The Blood Professor at Hogwarts

Chapter 59: What Dumbledore saw in the Mirror of Erised


As time goes by, the main courses and desserts at the Christmas banquet are exhausted.

The banquet ended when the sun was halfway down in the afternoon. The cups and plates in the auditorium were in a mess, but they quickly became brand new under the house elves' household magic. Both the professors and students were extremely happy at this banquet.

After the meal, Harry, who was very full, and the Weasley brothers had a snowball fight on the playground to eat up. They played wildly all afternoon and had a great time. It wasn't until the sun completely set and they were really cold that they returned to the fire in the common room, panting and wearing clothes soaked in snow.

It was the happiest Christmas Harry had ever had, but one thing kept nagging at his mind.

It wasn't until he went to bed that he had time to think about it -

The shining silver invisibility cloak that seemed to be woven with water, and the person who gave it to him...

Harry took the Invisibility Cloak out of the plain package again and let it flow through his hands, feeling smoother than silk and lighter than light.

There was also a note in the package, telling him in beautiful and elegant handwriting that this invisibility cloak used to belong to his father and asked him to make good use of it.

Use it well? Harry's heart was pounding.

No matter how you think about things like invisibility cloaks, they are used to do bad things. It can be said to be a great weapon for sneaking around and walking in the castle at night!

Who on earth was so keen on making him violate school rules, and even sent him such a magical prop

Suddenly, Harry's eyes lit up and he felt excited inside.

He suddenly realized that by putting on this invisibility cloak, the entire Hogwarts was completely open to him! If he and Ron want to go out for a night out in the future, they won't be discovered by others! Wearing the Invisibility Cloak, they could go anywhere and Filch and Snape would never know!

Harry secretly made up his mind to leave as soon as he said it.

While his roommates were sleeping, he put on his invisibility cloak and tiptoed out of the dormitory.

In an abandoned classroom, many worn-out tables and chairs were piled up against the wall, showing large dark shadows in the dim candlelight. An upside-down wastepaper basket in the classroom spilled out many tiny scraps of paper, which were buried in the thick dust on the ground.

This place probably hasn't been cleaned in a long time.

But in front of the wall facing the entrance, there is something placed that does not seem to belong to this classroom. It seems that someone put it here temporarily because there is no place to put it -

This is a very majestic mirror, reaching the height of the ceiling, with a gorgeous golden frame, supported by two claw-shaped feet at the bottom.

There were two silver-haired figures standing in front of the mirror. One looked very old, and the other looked much younger, but their actual ages were exactly the opposite.

"Can you tell me why you called me here, Principal Dumbledore?" Dracula glanced sideways at the image of the world in chaos and chaos that was playing in the mirror, and his expression shifted unnaturally. One step away from the mirror.

"Also, isn't the Mirror of Erised the last stage of the magic stone you arranged? Why did you move it to this abandoned classroom?"

Dumbledore stood in front of the Mirror of Erised, staring blankly at the image in the mirror.

"Before Harry goes to the restricted area on the fourth floor, I need a test to see what Harry wants most deep down in his heart." He said softly, "This is about whether he can make good use of his unique have the advantage to gain the power to defeat the old enemy.”

"So you made Professor Snape stay up late at night and cooperated with Filch on night patrol in the castle, just to lure Potter to this classroom and let him discover the Mirror of Erised?" Dracula asked in surprise? road.

Inexplicably, he felt some sympathy for Snape, a tool man.

Dumbledore nodded slightly, his eyes still fixed on the image in the magic mirror.

Seeing Dumbledore's focused look, Dracula became interested.

A ray of transparent energy quietly emerged from his fingertips and wrapped around the runic characters engraved on the Mirror of Erised. Then, he slowly stared at the mirror that was not stained by dust.

Several figures appeared in the mirror one after another, including a middle-aged man with brown-red hair and a beard, a girl with the same hair color, and an elegant woman. The three people looked intimate, and it could be roughly seen that Probably Dumbledore's family.

But what surprised Dracula was that there was another young man who was some distance away from Dumbledore's three family members. He had blond hair, a pair of turquoise eyes, and a wild and wild smile on his handsome face. He looked at the old man opposite the mirror with an evil smile.

Just when Dracula was still waiting to take a closer look, the image in the mirror suddenly disappeared.

"Professor Dracula, I think it is not very polite to peek into other people's privacy, right?" Dumbledore turned his head to look at Dracula and said softly.

"Ahem, I was a little curious for a moment." Dracula, who was caught on the spot by Dumbledore for peeping, stiffened and coughed awkwardly.

But then he couldn't hold it back and asked, "So...who is that blond-haired young man? His relationship with you seems to be very unusual."

Dumbledore paused for a moment, his expression suddenly becoming a little lonely.

"He is just a young man who was intoxicated by summer."

Dumbledore's unusual behavior made Dracula more and more curious. He took a step forward, ready to continue questioning about the blond young man.

At this moment, Dumbledore seemed to have discovered something, and he used a transparent barrier to hide the two people's figures on the other side of the mirror. At the same time, he also added a magic spell for sound insulation, so that the two of them could hide behind the barrier. conversation.

Dracula frowned and looked at the ajar door of the classroom.

There was no one there, except for the sound of very light and almost inaudible footsteps, slowly moving towards the abandoned classroom. There were two faint, greasy voices outside the corridor gradually fading away. They were Filch and Snape.

With his superior hearing, Dracula sensed someone sneaking into the abandoned classroom where he and Dumbledore were.

The light flowed in his burgundy eyes, and he gradually saw a little wizard wearing an invisibility cloak, slowly walking to the Mirror of Erised.

"This is...Potter?" Dracula looked at the slightly bulging figure under the invisibility cloak in confusion, and frowned at Dumbledore, "The invisibility cloak on Potter is the same as Ingnotus Pever. What does Lear’s one have to do with it?”

Under normal circumstances, invisibility cloaks are woven from the fur of invisible beasts, or made of runes similar to the illusion spell. These invisibility cloaks have no effect on Dracula, and he can easily turn them around. see through.

However, the invisibility cloak on Harry is different.

Dracula did not immediately notice Harry wearing the invisibility cloak, so he transferred his magic power to the eye boy. However, even so, Harry's figure was still unclear.

"Yes, this is the legendary Deathly Hallows." Dumbledore said calmly, as if it was just an ordinary piece of clothing, "Harry's father once lent it to me for research for a while, and now it is The property has returned to its original owner.”

"What a generous move, Dumbledore." Dracula shook his head slightly, "He arranged the levels and the Deathly Hallows, and even used things like the Mirror of Erised to test his character."

"When did the magical world degenerate to this point? Not only does no one dare to pronounce his name, but a dark wizard has to be defeated by a poor child who has lost his parents."

He stared into Dumbledore's eyes and his voice grew colder.