The Blackened Male God Always Wants To Set A Routine For Me

Chapter 1414: Interstellar pirates are kinda good 20


Early the next morning, Su Yan rushed to the Imperial Military Academy.

No matter how you say it, she is a student, and as a student, she has to go to class.

Naturally, Xiaohong and Su Gu were also sent away.

Su Yan's class is Class F, the sophomore in college.

The class with the worst talent.

According to the previous test, the original body's mental strength level was B.

It seems that in the eyes of ordinary people, this level is already something to look up to and envy.

But in the Imperial Military Academy, there are rotten radishes in the field, and if you grab a handful, you will be disliked every day.

Su Yan found Ban and walked in.

As soon as she stepped in, the classmates who were talking and discussing enthusiastically fell silent all of a sudden.

They looked towards Su Yan in unison.

In the past, Su Yan was the last seat in the last row.

Zhao Lili deliberately forced her to sit like this.

It means deliberate bullying.

It's just that Su Yan didn't sit back this time.

Sit down at the front seat.

Not long after sitting down, the eyes from all directions were projected on Su Yan, with different expressions.

Then, someone suddenly smiled sarcastically

"Hey, haven't you been beaten enough? Do you still want to be beaten?"

Su Yan looked at the man.

She is Zhao Lili's good sister.

He was also the one who took the lead in bullying Yuan Bo.

Su Yan looked at her for a while, and said seriously

"Zhao Lili is hospitalized, did you know?"

The smile on the man's face froze.

He looked at Su Yan in disbelief.

Of course she knew.

I've heard about it a long time ago, it was that coward Su Yan who did it.

I heard it, but I still don't believe it.

How could that cowardly counselor beat Zhao Lili like that?

The man stood up all of a sudden, and walked towards Su Yan with a sullen face.

"Don't think that you can bluff me like this. Coward, you should get out of your place."

As he said that, the man's hand had already touched Su Yan's shoulder.

Provocative, arrogant.

Su Yan raised his hand, held her arm, and shook it vigorously.

With a bang, the girl was thrown out and hit the wall directly.


His face collided with the wall, his forehead was black and blue, and his nose was bleeding.

The students in the class exclaimed.

The look in his eyes towards Su Yan changed a lot from indifference.

Probably thought it was a good job.

This imperial military academy enjoys the top resources in the interstellar world.

It's not for civilians at all.

Unless your own conditions are superior, let them recruit you with their thighs.

It's like Genius Class A.

Ninety-nine percent of the rest of the classes were sent in by rich and powerful families.

Why do you say ninety-nine percent

Because that incomplete one percent was broken by the original body.

She is the only person from an ordinary family with a B-level admission.

Her arrival naturally aroused the displeasure of many people.

At the beginning, the people led by Zhao Lili challenged the original body, wanting to see what kind of skills she had to be specially recruited.

Later, it was discovered that the original body was useless, and he was too frightened to fight back.

Gradually the provocation turned into bullying, which became more and more serious as time went on.

At the beginning, some students in the class who couldn't see it came out to stop it.

Just stopped this time, there will be a next time.

Especially when they found out that the original body didn't resist, and counted on them to save him every day.

To save this matter, once or twice is fine.

But it's not an obligation.

Gradually, those who fight against injustices feel that it is unnecessary for them to do this.

I'm too lazy to take care of it.

Without the obstruction of others, the bully became more and more rampant.

Then there was the matter of Yuan jumping off the building.