The Blackened Male God Always Wants To Set A Routine For Me

Chapter 1373: Ding dong, the black heart medicine jar is here! 35


Taotie stood firm, his eyes lit up when he saw clearly who the person in front of him was.

Gudong sound.

The sound of swallowing saliva.

Unexpectedly, the food that I had been thinking about so much, unexpectedly appeared in front of me.

Such a good opportunity, what are you waiting for

He has always seldom talked but eats, and it is rare for him to take the initiative to speak

"meet again."

Su Yan turned her head and glanced at Bai Sheng.

Seeing that he was still alive, but seriously injured, he spat out a mouthful of blood, knelt on one knee and clutched his chest.

she spoke

"you go first."

Bai Sheng gritted his teeth.

If there was no Su Yan just now, I am afraid that he would definitely die at this moment.

And compared to this, Su Yan's shot just now was able to compete with this monster-like man.

The inner shock is not insignificant.

He braced himself with his long sword,

"be careful."

After speaking, he staggered back and retreated, preparing to leave.

Taotie glanced at Su Yan first, and then at Bai Sheng.

He suddenly gave up the food that he was thinking about in front of him, and turned to attack Bai Sheng directly.

"Want to go?"

As he said that, he turned his palms into fists and attacked him straightly.

Su Yan flew quickly, ready to save Bai Sheng.

Taotie's fist landed on Bai Sheng's body, fearing that he would die.

Just when Su Yan was about to grab Taotie.

Suddenly Taotie's fist changed its trajectory.

Quickly hit Su Yan.


Su Yan became very fast.

Perhaps the only unexpected thing is that Taotie's target is not Bai Sheng, but her.

The two forces collided.

Su Yan defended hastily, and Taotie hit with all his strength.

In the next second, Su Yan's body was like a kite with a broken string, and it was thrown more than ten meters away.

A hole was smashed into the ground.

Taotie used all his strength.

What you want is a one-hit kill.

Although this woman does not know what the origin is.

But her strength is comparable to his, if there is a real fight, it will be impossible to tell the winner for a while.

He has nothing on his mind right now.

I just want to drink her blood and eat her up.

Taotie gulped, and swallowed again.

A seductive aroma that belonged exclusively to the blood on her body wafted out.

It is so fragrant.

He shook his neck, even ignoring the covetousness and attacks around him.

Step by step, he walked towards the woman who fell on the ground.

At this time, there was thunder and lightning in the sky, and the sound was deafening.

With a bang, the thunder and lightning draped directly at Taotie's feet.

A crater exploded at his feet.

Taotie shook his neck and looked up.

Thunder and lightning roared.

Everyone around felt that something was wrong with the weather.

The thunder and lightning just now were too frightening, it directly fell on the ground, as bright as day.

Originally, there was a noisy fight, because the huge thunder gradually stopped.

Both sides suffered heavy losses and were in conscious retreat.

Accompanied by the sound of thunder and lightning, there was a tick.

A drop of rain fell on Taotie's black mask.

He touched it and looked up at the sky

"Even if you hacked me to death, I would have to drink up her blood before I died."

It is often said that it is also romantic to die under a peony flower and be a ghost.

For Taotie, the happiest way to die is probably to eat what he wants.

Even if you die, you have to eat first.

He walked towards Su Yan step by step.

The rain was accompanied by lightning and thunder, but it started to fall.

The woman who fell on the ground thought she had passed out.

Unexpectedly, after a while, he moved.

Holding one arm, he raised his head.