The Blood Professor at Hogwarts

Chapter 119: Harry's decision


"We would like to ask, where is Professor Dracula now?"

Harry and the other two came to the door of the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom, looked inside cautiously, and asked softly.

However, they immediately realized that such a gentle voice would not be heard by any student in the classroom.

The Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom was filled with demons dancing in disorder, creating a lively scene—

Vlad and the twins Wesley were standing on the table, jumping up and down, waving a string of dark magic warning bells used for teaching, playing "instruments" for everyone; a Gryffindor and a Hufflepuff student were standing face to face, constantly casting spells on each other, engaging in friendly competition; many enthusiastic Gryffindor seniors were cheering for them with red faces, and the Hufflepuff students were eating the snacks they brought with them, while watching the excitement with relish...

The classroom is not full of students who do not follow classroom discipline.

In the chaotic classroom, a handsome young wizard in Hufflepuff robes was trying to restore discipline, trying his best to persuade people, but to little avail.

"Harry, little Luo Luo, why are you here?" Fred and George, who were playing music, saw Harry and the other two and waved the bells in their hands excitedly at them, asking loudly, "Do you want to play with us? This opportunity is rare and will never come again!"

Ron couldn't help but blush when he heard the two of them say his embarrassing nickname.

"Fred! George!!" He rolled up his sleeves and was ready to rush into the crowd to fight with his two unruly brothers, but Harry grabbed his hood and pulled him back.

"Ron, don't forget our business!" Harry shook his head at him.

After hearing Harry's warning, Ron managed to calm down and glared hatefully at the Weiss twins standing on the table.

"Senior, can we ask you something?" Hermione quickly stopped the handsome student who was trying to maintain classroom discipline and asked.

"No need to call me senior, my name is Cedric Diggory." The handsome student who was trying to organize the class came over, wiped the sweat from his forehead helplessly, and said to the three of them, "You three are first-years, right? What do you want to do in the third-year class?"

"We want to find Professor Dracula. Isn't he in the classroom now?" said Harry.

He looked at Cedric, his good friend in classroom discipline, with deep admiration and a little pity in his eyes.

"Unfortunately, Professor Dracula has just left the classroom, saying he will be out for a while." Cedric looked at Harry puzzledly and explained to him.

"Then do you know when he will be back?" Hermione asked.

Cedric shook his head.

Harry couldn't hide his disappointment, and left the chaotic classroom with Hermione and Ron.

As soon as they walked out of the classroom, the three children saw a tall, elderly witch walking towards them quickly with vigorous steps.

"Hello...Hello, Professor McGonagall." Harry and the other two felt guilty and greeted them stutteringly.

However, Professor McGonagall ignored them and walked straight into the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom.

"Your class is the most chaotic in the whole castle! I can hear you guys quarreling from half the distance of the main tower!" she shouted angrily, "It's you again, the two Weisses! You were caught by Mr. Filch wandering around the castle at night yesterday, and today you dare to take the lead in disrupting classroom discipline!"

"You are truly the worst class I have ever taught!"

"… "

Harry, Ron and Hermione stood outside the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom, shivering, silently mourning for the third-year students.

At the same time, Harry and Ron were secretly glad in their hearts that their class was not the worst one as described by Professor McGonagall. It seemed that they could now rest assured!

"Who should we go to then?" Hermione asked in a low voice, interrupting their thoughts. "Dumbledore and Professor Dracula are not here. Now I am 100% sure that Quirrell will steal the Philosopher's Stone today!"

Hermione and Ron both looked at Harry subconsciously.

His face turned very pale, but his eyes were shining brightly.

"Okay." Harry took a deep breath. "It seems that we can only do what the letter told me, right?"

"I'll sneak into the restricted area on the fourth floor and try to get the Philosopher's Stone first!"

"You're crazy!" Ron screamed.

His shout attracted the attention of Professor McGonagall in the classroom, and the lecture paused for a moment. Ron quickly covered his mouth.

Harry and Hermione were horrified and quickly pulled Ron away from the scene, going down the marble steps to the first floor of the castle.

"Harry, you can't do this!" Hermione said to Harry seriously when they arrived at the quiet entrance courtyard. "The arrangements in the restricted area on the fourth floor are used to protect the Philosopher's Stone. You are just a first-year wizard. It is too dangerous to break into the restricted area!"

"Hermione is right!" Ron also advised, "And maybe Quirrell has already entered the restricted area. Are you going to find him to send yourself over as a gift?"

"So what?" said Harry, excitedly. "Don't you understand? If Quirrell gets the Philosopher's Stone, Voldemort will come back! Didn't you hear what happened here when he tried to take over the wizarding world?"

"If he succeeds, Hogwarts will no longer exist. He will raze the school to the ground or turn it into a school dedicated to teaching dark magic! Do you think Voldemort will let you and your family go?"

"If Voldemort is resurrected, all I can do is find a place to die. I will never join the forces of the Dark Lord! I must go through that trapdoor tonight and get the Philosopher's Stone. Nothing you two can say can stop me! Voldemort killed my parents, do you remember?"

Harry spoke a long paragraph excitedly, breathlessly, and even somewhat incoherently, staring at them breathlessly.

"You're right, Harry." Hermione's voice trailed off.

"Don't worry, I'll use my invisibility cloak." Harry's emotions gradually stabilized, and he said softly, "Maybe I can get around Quirrell without being noticed and successfully get the Philosopher's Stone?"

"But will the Invisibility Cloak cover all three of us?" Ron asked suddenly.

"Us... the three of us?" Harry's eyes widened.

"Oh, don't be silly, mate. Do you think we'll let you act alone?" Ron spread his hands and put his arm around Harry's shoulders.

"Of course not!" Hermione said immediately, her tone quite aggressive, "How could you think of leaving us alone to find the Philosopher's Stone? I'd better go look through my books, maybe I can find something useful..."