The Blood Professor at Hogwarts

Chapter 40: Defense Against the Dark Arts lessons that aren't held in the classroom


Dracula was not given a detention after all.

In contrast, Snape, the head of Slytherin House and senior professor of Potions, was placed on probation by Professor McGonagall and had his salary deducted for half a year because he privately provoked a fight between professors.

According to the gossipy old professor Kettleburn, it seems that Professor McGonagall had wanted to do this a long time ago, but had never taken action because she had not found the opportunity.

As the head of Slytherin, Snape had too many complaints against Gryffindor. In addition, he never deducted points from his own house and had the "good" habit of deducting points specifically from Gryffindor, which made Gryffindor rank last among the four houses for several years.

Professor McGonagall was furious, but in order to ensure her impartiality as the vice-headmaster, she couldn't get angry about it.

Now that she had finally caught Snape's handle, how could she not make good use of it

But Snape was actually innocent too.

He himself had no intention of fighting Dracula. It could be said that this crooked idea was entirely arranged by Dumbledore, and this arrangement even resulted in him getting severely beaten.

For this reason, the old principal, who was the culprit, could only shrug his shoulders.

Since the landlord of Hogwarts is not to be trifled with, the only choice is for the diligent Snape to take the blame...

November is slipping away, the weather is getting colder, and Christmas is getting closer.

One morning in mid-December, the students of Hogwarts woke up from their dreams and suddenly found that the surroundings were covered with several feet of snow and the lake was covered with hard ice.

The Weisley twins were punished by Professor McGonagall for enchanting some snowballs so that they chased Quirrell around and ended up hitting him in the back of his purple turban.

After being shot, Quirrell fell flat on his face in the snow, looking extremely embarrassed, totally unlike what an assistant teacher should look like.

But he secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Ever since Voldemort got the Horcrux diary, the weak remnant soul that lived in Quirrell abandoned Quirrell's body and took over the territory of the soul fragment in the diary Horcrux. Now, Quirrell wears a turban not for Voldemort, but just to cover the ugly scar on the back of his head.

Quirrell pulled his arm out of the snow, touched the back of his head, and secretly thanked Voldemort for having moved his position and not being hit by the snowballs of the two troublemakers. Otherwise, Voldemort, feeling humiliated, would have taken it out on Quirrell, and his life would have been difficult.

However, before Quirrell could get up from the snow, his expression suddenly trembled.

He seemed to remember something and stood up in a hurry. Looking at the diary in his arms that was completely soaked by the snow water, Quirrell suddenly had a sad face and revealed an extremely sad and angry expression...

It was snowing heavily outside the castle, but every classroom in the castle had a blazing stove, making the air warm. In such an environment, the students were so sleepy that they kept yawning.

Dracula held the textbook and frowned as he looked at the yawning little wizards under the podium.

"What are you doing, Wes?!" he suddenly raised his voice and shouted.

The twins who were nodding sleepily in the audience were startled and jumped up suddenly.

"Ah, professor, we didn't do anything!" they said in unison.

"Then explain it to me, are you two so sleepy that you even dare to sleep in my class?" Dracula asked with a sneer.

"Professor, we were put in detention by Professor McGonagall yesterday until curfew, and then we had to finish the homework you assigned us when we returned to the dormitory." Fred began to complain to Dracula, "We only slept for three hours last night, and we really couldn't stand it anymore..."

"What bad things have you done?" Dracula became interested and asked. "Why do I feel like Professor McGonagall is going to put you in detention every two days?"

George first glanced at Dracula's face secretly, and seeing that he seemed to be in a good mood, he said: "Professor, don't you know about this? We hit Mr. Quirrell on the head with a snowball!"

After saying this, the twins looked at each other, then puffed out their chests and showed a proud expression.

Dracula looked at Fred and George's smug looks and shook his head with a somewhat amusing look.

As he shook his head, he inadvertently looked out the window and caught a glimpse of the snowflakes floating outside. An interesting idea came to his mind -

"Well, I think everyone is quite sleepy in this weather." Dracula raised a wicked smile and said to the students in the audience, "In that case, let's learn something different today."

As he spoke, he walked to the window of the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom and waved his hand to push all the windows open.

The cold wind outside rushed into the classroom, instantly making the sleepy little wizards shiver.

This time they are completely spirited!

"Today's class will be held on the lawn outside the castle." Dracula said, "Now to save time, everyone follow me and jump out of the window. Don't worry, I will catch you outside!"

He was the first to jump out of the window skillfully, which stunned the little wizards.

The Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom on the second floor was still too low for Dracula. He didn't even use magic and landed lightly on the lawn covered with thick snow.

"You can come down now!" Dracula stepped on the soft snow and shouted to the little wizards in the classroom upstairs.

Fred and George were no longer sleepy when they saw Dracula's scene. They immediately went to the window, ready to jump down like the professor.

The dark-skinned Lee Jordan was so frightened that he quickly grabbed the hoods of the two men's school robes and said in panic:

"Hey, aren't you two afraid of getting into trouble? What if Professor Dracula is careless and doesn't catch you?"

"Oh, our little baby Lee Jordan is scared?" Fred said playfully, "Don't be afraid, little cutie. Falling directly from the second floor will only require you to stay in the school hospital for two days. Madam Pomfrey will heal you!"

Before he could finish his words, Fred jumped out of the window.

George looked at Lee Jordan, whose legs were still shaking and whose heart was still in a state of panic, and patted him on the shoulder:

"Lee, don't worry. Professor Dracula could catch Harry when he fell from a high altitude, so how could he not be able to catch us when we jump from the second floor?"

Then he gave a strange cry, put his arm around Lee Jordan's shoulders and dragged him to the window.

Amid Li's screams, the two jumped down together.