The Blood Professor at Hogwarts

Chapter 79: Bathroom secrets


"Tom Riddle is Voldemort?" Dracula looked at Dumbledore in surprise.

"That's right." Dumbledore nodded slightly and told the story from decades ago. "More than fifty years ago, I was the one who brought him from the Wu Orphanage to Hogwarts and gave him the opportunity to learn magic."

"Tom is very good at acting and winning people's hearts. While he was in school, he initially established an organization in Slytherin College, which was the prototype of the Death Eaters. It was also at that time that he abandoned his overly common name, Tom, and his surname, Riddle, which came from his Muggle father."

"Tom has always performed well in school, and almost all professors think he is a good student with both good character and good academic performance. He deceived almost everyone in Hogwarts." Dumbledore said heavily, "I am the only one who is wary of his character because I have seen him bully other children in the orphanage. But I can't come up with any definite evidence..."

"Oh? This is getting interesting." In the solemn atmosphere, Dracula suddenly raised his lips, "Let me think about it, a boy who was born an orphan, endured humiliation and oppression under the vigilance and oppression of powerful professors, and finally succeeded in standing out from Hogwarts and established the Death Eaters force that people fear. It's really a touching and inspirational story!"

"Damn it, why didn't old Nico wake me up at that time? Maybe I could have seen what little Tom looked like when he was young, and maybe I could have participated in his experience of lurking underground and building up a Death Eater force. It's interesting just to think about it!"

After listening to Dumbledore's stories about Voldemort's youth, Dracula finally gained some understanding of this unnamed Dark Lord and developed a new interest in him.

At this time, in Dracula's heart, Voldemort was finally no longer a small character with a flat image, no brains, and no demon king at all.

Dumbledore next to him was lost in thought.

He is now a little unsure whether it is the right decision to let Dracula come to Hogwarts as a professor...

"Uncle Dracula, don't forget that Tom Riddle stole my mother's crown. You have to help me teach him a lesson!" Helena saw Dracula's interested look and was afraid that he would join the Dark Lord's camp once he became interested, so she hurriedly said aggrievedly.

"Don't worry, Helena!" Dracula gave her a reassuring look, "I will definitely teach him a lesson and make him return the crown of Royinna to you in tears!"

The topic was unknowingly diverted.

Perhaps it was because Myrtle felt that she had no say at all, so she once again crawled into the toilet and started fumbling around, which reminded Dumbledore and Dracula of the important business of today.

"Professor Dracula, I think we should hurry up with our next move," Dumbledore said seriously. "The fact that Tom dared to expose his youthful appearance to others means that he no longer feels the need to hide. In other words, he has guessed that we have dug a trap and are waiting for him to jump in."

"But in order to get the Philosopher's Stone, he has to jump into the pit, right?" Dracula smiled easily and turned to look at Helena. "When Voldemort jumps into the pit, I will teach him a lesson and then help you get the crown back, okay?"

"Yes!" Helena nodded heavily.

"Okay, Professor Dracula, it's time to get to work." Dumbledore walked over and urged, "It's time for us to check what secrets Voldemort and Quirrell have hidden in this semi-abandoned girls' bathroom."

Dracula nodded slightly and took out an old parchment from his pocket. This was the deed to Hogwarts, which he had become very familiar with.

As the magic power in his hands was activated, lines crisscrossed and flowed on the paper, slowly interweaving into a grid in the shape of Hogwarts Castle.

Dracula's eyes moved slightly, and then, a part of the grid suddenly enlarged, and a pattern that was exactly the same as the structure of the semi-abandoned bathroom where Myrtle was located appeared on the parchment - every magic node in the bathroom was vividly displayed on the paper, and the picture in every corner became clear.

"Sometimes when I see Professor Dracula's authority over Hogwarts, I wonder what's the point of being the headmaster." Dumbledore sighed as he watched Dracula's actions.

At this moment, Dracula did not have time to pay attention to Dumbledore's sigh. He just carefully observed the deed in his hand and frowned slightly.

"The magic nodes here seem a bit complicated."

He suddenly turned around and looked at the pool where he had just leaned against to watch the show.

The pool was very old, and vaguely it could be seen that it was made of marble. The surface of the stone slab had peeled off and was still a little damp, with some sparse moss growing in the cracks between the peeling.

There are many dirty faucets above the sink, and from time to time a drop or two of water drips down, making a "tick-tick" sound. Some water splashes out of the sink and onto the ground, making the floor look wet.

A large, stained, cracked mirror stood behind the sink, reflecting Dracula, Dumbledore, and Helena. As for Myrtle, she had stuffed herself into the toilet and was not reflected in the mirror.

"Is there something wrong here?" Dumbledore came closer and looked at the stained pool and mirror, asking puzzledly.

Dracula unfolded the deed in his hand and placed it in front of Dumbledore.

"As the headmaster, you should be very familiar with the magic system in Hogwarts Castle, right, Dumbledore?" he said, "Look at the structure of this bathroom. The magic nodes in other locations are all normal. However, at the location of this pool, there are four or five more magic nodes, and the backs of these magic nodes suddenly become empty, as if they were blocked by someone."

"So what's behind this pool?" Dumbledore asked. "Are there any other magical nodes that cannot be seen with the authority of this deed?"

"Yes. After all, I am only the lord of this land, and the castle was built by Salazar and Godric," Dracula explained. "So if the four founders wanted to add some private goods to the construction of the castle, it is normal that it is not shown in the title deed."

Dumbledore nodded knowingly.

"Hey, there seems to be a faucet here that doesn't work."

He looked at one of the copper taps, on which was carved a small snake...