The Blood Professor at Hogwarts

Chapter 7: Hair and blood are abundant


While several professors were talking and laughing, a thin wizard walked over with a step that he didn't recognize.

He has greasy hair, sallow skin, a large hooked nose, and a long black robe that flutters with his steps.

Even though Dracula knew so much about the existence of bats, he almost thought it was a big bat when he saw his shape!

"Ah, Severus, you are finally here." Seeing the person coming, Dumbledore greeted him cheerfully and introduced Dracula, "Professor Dracula, this is Professor Snape , Dean of Slytherin College.”

"Severus, this Professor Dracula is the new Defense Against the Dark Arts professor."

When Dumbledore introduced "Professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts", Snape's eyes narrowed.

Immediately, he raised his deep black eyes and looked at Dracula.

"Professor Dracula, right?" He said with a smile, every word seemed to be squeezed out bit by bit from his teeth, "Before school starts, I think I need to remind you... Defense against the Dark Arts is an extremely dangerous subject, and I hope you can handle it with your ability.”

Dracula felt the strong malice in Snape's words, so he raised his eyes slightly and looked at him.

The two malicious glances intertwined, as if invisible sparks were ignited.

The burgundy-eyed boy moved slightly, and his deep black eyes suddenly shrank!

Snape took two steps back, his face looking a little pale.

At this moment, Professor McGonagall took a step forward and stood between the two of them, blocking the tense sight.

"Severus, calm down your temper!" She gave Snape a stern look.

Snape took the opportunity to look away, with a look of surprise and uncertainty in his eyes.

Seeing his obviously deflated appearance, the professors were all surprised.

No matter how bad the reputation of the dean of Slytherin is, the professors actually fully recognize his strength. After all, not everyone can become the Dark Lord's right-hand man with hard power.

However, such a black magic defense expert and Legilimency master suffered a dark loss in a spiritual confrontation with Dracula!

Ignoring the stunned professors, the conscientious Vice-Principal McGonagall reacted first and brought Dracula into the auditorium.

"Professor Dracula, ignore Severus," she said. "Severus has always wanted to be the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor, but he didn't get Albus's permission. Therefore, he is interested in every successful candidate for this position." None of the wizards have a good face."

Dracula raised his eyebrows and looked back at the big bat-like figure.

"I didn't expect this position to be quite popular." He chuckled.

Professor McGonagall took Dracula to the professor's seat on the high platform of the auditorium, and assigned him a seat far away from Snape, so as to prevent the two from conflicting again...or in other words, he was afraid of losing face just now. Snape was embarrassed...

"Now that everyone is here, let's start dinner!" Dumbledore, who had been watching the excitement for a long time, knocked on the plate with a smile on his face.

As he finished speaking, a variety of rich dishes emerged from the glittering plates.

Dracula glanced at his plate with little interest, then raised his eyebrows in surprise and turned his head to look at the center of the professor's seat.

"I heard that the duck blood soup and pig blood sausage in Poland are delicious, and the Eastern Maoxuewang is also quite unique, so I asked the house elves to add it to the recipe!" Dumbledore winked at him. Eye.

After lunch, Dracula met Quirinus Quirrell again in his Defense Against the Dark Arts professor's office.

"So, are you sure you want to be my teaching assistant?" Dracula said as he poured himself a large glass of cold water and drank it all in one gulp.

Quirrell struggled a bit with the expression on his face, but finally nodded.

"Yes... yes, I'm sure." He stammered.

In fact, it was not a difficult decision for Quirrell, or Voldemort, to make.

On one side is his obsession with becoming a Defense Against the Dark Arts professor, which is the remaining dignity; on the other side is the opportunity to get close to the Philosopher's Stone, the hope of resurrection...

So Voldemort decisively abandoned his dignity.

As the saying goes, what is dignity? Can it be eaten

And to Voldemort, what is dignity? Can you give him more power? Can he escape death

Obviously, it can't.

As a "god king" who had lived in the Albanian forest for eleven years, Voldemort even did not hesitate to act like a parasite, inhabiting various small animals to obtain life energy.

It wasn't until Quirrell's arrival that he had some ability to make trouble.

What's more, Voldemort felt a strong dark power in Dracula when he first saw him, and this power gave him an extremely dangerous feeling.

This is why he immediately ordered Quirrell not to take action and to evacuate immediately.

After Quirrell failed to escape, Voldemort took over his body and used his own black magic to barely escape Dracula's interception.

During this period, he gained a deeper understanding of Dracula's power.

Therefore, Voldemort had long given up hope of snatching the position of Defense Against the Dark Arts professor, and he had even begun to prepare other plans.

The appointment letter from Dumbledore as a teaching assistant was like a timely gift, which made Voldemort once again plan to steal the Philosopher's Stone at Hogwarts.

"Okay, but I have a few requests." Looking at the submissive Quirrell in front of him, Dracula took another sip of cold water and said coldly, "First of all, from now on, the tasks of correcting homework, writing lessons, and organizing papers It’s all yours, I won’t do these boring things.”

"Okay...ok, problem." Quirrell was stunned for a moment, then stuttered back.

"Second, if I am too lazy to go to class one day, you have to teach the students for me."

Quirrell nodded again.

"As for the last item..." At this point, Dracula put down the water glass in his hand, his face suddenly turned cold, "Finally, let me get rid of this disgusting garlic smell from you!"

Dracula felt very nauseated by the smell of garlic that came from Quirrell's body from time to time.

Not only because vampires hate garlic, but also because when he smells this smell, he thinks of the Maoxuewang he just ate.

I really don’t know what Dumbledore was thinking, he actually thought of letting a cold and gloomy vampire eat spicy and hot Maoxuewang! Dracula actually took a few bites out of curiosity about this strange thing!

Dracula now feels like he has taken a warm sun bath. The feeling is really... It's hard to describe!