The Blood Professor at Hogwarts

Chapter 113: Tom Riddle


"Ahem, Myrtle, I have a few questions to ask you. Can you answer them truthfully?" Dracula coughed twice and forcibly changed the subject.

"Of course, if that's what you want to ask!" Myrtle nodded repeatedly, looking excited, feeling that she finally had a place to use.

Dracula paused and asked, "Did you see a wizard wearing a purple turban come here around nine o'clock this morning?"

"No. I... I vaguely saw a very handsome guy passing by in the morning, heading towards the prefect's bathroom, so I followed him." Myrtle murmured, and then her expression changed again. He became angrily, "Who knew I had been waiting in the prefect's bathroom for a long time, but I didn't see anyone at all. I must have been deceived!"

Dracula and Dumbledore looked at each other, feeling eye-opening about meeting such a strange ghost.

Helena next to her looked a little angry.

"How could there be a student like you in Ravenclaw who would even think of peeking at boys taking a shower!" She subconsciously imitated her mother and scolded her seriously, "No wonder you look like Uncle Dracula when you see him. It’s like losing your mind and going crazy!”

Myrtle lowered her head and did not dare to speak, but Dumbledore next to her became interested.

"How handsome is that handsome guy you saw, that he could seduce you to the point where you go to the prefect's bathroom and wait for him?" Dumbledore asked with a smile, "Maybe I can give you a reference point. Professor Dracula is so handsome. Handsome?"

Myrtle raised her head and glanced at Dracula, then hurriedly moved her gaze to the ground, nodded, and then shook her head.

"What does this... mean?" Dumbledore didn't quite understand what she was doing.

"It's just... both are handsome, I really can't tell who is more handsome..." Myrtle said cautiously.

Her words made Dumbledore frown.

"Does Hogwarts have a prefect or Quidditch team captain who is as handsome as Professor Dracula?" He looked at Dracula and asked doubtfully.

"I don't know, but first exclude Percy Weiss." Dracula said decisively.

Before coming to this semi-abandoned girls' bathroom, he had just met most of the prefects in the office, as well as the organizer of the protest, Percy Weiss.

Dracula was unhappy with the man who organized a protest to drive his main source of amusement out of school. Coupled with the blessing of red hair that was tainted by the Weslay twins, it became even more unpleasant.

So he denied Percy's appearance without hesitation.

"But Percy is already handsome among the prefects, and Wood is also good as the captain of the Quidditch team, but he is still far behind." Dumbledore turned to look at Helena, "Ms. Grey, Raven Crowe’s Robert Hilliard seems to be one of the few handsome prefects, what do you think?”

"Hilliard is much worse than Uncle Dracula." Helena shook her head decisively and said.

"That's strange." Dumbledore frowned, lost in thought.

Dracula looked at the current scene in the bathroom and felt that something was not quite right—

Two male professors and two female ghosts were discussing in the girls' bathroom which male prefect was more handsome? It feels strange to think about it! The key is that Dumbledore and the two face-controlling female ghosts seemed to be quite enjoying it...

"Stop guessing here, hasn't Myrtle seen that prefect? We can almost tell who it is by asking her to tell us his appearance." Dracula interrupted their heated discussion and looked directly at Myrtle asked, "Myrtle, do you still remember what that handsome student looks like?"

"Let me think about it..." Myrtle held her round double chin and recalled the appearance of the handsome boy before. "His hair and eyes were black, as thick and pure black as ebony; his face was very complex. Bai, his expression is a bit gloomy, and he has a very special temperament... "

"...Ah, yes, that kind of evil villain temperament, I like it so much!"

Listening to Myrtle's description, Dracula became interested and thought about who this prefect was. He had a strong villainous temperament at a young age.

But Dumbledore and Helena gradually changed their expressions.

Dumbledore's expression became very solemn, while Helena was a little confused at first, and then an angry expression appeared on her pretty face.

"What's wrong?" Dracula soon realized that something was not right about the expressions of the two of them, and asked in confusion.

"Tom Riddle."

Dumbledore and Helena said a name in unison.

"Who is this? I don't think I've heard of it." Dracula looked at Dumbledore and Helena's performance with interest and asked aloud, "So is there any story between this person and you? "

He looked around, then leaned casually on the edge of the sink in the center of the bathroom, making his usual theatrical movements.

Helena turned back and glanced at Dumbledore. Seeing that he had no intention of speaking first, she closed her eyes gently and recalled the past with some pain.

"Tom Riddle... he defrauded my mother of her crown..." She wrung her hands tightly together, and the emotion on her face seemed to be a little panicked, "I still remember that he was very lovable, it seemed... it seemed He is also very understanding and compassionate... and he is also very handsome... "

"So you gave him Royina's crown?" Dracula crossed his arms and glanced at Helena reproachfully, "There are many liars these days, and you have turned into a ghost before you have experienced the world. Little girls are most easily deceived.”

"I'm sorry, Uncle Dracula..." Helena whispered.

"No need to apologize to me, this is the crown your mother left for you." Dracula interrupted her, and then a very evil smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, "But of course I will not let Luo Yina The crown fell into the hands of a liar? Don't let me find him!"

Myrtle and Helena couldn't help but shudder as they looked at his expression.

"Helena, where do you think the crown will be now?" Dracula quickly stopped smiling and looked at Helena.

"After I escaped from Hogwarts, I hid the crown in a hollow tree in a forest in Albania." Helena said gloomily, "But the crown should have been taken away by him, and it will not be in the original place now." place."

Dracula nodded and looked at Dumbledore, "So did the liar named Tom Riddle also lie to you, Dumbledore?"

"Tom didn't deceive me, but he deceived almost everyone in Hogwarts." Dumbledore shook his head slowly, his face heavy, "If you tell him another name, maybe you will understand -"

"Tom Riddle's other name is Voldemort!"