The Blood Professor at Hogwarts

Chapter 101: Harry was grateful to Snape


Riddle looked at the rusty crown in front of him, sensing the aura from the same source, and feeling the impulses coming from the depths of his soul.

A dark light flashed in his pure black hole, and an evil smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

The next moment, Riddle suddenly stretched out his hand and placed the crown heavily on his head. At the same time, he held it firmly with both hands, not giving the crown any room to escape.

Crown suddenly felt something bad, and a powerful wave of energy emerged, blasting crazily towards Riddle's soul and body.

At the same time, the position where the sapphire was embedded in the crown flickered, and then, a bald man with scarlet eyes broke out from the position of the gem and quickly crashed into Riddle's eyebrows.

Riddle's eyes suddenly became dull.

Faintly, scarlet and jet black light spots kept intertwining and tearing in Riddle's eyes, as if two different souls were clashing at the level of consciousness, fighting for control of each other.

Riddle's already illusory body was constantly changing, flashing repeatedly between reality and reality, as if it were an old black-and-white TV, barely showing the image of the lake.

As time went by, the scarlet light in Riddle's eyes became weaker and fainter, until it was completely wiped out by the dark spots -

Riddle suddenly opened his eyes, and a frightening cold light bloomed.

His body also stopped flashing at the same time and became extremely solid. With the naked eye alone, it is almost impossible to tell the difference between this soul body and a normal person!

"I really disappoint you, my main soul." Riddle laughed darkly, "I have no interest in asking others for help. Because I am just like you, I only care about what I really get. ah… "

If Voldemort were to see this scene, he would definitely be in disbelief and furious!

Because he never imagined that Tom Riddle in the Horcrux Diary would actually absorb the soul fragments in the Horcrux Crown and obtain even more powerful soul power!

Although Voldemort split a soul fragment of similar size in both the Horcrux Diary and the Horcrux Crown. But the difference is that the diary contains a large number of memories from his youth, contains rich theoretical knowledge of magic, and contains his concepts and personality...

Therefore, the Horcrux Diary can borrow Voldemort's soul fragments to give birth to a soul body that is very similar to Voldemort. He has a perfect personality, rich knowledge of magic theory, and most importantly - the possibility of growth!

After fifty years, the diary's ability to apply soul power has grown greatly under the influence of all other wizards close to him.

So without much effort, he completely destroyed the weak soul fragments in the Horcrux Crown, absorbed its power, and completely merged with it.

The fusion of the two soul fragments made Riddle's illusory body become as solid as flesh and blood.

After he absorbed the soul fragments in the crown, the originally rusty crown was thrown on the crate like a piece of waste.

There was no call from it, and there was no aura that had the same origin as Riddle...

But strangely, the rusty and dull traces on the crown gradually disappeared as the Horcrux fragments were sucked away, gradually revealing the original color of the crown -

Shining with silver and looking brand new, it seems to be the most perfect jewelry in the world, and has not been eroded or eroded by time at all.

However, Riddle had no intention of calming down and appreciating this beauty.

He just frowned and looked at the two bright moons hanging in the distance outside the high window, feeling depressed.

Riddle knew that it was magic that belonged exclusively to Dracula, and he also understood the magnificence and power of the magical dark moon, so he could not think of confronting Dracula head-on.

"It's okay if there is one Dumbledore in Hogwarts, but why is there another Dracula..." He fiddled with the diary in his hand unconsciously, his eyes wandering.

Just when he accidentally opened the diary to the title page, Riddle lowered his head and took a look. He felt that the title page was a little empty, as if a name was missing.

His eyes moved slightly, and the words "Tom Marvolo Riddle" appeared on the blank title page.

The next moment, Riddle's eyes suddenly opened wide -

He has a way to get the job done!

Two days later, on the fourth floor of Hogwarts Castle, the school infirmary.

Dumbledore is bargaining with Madam Pomfrey, the head nurse.

"Albus, the patient needs to rest!" Madam Pomfrey said with a serious face. "Mr. Potter doesn't know what he has gone through, but his spirit is very weak. It is best not to be disturbed."

"Don't worry, Poppy, I'm just going to visit this young hero. He'll be fine soon." Dumbledore said with a smile.

"Well, since you are the Headmaster," Madam Pomfrey said reluctantly, and when Dumbledore walked into the school infirmary, she did not forget to add, "Never again!"

Dumbledore walked straight to the hospital bed where Harry was. Looking at his sleeping face with his eyes tightly closed and a vague look of pain on his face, and thinking of his unfortunate life experience, he couldn't help but feel a little sad.

He wiped the corners of his eyes sensibly, sat on the seat beside the bed, and stared at the scar on Harry's forehead, not knowing what he was thinking.

At this moment, the tightly sealed window of the school infirmary suddenly opened automatically, and a silver-haired figure appeared on the window sill, looking at Dumbledore with a chuckle.

"Professor Dracula, you'd better close the window." Dumbledore looked at the figure on the window sill and said helplessly, "Mrs. Pomfrey is most concerned about the temperature in the infirmary. If you secretly open the window, If you find out, she will be angry."

He no longer had any hope that Dracula would take the right path. He only hoped that the unconventional professor would close the window and not attract Madam Pomfrey.

"Okay." Dracula shrugged, jumped down from the window sill, and closed the window, "How is Potter's situation?"

"Thank you for your concern, Professor Dracula." Dumbledore said, "Harry's condition is quite stable now, and he should be able to wake up soon."

"You may have misunderstood me." Dracula waved his hand, "I don't mean to care about the students, I am just a little curious, how did Potter burn Quirrell with his bare hands before? I have lived for so long, I haven’t seen this kind of magic before.”

Dumbledore looked at the interested expression on Dracula's face, not caring about the students' thoughts at all, and couldn't help but shook his head.

"Harry's mother died to save him." He said softly, "And Voldemort is a baby created by aphrodisiacs. He will never understand what love is."

"Wait a minute." Dracula stretched out a hand and interrupted Dumbledore, "Aren't you going to come up with that bond theory again? This kind of deceitful words deceived Potter. Forget it about such a kid, there is no need for you to deal with me. "

"But I'm serious, Professor Dracula." Dumbledore adjusted his glasses and looked directly at Dracula's eyes. "Harry's mother left him an amulet of love. This amulet is deeply rooted in his heart." Deep in Harry's skin, in his blood, Quirrell couldn't touch Harry."

"Quirrell has sold his soul to Voldemort, and thus was contaminated with the blood of the unicorn, becoming a cursed, half-dead remnant soul. Such a broken soul as his, when touched by a wizard with the amulet of love, At that time, you will be purified by the radiance of that powerful positive emotion.”

"Then according to what you say, is it possible for any powerful wizard to be killed by a weakling who is powerless but full of love?" Dracula snorted disapprovingly, "Mr. Principal , do you think this is reasonable?”

"Professor Dracula, but love is an unreasonable thing." Dumbledore gently stroked the wand in his hand, his thoughts drifting to nowhere. "Love is the positive energy projected by the human spirit. It can Let’s do a lot of things that would otherwise be impossible.”

"The same goes for Lily, who used her love to gain the power to fight against Voldemort..."

Dracula frowned and suddenly put his hand on the side of Harry's neck, with sharp nails sticking out from his fingertips.

Dumbledore was startled and stood up quickly. "what you up to?"

"I didn't want to do anything, I see you are nervous." Dracula took his hand back and glanced at Dumbledore, "It turns out it's just a specific blood magic. I really don't understand how you can talk about simple things like this. complicated."

"According to my observation, when Potter's mother gave her life, she condensed a strong positive emotion, and injected these two powers into Potter's bloodline with specific blood magic. Therefore, she gained the ability to resist murder. The specific power of the person.”

"It's a very clever magic. It really gives her the possibility of temporarily defeating the weak." Dracula said, looking at the arteries on Harry's neck with a bit of envy.

If Dumbledore wasn't here, he really wanted to take away some of Harry's blood that contains unique blood magic...

Just then, Harry woke up.

He first stared at Dumbledore blankly, and then suddenly shouted: "Sir! The Philosopher's Stone! Voldemort has gotten off Quirrell, he must have got the Philosopher's Stone!"

"Don't get excited, dear child, what you said is a bit outdated," Dumbledore said gently, "Voldemort did not get the Sorcerer's Stone."

Harry was stunned for a moment, and then suddenly thought of the last scene he saw before falling into coma -

"I remembered! I last saw Snape walking over from the other side of the door!" He said with tears of gratitude, "Sir, was it Snape... No, Professor Snape saved me! He saved me I did it twice!”