The Blood Professor at Hogwarts

Chapter 9: Sorting ceremony


Professor McGonagall took the new students to the front of the auditorium and asked them to line up in a row facing all the senior students, with the professors behind them.

The old students looked at the faces of the new students curiously, guessing which college they would be assigned to.

Of course, more eyes were observing the crowd, guessing which one was the famous savior Harry Potter.

Under the gazes of many old students and professors, Professor McGonagall gently placed a four-legged stool in front of the first-year students and placed a pointed wizard's hat on the stool.

The hat was patched, worn, and dirty.

There was silence in the auditorium, everyone was staring at the hat.

Dracula also stared at the hat, with a little nostalgia in his eyes, but more of an interest.

Then the hat twisted and opened a wide slit, like a mouth.

Then he sang a ballad in a not-so-pleasant voice—

"You may not think I'm pretty, but don't judge a book by its appearance. If you can find..."

When he got excited about singing, he even turned around and used the two folds on his hat as eyes to look at the new little wizards.

"I am the Sorting Hat of Hogwarts, so naturally I am superior to your hats..."

While the Sorting Hat was looking at these young wizards with childish faces, he accidentally caught a glimpse of a figure sitting on the professor's chair.

"Put it on and try it, and I'll tell you, you should ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhinging but I'll tell you."

Hearing this scream, a dark flame rose quietly in Dracula's hands.

The Sorting Hat's singing and screaming stopped abruptly.

Theoretically speaking, the normal process is that the Sorting Hat sings a not-so-pleasant song, the audience bursts into applause, the Hat bows to the four dining tables one by one, and the sorting ceremony officially begins.

However, this time, the hat suddenly screamed strangely halfway through the song, and then stopped singing

The freshmen were confused, the old students were at a loss, and even the professors didn’t understand what the sorting hat was doing this year.

Only Dumbledore glanced at Dracula vaguely, showing a hint of understanding.

"Sorting Hat, what's wrong with you?" Professor McGonagall frowned, stood up and asked.

The Sorting Hat was about to speak, but suddenly he saw the figure that frightened him also stood up along with Professor McGonagall.

"Keep singing, you sing very nicely." Dracula raised the corners of his lips and said to the tattered hat.

"I...I forgot my words." The Sorting Hat said tremblingly.

"Then just make up a song now, and let the sorting ceremony continue, right?" Dracula had an intriguing smile on his face.

"Professor Dracula?" Professor McGonagall glanced at him in confusion.

But the Sorting Hat saw a faint, dark, cold flame dancing on Dracula's fingertips.

"I'm fine, just do as Professor Dracula said." He swallowed, if the hat had spit.

Then the Sorting Hat turned to face the old students sitting on the long table, and relaxed a little until the vampire was no longer in sight.

He cleared his throat nervously, and then sang—

"You may admire Gryffindor,

He is full of courage, boldness and boldness;

You may admire Hufflepuff,

She is tenacious and not afraid of hardships and troubles;

You may admire Ravenclaw,

Her wisdom and erudition are hard to imitate;

You may fear Slytherin,

He is ambitious and shows his edge no matter the cost.”

The Sorting Hat sang a tune he made up on the fly, praising the excellent qualities and unique personalities of the four founders, and then suddenly changed the subject:

"But young wizard,

You should also respect their best friends,

He is knowledgeable and talented,

He is wild, unruly, free-spirited,

He is supposed to be invincible, handsome and unrestrained,



Dracula's eyes twitched as he listened to the ballad made up by the Sorting Hat.

If the words in the front are somewhat related to him, the extremely flattering descriptions in the back simply have no bottom line. This hat seems to want to use all the complimentary words it has learned over the past thousand years!

"Ahem!" Dracula coughed heavily.

The Sorting Hat trembled after hearing this, and immediately concluded his long speech:

"If you don't know him,

Just remember,

The founder’s best friend is always by your side! "

The Sorting Hat finally finished singing the song, and the audience burst into applause. During the applause, both the young wizards and the professors were whispering, discussing who the founder's best friend was who almost combined the best qualities of all mankind.

The tattered hat secretly glanced at Dracula out of the corner of his eye. Seeing that he did not summon the black flame again, he dared to bow to the four dining tables one by one cautiously, and then completely It got quiet.

Although there were some twists and turns during the singing of the Sorting Hat Song, the process was finally completed and we could move on to the next step.

Professor McGonagall, who had been standing for a long time, finally breathed a sigh of relief. He took a few steps forward and took a roll of parchment in his hand.

"Whoever's name I call now will put on his hat, sit on the stool, and wait for the sorting." She said, "Hannah Abbott!"

After the sorting ceremony got on track, there were no problems and it went on smoothly.

The most eye-catching one is undoubtedly the boy-who-lived Harry Potter. The Sorting Hat hesitated for a long time on his head before finally making a decision.


As the Sorting Hat's words fell, the students on the Gryffindor table suddenly became excited and excited. Among them, the two Wei Lai brothers forgot to restrain themselves and jumped up and down in the auditorium again.

And this time no one scolded them, because although Principal Dumbledore and Dean of Gryffindor Professor McGonagall didn't say anything, they were extremely happy about it in their hearts.

Amid the cheers of Gryffindor and the regretful sighs of the other three houses, the sorting ceremony came to a fairly successful conclusion.

Next comes the long-awaited event - the opening party!

Albus Dumbledore stood up.

He looked at the students with a smile on his face and stretched out his arms to them. Nothing seemed to make him happier than to see the students gathered together.

"Welcome!" he said, "Welcome to Hogwarts to start the new school year! Before the banquet begins, I would like to say a few words. That is: Idiot! Crying nose! Residue! Screw it!

"thank you all!"

Everyone had been waiting with empty stomachs for a long time. After Dumbledore's brief speech, everyone began to feast.

Only Dracula glanced at the Maoxuewang on the plate with disgust, tapped the edge of the plate with a spoon, replaced it with a Polish duck blood soup, and then tasted it with satisfaction.