The Blood Professor at Hogwarts

Chapter 88: A petrified three-headed dog


Before heading to the restricted area, Hermione suggested going to Hagrid to figure out how to deal with the three-headed dog.

Because dogs' sense of smell has always been very sensitive, Harry's invisibility cloak can only block vision, but cannot cover their smell. I'm afraid it won't have any effect on the three-headed dogs.

Harry and Ron agreed, feeling confident in coaxing words out of Hagrid. After all, it is well known that Hagrid is very tight-lipped, but only if he does not encounter a bottle opener...

So, the three of them came to Hagrid's shack.

"Hagrid, what's wrong with you?"

Harry asked in surprise as he looked at Hagrid's big bandaged face, half-burned clothes, and a large bald patch of hair and beard.

"Ah, I'm fine. I added too much firewood when boiling water last night and accidentally burned myself." Hagrid said with some guilt.

Harry, Hermione, and Ron looked at each other, feeling that there must be something fishy going on.

"Hagrid, did you do anything against school rules?" Harry asked.

"No! I absolutely didn't!" Hagrid was startled and shouted emotionally, "Don't talk nonsense, or I'll sue you for slander!"

Hermione raised her eyebrows suspiciously and moved closer to Hagrid to take a closer look.

"Something's wrong," she said. "Not only do you have burn marks on your body, but you also have animal scratches."

Hagrid quickly covered his coat with his hands and jumped back a certain distance with an unnatural look on his face, causing the whole shed to shake.

"No way, but... maybe I accidentally scratched it somewhere..." He stumbled and said.

"Hagrid, I remember that you have always wanted to raise a fire dragon." Hermione looked at him with keen eyes, "The traces of fire, the scratches of animals on the clothes... Could you really raise a fire dragon?" Bar?"

"I didn't!" Hagrid blurted out, "You see clearly, the scratches of the manticore and the fire dragon are different!"

After saying that, he regretted it and quickly covered his mouth, but it was too late.

"So you have a manticore?" Hermione asked, "Then what are the traces of fire? I have read "Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them" written by Mr. Scamander, but it didn't mention it. The manticore can breathe fire."

"Okay, I admit that I did something wrong last night." Hagrid said dejectedly, "I tried to cross the manticore with the fire crab. I was hiding well next to it, but I don't know why the sky suddenly turned bright. Get up, and then I was discovered by the animals... "

Harry and Ron showed sympathetic expressions, stood on tiptoes and patted Hagrid's big belly to comfort him.

At this time, Hermione quietly winked at the two of them.

Harry suddenly remembered that he still had tasks today, and quickly changed his attitude.

"Hagrid, you have been tortured to this point by a few fire crabs and manticores. I think you are not as good at dealing with animals as you said." He raised his head and said lewdly.

To be honest, his acting was a bit exaggerated, but Hagrid didn't notice it.

"Nonsense! I'm the best at dealing with small animals!" Hagrid retorted unconvincingly, feeling that his specialty was being challenged.

"But we can't tell." Ron, who was as slow as he was, also reacted at this time and answered, "I think it's just a coincidence that you were able to subdue the three-headed dog!"

Hagrid's unshaven face turned red and he banged the table in front of him.

"You're kidding!" he said loudly, "the three-headed dog is the easiest to deal with. As long as you know how to calm it down and play some music for it, it will fall asleep immediately..."

Before he finished speaking, Hagrid suddenly showed a look of horror on his face.

"I shouldn't have told you this!" he said bitterly. "Forget what I said! Hey - where are you going?"

At this time, Harry, Ron and Hermione had already got what they wanted. They didn't exchange a word along the way and ran from Hagrid's shack into the foyer of the castle before stopping.

They stood panting in the quiet hall, looking at each other, their expressions gradually changing from confusion to determination.

"Without further ado, we must get to the restricted area as soon as possible to stop Quirrell!" Harry said, while taking out the invisibility cloak from his pocket.

Hermione and Ron nodded and got into Harry's invisibility cloak together.

Following the memory of their previous night outing in Mohu, they soon arrived outside the corridor on the fourth floor - the door was already open a crack.

"Well, you saw it," Harry whispered, "I'm afraid Quirrell has successfully passed Lu Wei."

Seeing the half-open door, they seemed to realize more clearly what they were about to face. Harry turned to look at Ron and Hermione under the Invisibility Cloak.

"If you want to back down now, I won't blame you." He said, "Voldemort is what I should face, and I don't want to implicate you. You don't need to come with me to destroy his plan, so even if he does come back Yes, you also have a chance to save your life."

"Don't say anything stupid," Ron said.

"Let's go in together." Hermione shook her head and said firmly.

Harry took a deep breath and pushed the door open.

When he walked into this door, he felt solemn, as if he had entered a destined life...

However, what greeted them was not the deep barking of the three-headed dog, but darkness and dead silence.

"Hermione, didn't you say that the three-headed dog must be able to smell our scent, and the invisibility cloak has no effect on it?" Harry lowered his voice and asked Hermione, "There is no movement now. Is it because the invisibility cloak can Is the smell also blocked?”

Hermione frowned, took two steps forward, and suddenly lifted the invisibility cloak.


"Hermione, what are you doing!"

However, Hermione didn't pay attention to the two people's worries, but stretched out her wand in the dark room -


A flicker of light flickered from the tip of Hermione's wand, illuminating the dim room.

Harry and Ron were shocked to see a huge three-headed dog that occupied almost half of the room standing motionless.

The eyes on one of its heads were wide open, leaning forward angrily, while the eyes on the other two heads were closed, as if they hadn't completely woken up yet.

The three-headed dog maintained this movement without any movement at all, and even lost its breath.

Harry mustered up the courage to walk up to it and patted its body, only to find that the three-headed dog's fur and flesh, which should have been soft, were as stiff as wood.

"Quirrell turned Fluffy to stone with a curse we didn't know about, Harry." Hermione said softly, "We have to be prepared, he is far more powerful than we imagined."

Her tone seemed very serious.