The Blood Professor at Hogwarts

Chapter 90: Two-Face


After going through many dangerous situations, Harry made it to the end alone.

Ron fell on Professor McGonagall's wizard chess board, and Hermione drank one of the potions in the last level and went back to rescue the unconscious Ron. She also had the task of sending a letter to Dumbledore and Professor Dracula to ask them to help Harry.

Looking at the correct answer to the last level, the smallest bottle, Harry took a deep breath.

"Here I come." He turned to face the black flames and drank the liquid in the small bottle in one gulp.

The potion penetrated his entire body at once like ice.

He put the bottle down and walked towards the flames.

The black flames licked Harry's body, but he felt nothing - and then he made it to the other side and into the last room.

Harry saw that Quirrell was standing in front of a tall, ornate mirror, fiddling with something.

He carefully hid under the invisibility cloak, trying to bypass him, get the Philosopher's Stone first as planned, and then quietly leave under the invisibility cloak.

"I can feel it... He's coming... Harry Potter... The Boy Who Lived..."

Before he had taken a few steps, Harry was horrified to hear a low, hoarse voice ringing in the quiet room. The voice seemed to come from Quirrell himself, but Quirrell did not speak!

Quirrell suddenly turned around and looked towards the door.


As Quirrell's voice rang out, several ropes appeared out of nowhere, covering half of the room, and soon found Harry's position.

The next moment, Harry was tied up tightly.

"Invisibility cloak, right? What a rare thing." Quirrell smiled and walked forward to take off Harry's invisibility hood.

Now he didn't stutter at all, and that cowardly and vulgar expression was gone, replaced by a chilling sneer.

"Hermione is right, all your behavior is just a disguise!" Harry stared at Quirrell who was right in front of him and said hatefully.

"What a shame! I thought my acting was good enough." Quirrell said, but there was no regret in his tone. "I never thought that Dumbledore and Dracula would suspect me, but even a first-year witch could guess something."

"What did you say?!" Harry asked in astonishment, "Dumbledore and Professor Dracula have already begun to doubt you?"

He couldn't understand why he could still serve as an assistant at Hogwarts for so long when the headmaster and the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor had already suspected Quirrell.

"Of course, I'm afraid they both suspected me when school started." Quirrell sneered, "But they were too arrogant and took things for granted. They dug a big hole for me, trying to use me to lure out my master!"

"But they probably never thought that they would have to bear the consequences one day. I just used a little trick to send Dumbledore to the Ministry of Magic to deal with an emergency. As for Dracula, since he hasn't noticed my actions yet, I'm afraid he is still in the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom, hahaha..."

Harry's eyes suddenly widened when he heard Quirrell's words.

Dumbledore did go to the Ministry of Magic, which made him feel a little heavy, but that was all. Because he knew that Professor Dracula was not teaching in the classroom now!

So where is the professor now? Has he discovered something is wrong in the restricted area

Harry's heart was pounding.

He felt that the Philosopher's Stone could be saved!

At this moment, neither Quirrell nor Harry noticed that there was a very attractive bat hanging upside down in a dark corner of the room, watching what Harry and Quirrell were doing with great interest in its eyes.

Dracula had been here for a long time, even a few minutes earlier than Quirrell. He watched Quirrell and the three little ones go through the whole process from beginning to end.

When he saw Harry tied up with ropes, Quirrell's arrogant behavior was completely different from usual. He moved his wings with interest and subconsciously wanted to take out a lollipop and put it in his mouth.

Then he realized that he was not in human form, so he folded his wings behind him in dismay...

In the final room, Quirrell untied the ropes that bound Harry and made him stand in front of the Mirror of Erised.

The next moment, Dracula clearly saw that the Philosopher's Stone quietly fell into Harry's pocket.

Harry didn't admit that he got the Philosopher's Stone, but Quirrell didn't believe it. After a dispute, Quirrell suddenly untied the purple turban on his head.

Where the back of the head should have been, there was an extremely hideous face. The face was as white as chalk, with glowing red eyes and two snake-like nostrils below.

'Sure enough.' Dracula thought to himself, 'Quirrell's scar was not caused by the vampire as he said, but was left by Voldemort when he was parasitic.'

When the professors at Hogwarts checked him, Voldemort should have recovered some strength and left Quirrell's body in some unknown way. But even if he left, the traces he left behind would not disappear so easily.

"Harry Potter..." the hideous face whispered, "Give me the Philosopher's Stone, and don't let your mother die for you in vain."

Harry ignored him, gritted his teeth, and rushed towards the door burning with black flames.

What happened next gradually made Dracula a little confused.

At Voldemort's command, Quirrell rushed forward and grabbed Harry's wrist. Then, Harry seemed to feel some pain, and he screamed and struggled desperately.

However, at the same time, Quirrell strangely loosened his grip on Harry's hand and arched his body in pain. Blisters appeared on his fingers one by one!

"Master, I can't hold him... My hand, my hand!" Quirrell groaned in pain.

"Then kill him, trash, and act quickly!" Voldemort said in a harsh voice behind Quirrell's head.

Quirrell raised his hand, ready to cast a deadly spell.

Seeing this scene, Dracula moved his wings slightly, ready to attack at any time.

But at this moment, Harry instinctively raised his hand to grab Quirrell's face -

Both of them screamed at the same time.

Quirrell and Harry's screams immediately confused Dracula. He wondered how these two people could suddenly be possessed by a demon without using any magic...

Even though he had lived for a thousand years, Dracula had never seen such a strange situation. So he decided not to take any action yet and wait and see.

With a piercing scream, Quirrell's body gradually burned red and bubbled, until he completely turned into black smoke and dissipated...

At the same time, Harry could no longer bear the severe pain brought by the scar on his forehead and fainted.

Before he completely fainted, he vaguely saw an illusory figure separate from Quirrell, and at the same time, another figure in a long black robe jumped over the black flames and walked towards him quickly...