The Blood Professor at Hogwarts

Chapter 50: Chairman of the Board of Directors


"Lucius Malfoy, you two-faced traitor!"

In the school board room, Yaxley, lying on the ground, shouted angrily at Lucius.

Yaxley's strength was actually quite good. When he was hit twice by the spell he cast, he was able to use an armor spell at the critical moment to offset most of the damage of the spell. This allowed him to still have the strength to curse Lucius.

Listening to Yaxley's scolding, Lucius remained calm and said to Dracula in a serious tone, "Mr. Dracula, those who attempted to attack you have committed serious crimes. I suggest that they all be sent to Azkaban to reform themselves."

Draco, who was standing next to Lucius, opened his mouth wide and looked at his father in shock. He could never have imagined that his father, who always looked aristocratic and well-behaved, could do such a brazen thing!

Yaxley struggled to get up from the ground, and was about to scold Lucius a few more times, but Dracula waved his hand and threw him into the corner of the conference room like a fly, stacking him with the miserable school directors who were complaining, and turned on the silence mode for them.

"It's much quieter now." Dracula nodded with satisfaction and looked at Lucius, who seemed calm but was actually trembling with fear. "Tell me what you think, Mr. Malfoy."

"Mr. Dracula, you can just call me Lucius." Lucius said with a wry smile.

"I propose that those who have offended you, or in other words, those who have disrupted the normal order of the board of directors' meeting, be sent to Azkaban for repentance. I have a lot of evidence of their violations of laws and regulations, and I can contribute to the purity and cleanliness of the Hogwarts board of directors!"

Lucius said these words calmly, without blushing or beating his heart.

He was very familiar with this kind of betrayal! When Voldemort fell and the Ministry of Magic liquidated the Death Eaters, he betrayed many of his fellow Death Eaters, dumped all their information, and donated a large number of gold Galleons.

From then on, the Malfoy family turned from darkness to light and remained good friends of the Ministry of Magic!

It didn't matter if he sold out Yaxley and the other school directors today. After all, he didn't have much friendship with these people, and there was also competition between pure-blood families. Now was a good opportunity to deal with a wave of competitors.

Dracula looked at Lucius with a sanctimonious face and couldn't help but sigh, what a talented person!

"It's a good idea. I'm optimistic about you, Lucius." He said to Lucius, "But I vaguely remember what you said when you first came here? You said I like corporal punishment and wanted to expel me from Hogwarts?"

Lucius remained expressionless as he turned around and slapped his son on the head.

Draco had just been poked by the school board badge in Lucius's hand, and now he was slapped hard by him. He looked at him in disbelief, with tears of grievance in his eyes.

"Dad, why did you hit me?"

"Listen to me and don't talk!"

Lucius whispered a reminder to Draco, then looked at Dracula seriously and said:

"Mr. Dracula, I have investigated it clearly. Draco was dissatisfied with the way you handled his violation of school rules, so he teamed up with a few Slytherin friends to write a letter of complaint and a questionnaire. The letter of complaint and the questionnaire are full of slander against you!"

"After investigation, I am convinced that there is nothing wrong with your actions. I take back my ignorant words of wanting to expel you." He said, "Draco is a child and speaks without restraint. Please do not take it personally and be considerate of a child who is in his rebellious period."

"I'm not a rebellious kid!" Draco was unconvinced and retorted loudly.

But what greeted him was another slap on the head from Lucius, which stunned him. After a long while, Draco finally reacted and fell on the chair beside the round table and cried bitterly.

Dracula had a playful smile on his face and said to Lucius, "You are really efficient! It only took you a dozen minutes to find out the truth of this matter without leaving your house."

"Of course." Lucius did not point out the hidden meaning in Dracula's words, but continued to say seriously, "Don't worry about me!"

Looking at Lucius' solemn and reserved expression, Dracula finally laughed.

"Lucius, you are indeed an interesting person." He smiled, pulled over a chair and sat down, leaning casually against the soft backrest. "Then help me think about what the Hogwarts Board of Directors should do next?"

When Lucius heard Dracula ask this question, he was ecstatic in his heart, but he remained calm on the surface.

"From my own point of view, the Hogwarts Board of Directors is still necessary." He paused, then slowly expressed his opinion, "Hogwarts is a magic school with a complete ecosystem, and many of its tasks require a dedicated coordination department."

"As the school's main investor and collective decision-making body, the Board of Directors can provide financial support and reasonable development suggestions for these complex projects. Of course, I know you will not be short of this insignificant amount of funds. However, within the collective, every allocation must be meaningful and in accordance with procedures, otherwise it will be easy for internal employees to develop the habit of stealing accounts and using public funds for personal gain. The various signatures, coordination, and bookkeeping work will definitely take up your time."

Lucius's words hit the nail on the head - Dracula hated the routine, repetitive, boring routine that was an essential part of any well-run organization.

"So I think you can still keep the school board and let us help you deal with some trivial matters and chores to the best of our ability, so that these tasks will not waste your precious time." Lucius continued.

"Of course, as someone who controls the entire magical system of Hogwarts Castle, you will definitely be the chairman of our school board and have a veto over all matters!"

After hearing about the veto power, Dracula finally became interested.

"But as far as I know, there are twelve school board badges in total." He looked at Lucius and asked, "After eliminating those people piled in the corner, you only have seven school board members left. How do you plan to distribute the remaining five badges?"

"Mr. Dracula, the appointment of these board members will of course be left to you as the chairman." Lucius smiled.