The Blackened Male God Always Wants To Set A Routine For Me

Chapter 1406: Interstellar pirates are a little obedient 12


Just eat it.

"The meal is on the table."

As he spoke, he pointed to the white table behind him.

Su Yan looked up.

Go there.

I haven't noticed it just now, but after taking this big step, I feel loose in my lower body.

bow your head,

"Is this dress yours?"

"if not?"

"Is that the clothes you changed for me?"

"if not?"

Su Yan asked, but stopped.

No more talking.

Instead, go to the dining table.

However, it hurts to take a step.

At some point, Huo You walked up to Su Yan.

stop and look her up and down


With a smile on his fair face, he asked such a sentence.

Su Yan didn't want to talk to him.

I always feel that this person wants to bully her again.

She walked forward, but this man stood in front of her.

A posture of nowhere.

"What the hell are you doing?"

Hungry to angry.

Angry eyes are red with anger.

Huo You probably didn't expect her to suddenly change like this.

It was as if he had been greatly wronged.

She was besieged by so many people yesterday, and she passed out on the way back carrying her. Her attitude was quite calm, and she didn't shed a single tear.

he laughs.

"I didn't want to do anything, I just saw that you are inconvenient to walk, so I plan to take you there for dinner."

After finishing speaking, Su Yan seemed to look a little better.

he asked again

"Do you want me to hug it?"

Su Yan looked at the long and distant road.

Between taking a step and feeling pain all over or not having pain once and for all.

She chose the latter.



With that said, the body fell directly into his arms.

Relax your body and trust him completely.

Huo You was caught off guard by her sudden fall.

By the time he reacted, he had already hugged the person in his arms.

He intended, not like this.

But holding her, this tender body, and the aroma of strawberry milk.

In the end, he still hugged the person.

During the meal, Su Yan kept drinking the porridge in the bowl.

Waiting to drink the third bowl of porridge, it seems to have eased up a bit.

The movement of drinking porridge slowed down.

Pick up the chopsticks and prepare to pick up vegetables.

As a result, when I picked up the chopsticks, my hands were shaking.

She lowered her head, put down her chopsticks, and continued to drink the porridge without saying a word.

She didn't eat a single bite of the dishes on the table, but drank five bowls of porridge in a daze.

While waiting to drink the sixth bowl, he was grabbed by a bony hand.

Su Yan looked up,


He lowered his eyelids, covering the emotions in his eyes, taking it easy

"Seeing that you have eaten something now, have you recovered?"

Su Yan

"Well enough."

"Then can we settle it?"

"What kind of?"

"Eat mine, live mine, I saved you, and you lost your temper with me just now.

Is student Su Yan a little too crazy? "

Su Yan thought about it

"Then you drink my nutritional supplements, tear my pockets, snatch my candies, force me to eat dozens of candies, and send me back on purpose for them to see.

How do you calculate this? "

Huo You frowned, and smiled more and more

"Student Su Yan, speak with evidence."

"What's the meaning?"

"Why do I have no impression of what you said?"

He was lazy, looking like he didn't intend to admit it.

Su Yan also spoke

"I don't know what you just said."

Howie snorted.

He stretched out his hand and pulled Su Yan's collar

"Has this student forgotten whose chassis he is on now?"

Su Yan looked at the clothes on her body, and then at the place where she was.