and signaled the imperial doctors to come in one by one to diagnose His Highness.

The imperial doctors who came in were all trembling, and looked carefully at the door of the bedroom, surrounded by dark guards in black.

Holding a blade.

It was obvious that he was threatened by someone taking it all at once.

It seems that this is the only way to recruit all the imperial doctors in such a short period of time.

Then, one after another, the imperial doctors diagnosed and felt the pulse.

Half an hour passed.

More than 20 imperial doctors gathered together to discuss with each other, and finally came up with the answer

"My lord, His Highness is still weak and lacks energy and blood. I will prescribe a prescription later to recuperate His Highness's body."

Nan Tang frowned

"Other than that? Are there signs of poisoning?"

Twenty imperial doctors looked at each other, very puzzled

"Poisoned? Your Highness's body is only weak, not poisoned."