The Blood Professor at Hogwarts

Chapter 95: Annihilate the soul


"Dracula, what's that expression on your face?"

Seeing Dracula's expression of losing all patience and becoming completely indifferent, Voldemort panicked.

The black smoke he turned into was like crazy, repeatedly colliding in the blood-colored water prison. He didn't care about the pain of being corroded and melted by the blood water. He only hoped to break through this impregnable cage and escape from the clutches of this devil.

Dracula looked at this scene indifferently, and his fingers suddenly closed.

The next moment, the water prison tightened, completely covering the black smoke transformed by Voldemort, gradually eroding, compressing, and annihilating it.

"Why... I don't believe that anyone has no interest in eternal life!" Voldemort's desperate and unwilling voice came from the bloody water prison.

Dracula flapped his wings lightly and floated to the nearby position.

"Would you like to open your eyes and see who you are trying to discuss immortality with?" he said softly.

The shadow of the dark moon behind him has not completely dissipated, reflecting Dracula's figure into a slender silhouette, leaving only a pair of burgundy eyes shining with light, and a pair of sharp side teeth radiating from his lips. A harsh yet cold light.

Voldemort's eyes widened in realization.

Now everything makes sense -

A powerful wizard suddenly appeared in the magical world, still exuding a dark aura; Dumbledore left Quirrell and suddenly hired a new Defense Against the Dark Arts professor; he apparated in Hogwarts Castle and was not restricted by counter-curses Strange properties of...

"The legendary vampire count..." Voldemort's angry voice came faintly from the blood-colored water prison.

Immediately, the bloody water suddenly gathered, and there was no longer any gap.

The black smoke that Voldemort turned into was completely destroyed, leaving no trace left!

The light of the dark moon slowly dissipated, and the sky above the Forbidden Forest became quiet, leaving only a few distant deer calls and bird calls occasionally coming from the forest...

Dracula waved away the river of blood and floated quietly in the air with a thoughtful expression.

When Dracula returned to the restricted area on the fourth floor of Hogwarts Castle, he saw a messy scene.

In the corridor, Madam Pomfrey from the school infirmary was controlling a stretcher with her wand. On the stretcher was the unconscious Harry, and Hermione was sobbing beside her.

At the entrance outside the trap door, Hagrid was crying bitterly while holding Fluffy, a three-headed dog about the same size as him.

The short and fat Professor Sprout stood nearby, trying to stand on tiptoe, carefully examining the three-headed dog's wide eyes, hoping to find suitable herbs to treat it.

"Relax, Hagrid, it's not dead yet." Professor Sprout couldn't stand Hagrid's super loud crying, so he covered his ears and consoled him, "Generally, curses like this that change the physical state can be used. Apply mandrake restorative potion all over the body for healing.”

Dracula walked around the two men, walked behind the three-headed dog, and jumped into the open trap door.

The devil's net under the trap door had been taken away by Professor Sprout, leaving an empty hard floor.

'If Potter, Weslai and Granger try to jump in now, they will probably be thrown half to death. How can they still have the ability to reach the last level? '

Landing lightly on the ground, Dracula thought idly in his mind.

The next two levels are the winged keys arranged by Professor Flitwick, and the large wizard chess board made by Professor McGonagall using transfiguration.

Professor Flitwick had just packed up the winged keys and was now cleaning the stone ruins of the large wizard chess piece by himself.

Dracula nodded to Professor Flitwick and continued walking forward.

Passing by two troll corpses that had been cleaned by Quirrell, passing through the extinguished flame door, he quickly came to the last room where the Mirror of Erised was.

The last room was very lively—

"Albus, you already knew that Voldemort's soul was lurking in our school?!"

As soon as he entered, Dracula heard the suppressed angry voice of Professor McGonagall.

Professor McGonagall pursed her lips tightly, with a serious face. She was extremely dissatisfied with Dumbledore for concealing all kinds of extremely important things, and loudly accused him of inappropriate behavior that put the entire Hogwarts students in danger. .

Dumbledore stood in front of her honestly, with helplessness written all over his face, his eyes darting around, and he looked exactly like a student listening to Professor McGonagall's lectures.

Seeing Dracula walking in from the door, Dumbledore seemed to have met a savior, and immediately left Professor McGonagall to greet him.

"It's so nice to see you at this time, Professor Dracula." He said with a cheerful face, "How is it? Have you solved Voldemort?"

Hearing the name mentioned by Dumbledore, Professor McGonagall subconsciously took a breath of cold air, came over with a solemn expression, and looked at Dracula with inquiring eyes.

"Theoretically it's solved." Dracula said softly, "His soul was completely wiped out, not even ashes left."

"Since there's not even ashes left, why do you say 'theoretically'?" Professor McGonagall asked in confusion.

"Because I always feel that he is still alive." Dracula glanced at her, "Even if this soul body is annihilated, he may be reborn elsewhere."

Dracula and Dumbledore looked at each other, and both of them saw the words flashing in the other's eyes -


According to Dracula and Dumbledore's knowledge, they both knew that as long as they owned at least one Horcrux, the soul of the creator would remain in the world. Therefore, even if his body is attacked or destroyed, the owner of the Horcrux will not die because the soul in the Horcrux is still intact.

So this time, the black smoke that Voldemort turned into was destroyed by Dracula, but his soul was not completely annihilated. At most, he was weakened to an unusually weak level, and was knocked back to the state he was in when he was hit by the rebounding curse eleven years ago.

This form of existence is worse than a ghost, and weaker than the humblest wandering soul.

But he is still alive after all, and there is still the possibility of a comeback.

The air froze for a moment.

Dumbledore was silent, thinking about how to completely eliminate Voldemort; Professor McGonagall was worried about the safety of Hogwarts and was in no mood to speak; and Dracula was thinking about where to get Voldemort out. , test what is special about people who have had their souls split compared with normal people...

Just then, a rough voice broke the quiet air.

"Albus, come here and see how to take this little cutie away. I want to keep it in the Forbidden Forest!" Professor Kettleburn shouted while standing on the basilisk.

I don’t know how he climbed up with only one arm and half a leg left.

Dumbledore turned around and looked at the basilisk that occupied half of the room and was as high as a hill when coiled up, and fell into deep thought.

'Is this the cutie you call? '