The Blackened Male God Always Wants To Set A Routine For Me

Chapter 82: The prince is very sick 7


Walking out of the dormitory, Su Yan walked out with a tray.

Xiaohua made a sound

"Host, it's hard to keep someone from harming you in the deep palace compound. Xiaohua found you "XX Biography", "The History of Empress Wu Zetian", "The Secret Law of the Deep Palace", "XX Secret History" and other novel materials for you. Would you like to read them?"

Su Yan walked along the corridor, wondering

"But I'm not in charge."

Xiao Hua disagrees

"It's hard to guarantee a rainy day."

Su Yan was about to refuse when she heard a laughing voice next to her

"Hey? Come out?"

Qiu Shi raised his voice and leaned against the mahogany pillar.

While talking, Qiu Shi held a money bag in his hand and dangled it in front of Su Yan

"Just now my mother asked the people in the front yard to collect the reward money"

She raised her smile a bit as she spoke.

"Oh, I forgot that you are also a member of our front yard. But... you, a third-class maid who came up, what qualifications do you have to be equal to us?"

Qiu Shi's tone was full of disdain and sarcasm.

She really can't get used to this Su Yan.

These maids in the front yard all want to have good looks and knowledge, so why can a third-class slut come in and get a foot in the door

Su Yan looked at her with a soft voice

"If you think I'm not qualified, you can go to the nanny."


Qiu Shi was speechless.

It is because no one dares not to listen to Mammy's words, and she has nothing to do with Su Yan, so she is sneering here.

If she could talk to the nanny in charge, would she still be wasting all this talking here

Seeing Qiu Shi's face flushed, Su Yan didn't speak for a long time. She stopped looking at Qiu Shi and walked straight forward.

Faintly, I heard Qiu Shi's exasperated sound

"Su Yan! Just wait for me!!"

Turning the corner, Su Yan suddenly made a sound

"little flower"

"Huh? Host?"

"Save the books you mentioned just now, I will read them tonight."

Su Yan held the tray and walked forward with a very soft voice.

little flower surprised

"Huh? Host, why did you change your mind?"

Su Yan lowered her head

"In the deep palace compound, it's hard to guarantee that someone will kill me."

She repeated Xiao Hua's words just now.

"Don't worry about the host, Xiao Hua is for you."

Xiaohua responded crisply.

Because Su Yan became a first-class court lady, the room was changed from the original Datong shop to a single room.

Although the room was small and shabby, Su Yan was a good kid and never picky.

So... at night, Su Yan opened her eyes and looked at the densely packed characters floating in midair in front of her.

Read it carefully, and don't forget to ask Xiao Hua for advice when you don't understand.

small voice

"So, this imperial concubine's pair of dragon and phoenix twins belong to the prince, not the emperor?"

"Yes, yes, the host understands."

Xiaohua is happy for her host.

After Su Yan finished reading the entire "XX Biography", she blinked tiredly.

Xiaohua is still very excited.

"Host, isn't it exciting? Have you learned the essence?"

"What essence?"

"Framing the blame, being ruthless, wearing sheep's clothing, and pretending to be innocent, as long as the host studies hard, he will definitely become a generation of legends and be recorded in the annals of history!"

Xiaohua was very excited, and felt that she was very passionate about cultivating her host, Xiaobai, into a legend.

Su Yan's interest in this matter was average.

Xiaohua couldn't help but ask,

"Host, you don't seem to want to be such a legendary figure."

Are these not attractive to the host

Su Yan closed her eyes, she was so tired that she was about to fall asleep, she whispered

"It's not that I don't want to, it's that it's unnecessary."

"What's the meaning?"

"I just need to get the job done"

Brain capacity is limited, if you think too much about other things, your head will hurt.