The Blue Whisper

Chapter 118: Endgame


The red light on the edge of the border has already lit up, and it can be seen clearly in the north, and the scorched smell in the air seems to have spread to this place with the wind.

In the demon control platform, Lin Haoqing looked at the red light in the distance, and there was a shadow under his eyebrows.

"Why haven't you woken up yet?" Ji Ning's voice came from behind Lin Haoqing, who was pacing back and forth anxiously beside Changyi's bed.

"Shunde came too fast." Lin Haoqing said, "It was beyond everyone's expectations."

Ji Ning squatted down and looked sideways at Chang Yi's neck.

At the place of his neck, a small white formation rotates among the silver hair. If it wasn't from Ji Ning's point of view, he wouldn't be able to see it at ordinary times. Ji Ning sighed softly: "When will this formation be able to shine..."

Lin Haoqing was also silent.


Ji Ning turned her head and looked beyond Lin Haoqing's figure to the red sky outside: "Can we wait?"

Lin Haoqing did not answer him again.

Ji Yunhe promised Lin Haoqing not to work hard.

But she slipped.

Just because of Shunde's current appearance, her power has surpassed all their previous predictions. The power of the Great National Teacher and Qingluan may have been underestimated all along. Ji Yun Heguang did his best to attract Shunde to the Leihuo magma without being killed by her.

When he reached the edge of the snow-capped mountain of Thunderfire Magma, Ji Yunhe had been cut by the wind blades from the past, with wounds all over his body. She temporarily concealed her figure with the billowing smoke outside the lava mouth.

She healed her wounds with magic, but suddenly heard footsteps behind her.

Ji Yunhe turned his head, but saw a layer of blue light attached to Shunde's body, stepped through the thick smoke, and walked towards Ji Yunhe.

"Bengong thought that you had a good plan. But you want to use this lava field to restrain yourself from Bengong?" She smiled contemptuously, "Naive." blow away.

With the wind whistling, Ji Yunhe's clothes were flipped, and her hair was fluttering. There was finally no smoke between her and Shunde.

The mouth of the lava cave ten feet away is clearly visible.

The two faced each other, and time seemed to return to the dark prison of the National Teacher's Mansion. At that time, the light of the torches in the dungeon was like the current lava, and the sides of the two of them were flushed, like blood. Ji Yunhe had heard that Shunde had been afraid of flames since she was rescued by Changyi from the National Teacher's Mansion, but now, she no longer has such fear.

She looked at her palm and moved her fingers. Ji Yunhe didn't see it, but she could imagine that there must be another disturbance at the border.

She said, "Now, why should I be afraid of the power of heaven and earth?"

Ji Yunhe wiped a handful of blood from the corner of her lips. She sat on the ground, adjusting her inner breath, while pretending to look at Shunde casually, and said, "Don't talk too much. Heaven and earth can be you or you can be destroyed. "

Shunde curled the corners of his lips, and then his face suddenly turned cold, like a ghost: "You should worry about yourself first."

Before she came, she had already heard the news that the merman was sleeping, and the northern border was up and down, and only Ji Yunhe was left to fight her. After killing Ji Yunhe, her puppet army invaded the northern border, took these rebels, and brought them under her command. At that time, in this world, there was no one who could reverse her scales!

Shunde thought of this, the brilliance in his eyes completely cooled down, and with a little madness, he condensed a long sword of cyan brilliance in his hand: "Ji Yunhe, this palace's expectations for you are much higher than now. Think, you are so vulnerable. If you have the power of the nine-tailed fox, if it is of no use to you, then give it to this palace."

Before she finished speaking, she suddenly shot, Shunde's offensive was faster than before, Ji Yunhe dodged sideways, but never escaped, and another serious injury penetrated into the bone marrow was added to her right shoulder!

The fox tail behind her turned into a sharp sword. While Shunde's sword was still in her body, she wanted to attack Shunde's heart, but Shunde picked it up and cut off Ji Yunhe's entire shoulder! The broken arm flew out and landed closer to the entrance of the Thunderfire Lava Cave.

The blood was dried up in an instant before the blood dripped out, and the severed arm was immediately burned into a ball by the high temperature.

Ji Yunhe gritted his teeth to endure the severe pain, and sweat poured down his face for a while. Her fox tail did not hurt Shunde, but giving up her arm allowed her to escape at this time.

The blood on her broken arm and the cold sweat on her forehead dripped onto the ground and instantly turned into white smoke.

Ji Yunhe was trembling all over, but she never showed fear.

But this blow made Shunde feel happy for a while, she grinned wildly: "I wanted to kill you with one knife. But Ben Gong changed his mind. What's the point of killing you like this? Ben Gong cut you down , wouldn't it be better to put you into that magma?"

Shunde is crazy.

Her words and deeds confirmed this statement.

The severe pain in her body made Ji Yunhe not want to fight her for a verbal victory. She turned her head and looked at the place where the thunder and fire magma was. She took a few steps back.

During the battle just now, she was getting closer and closer to the entrance of the Thunderfire Magma, and by this time, she could reach the edge of the lava with three to five feet.

Shunde approached Ji Yunhe step by step. She looked at Ji Yunhe's pale complexion, and her expression became even more pleasant. But she wasn't totally ignorant. She saw the direction Ji Yunhe was moving. With a stroke of the long sword in his hand, a huge wind suddenly blew up behind Ji Yunhe.

Ji Yunhe, who lost her arm, could not resist this force at all. She was pushed forward by the wind, and the next moment! Her neck was pinched by Shunde.

Shunde looked at Ji Yunhe's face, the long sword in her hand shortened and turned into a dagger: "You say." The red light of the lava reflected in Shunde's eyes, making her like a ghost from purgatory, she said , the hand had already been raised, and a long scar was drawn on Ji Yunhe's face. From the temple to the mandible, blood flowed and dyed her hands. The bright red color made her even more excited.

"Did Ben Gong stab your eyes first and gouge out your ears? Or cut off your fingers one by one?"

Unexpectedly, at this moment, Ji Yunhe's lips curled up.

Her face was full of blood, her body was mutilated, she was on the verge of death, and the look in her eyes and the disdain at the corner of her mouth were all telling Shunde that even at this moment, she had never been afraid of her, let alone surrendered to her.

"You are so pitiful." Ji Yunhe said.

The satisfaction in Shunde's eyes was torn to shreds in an instant.

Her expression became grim, her fingers tightened, she pinched Ji Yunhe's neck fiercely: "Bengong might as well cut your tongue first."

She raised her hand.

At the same time, under the snow-capped mountains, in the demon control platform, on the bed in the side hall, a white brilliance suddenly flashed on Chang Yi.

Under the neck, the formations of silver hair rotate.

Between the ups and downs of the breath, the ice-blue pupils suddenly opened.

And above the snow-capped mountains, the thunderfire magma rolled tirelessly, and in the entrance of the cave, there was a dull sound.

A wave of scorching heat that did not belong to Shunde's control swept out, and the temperature was so hot that Shunde, who was under the protection of the spell, couldn't help but narrow his eyes.

And in the blink of an eye, time seemed to be stretched out, white light came from behind the lava, and an ice-pick-like long sword brushed past Ji Yunhe's ear, straight to Shunde's throat!

The ice pick easily pierced Shunde's technique, and when Shunde was defenseless, it pierced the throat with a sword.

Shunde released her hand instantly, staggered back several times, covered her throat, her face turned blue, but all the blood was blocked by the ice sword in her throat, making her speechless, and even vomiting blood.

Ji Yunhe was taken into his arms by one person.

With the silver hair flying, Ji Yunhe looked at the person who came, and the corners of his bloody mouth raised a smile: "You're awake."

The ice-blue pupils saw the wound on Ji Yunhe's face, as well as the defect on his shoulder.

Changyi's pupils trembled, and the corners of his lips trembled almost uncontrollably. It was cold all over, almost even worse than when it was frozen.

"I'm fine." Ji Yunhe stared at Changyi tightly, her remaining hand held him in the palm of her hand, and said with relief, "You know, I'm fine."

Seeing the calm look in Ji Yunhe's eyes, Chang Yi closed his eyes at this moment, Fang held back the pain in his heart. When he opened his eyes again, there was already a chill on his face. He looked towards Shunde.

In front of her, the princess in red was stunned to the ground. The ice sword in her throat caused her severe pain. The ice sword kept melting, but it did not turn into ice water and fell on the ground, but kept expanding along Shunde's skin. , she covered Shunde's face and half of her body with frost, even in this scorching hot place, the frost and snow on her body hadn't disappeared.

Chang Yi protected Ji Yunhe behind him, he took two steps forward and looked at Shunde who was clutching his throat and kept trying to breathe.

He was originally a mermaid in the sea, and had nothing to do with this world, but because of this person's selfish desires, he had a bumpy road and came to the present.

When the ice sword completely melted, it turned into frost and covered Shunde's body.

Shunde Fang raised his head and looked at Changyi with a hoarse voice: "You... it's impossible... why... "

Changyi didn't say anything nonsense with Shunde at all. When he raised his hand, the ice pick carrying the extreme cold energy passed through Shunde's chest again. Like the previous ice pick, it kept melting between Shunde's body.

"You don't have... such... power..."

Shunde's body was about to reappear, but her eyes became colder. With a wave of her hand, an extremely thin ice needle appeared in the surrounding hot and thirsty land, passing through Shunde's limbs, making it impossible for her to seal with her hands.

Ji Yunhe stood behind Changyi, looking at the brilliance of the magic circle around his neck, his eyes moved slightly.

"This is my original strength." Chang Yi looked at Shunde Road, who was completely immobile.

"Why..." Shunde was extremely unwilling, looking at Changyi, gritted his teeth, "Why!"

"The mermen's deep sleep is a game. Ru Ling, you still can't see through." When the voice came from the other side of the thick smoke, Shunde was stunned for a moment. She turned her head stiffly, only to see the white clothes The great national teacher in white robe came slowly.

The Grand Master's expression was as cold as ever.

Even in this blood and fire, his expression did not change in the slightest.

Looking at the great national teacher, Shunde's expression was even more shocked: "Impossible... I locked you up, I..." Shunde paused. When she left the capital, she calculated everything, but never went to the prison to take a look. She is sure, she is so sure, the great national teacher must have been abolished...

But he... He actually came to the North, and he actually helped Ji Yunhe and Chang Yi... kill her

When Ji Ning came to the north, he brought the great national teacher with him.

And at that time, the long meaning of using Shetail grass has also woken up. However, the great national master who came to the north had a secret discussion with Ji Yunhe, Changyi, and Lin Haoqing. Shetail grass is a very precious thing. It can help people reshape the meridians. The long meaning is backfired by the magic, and the use of the sedge grass can clear the meridians of the backlash, but the great national master can use the power of the sedge grass to help the meaning reconnect to all the severed meridians in the body.

It was also at that time that Ji Yunhe realized that the merman opened his tail, not only his tail, but also half of his power.

Sheweicao can make Changyi regain his tail and regain his other half of power.

And although Shunde has the power of Qingluan and the great national teacher, but she has no way to practice, she will continue to consume the power in her body, so when she is in the capital, she keeps looking for demon masters and monsters to absorb their powers.

But when she got here, no one gave her any more exercises.

The flame enchantment on the border is a consumption to Shunde, and her puppet army is also a consumption. Beside the Thunder Fire Magma, Shunde has to keep using spells to resist the scorching heat here, and it is also constantly consuming. As long as Shunde can be held here long enough, the strength in her body will always be exhausted.

But the power of heaven and earth will not, thunder fire lava, can burn for another hundred years, thousand years...

The only thing that surprised them was that Shunde came too fast.

If Changyi wakes up a little later, their strategy may really fail.

"Why do you want to kill me?" At this time, Shunde did not care about Ji Yunhe and Changyi's strategy, but about the great national teacher, "Aren't you going to hold a funeral for the world? They have all become my puppets. , they are all dead, your long-cherished wish! I am helping you to fulfill your long-cherished wish!"

The Great National Teacher looked at Shunde, and finally silent for a moment, then said: "My long-cherished wish, I hope that I will end the chaos in this world."

His long-cherished wish was not to hold a funeral for the world, but to make a case for that person.

When the great national teacher came to the north, Chang Yi and Lin Haoqing did not trust him. At that time, he also said to Ji Yunhe and the others. Ji Yunhe chose to believe him.

Because she had been with the great national teacher in the National Teacher's Mansion, she had also met Ning Xiyu, and she knew the entanglement between the master and the apprentice.

A hundred years of grudges, which originated in his hands, will eventually end in his hands.

She wasn't entirely sure whether the Great National Teacher was really willing to help them, she was just gambling with the hearts of the people she had seen, and she won.

"Haha..." Shunde laughed hoarsely, she couldn't move, and even the tremor in her chest seemed so difficult, her voice was extremely unpleasant, but she kept laughing, "You want to kill me like this... But I don't will die like this..."

She struggled, and at the cost of tearing her flesh and bones in the long-meaning ice needle, she raised her head and stared at Ji Yunhe with blood-red eyes, "I won't die like this, my practice is still there, I still have With the power of another day, if I die but God will not die, I will become the wind, scattered in the air, and I will kill everyone I meet. You can't catch the wind and you can't catch me."

As she spoke, her hair slowly turned into layers of cyan brilliance and dissipated in the air.

The cyan brilliance fluttered around and went to the sky.

"If you want to save people, you can..." She stared at Ji Yunhe, "You and I are half-human and half-demon, you can pull me into your body and jump into the thunderfire magma." She smiled slyly He wrote, "The tragedy of my life started because of you and this mermaid, you, you! If you want to save the world, then you will die with me..."

Her figure dissipated, faster and faster.

Ji Yunhe smiled: "Okay."

She glanced at Chang Yi, took a few steps forward, and squatted down in front of Shunde.

"Then I will die with you."

As she said, she didn't look afraid with a broken hand, and the long meaning behind her didn't even stop her, and Shunde's eyebrows sank before disappearing.

Ji Yunhe had already placed his remaining left hand on Shunde's head. Ji Yunhe's nine black tails embraced all the blue brilliance floating in the air.

"Why?" Shunde stared at Ji Yunhe in astonishment, "Why!?"

"Because you did this, we have long expected it."

Shunde suddenly stared at the great national teacher aside: "No..."

But it's too late! In the hands of the great national master, a golden brilliance flashed past Ji Yunhe's feet, and the brilliance's line was connected to the soil next to the Thunder Fire Magma.

Beneath the ashes and dust, the formation that Ji Yunhe had drawn there a few days ago suddenly lit up.

Shunde remembers this formation, she once saw it when she was reading a forbidden book at the National Teacher's Mansion, this is the formation of the Valley of the Demons... the ten-square formation! It was the formation that the Great National Master sealed Qingluan for more than a hundred years!

Although this formation is not as huge as the Valley of the Demons, and there are not ten demon-controllers to sacrifice, but if you just want to trap her in it, it is more than enough!

"Why?" Shunde looked chaotically at Ji Yunhe in front of him, and then at the calm Changyi behind her, "Why? You will die too! Why? What are you laughing at!"

The azure brilliance in Shunde's body was continuously inhaled by Ji Yunhe, and Ji Yunhe's complexion gradually became painful due to the enormous power, but there was still a slight smile on the corner of her mouth.

The ten-square array made a brilliant masterpiece, and the body of the great national teacher gradually appeared brilliance.

"Master!" Shunde looked at the great national teacher on the other side, "Master! What Ru Ling does is for you..."

The Ten Square Array had to ask for sacrifices. He looked at Shunde, who was gradually disappearing from Ji Yunhe's body, with an unmoved expression. The golden light covered his body, and the Great National Teacher didn't even look at Shunde again. He raised his head and looked at the high sky.

After the thick smoke, the blue sky and white clouds, he narrowed his eyes slightly.

Just in time for the breeze to pass, he closed his eyes. The grand master who sacrificed the ten square formation, the last expression left in this world is a slight smile.

Everything is but the breeze, and all the dust will return to nothingness.

The figure of the great national teacher disappeared, the ten-square formation was finally formed, and Ji Yunhe also sucked all the screaming Shunde into his body.

She stood up and looked at Changyi outside through the golden light ten square formation.

Chang Yi stared at her quietly.

"Let's have a good meal together later," Ji Yunhe said.

Chang Yi outside the ten-square array nodded.

Ji Yunhe waved to Chang Yi, jumped, and jumped into the thunderfire lava.

The tumbling lava instantly swallowed Ji Yunhe's figure.

Rao knows all the cause and effect, and at this moment, Chang Yi still has a sudden pain in his heart.

In the thunderfire lava, Ji Yunhe's figure disintegrated, and the cyan brilliance flashed from it again, but the ten-square array was like a huge cover, covering all the sounds and breaths in it.

Chang Yi stood by the side until there was any sound in the lava, and he reinforced another layer of frost formation on the ten square formation.

Then the figure disappeared, and in the blink of an eye, he returned to the Demon Control Stage.

Beside him, Ji Ning hurriedly came over to ask about the situation, while Lin Haoqing followed him closely. And he just rushed to the inner hall behind the side hall of the Yaoyutai without stopping.

Pushing open the hall door, he was so hasty that he even tripped over the threshold.

Ji Ning next to him was stunned. He was about to ask, but Lin Haoqing held him back.

Chang Yi kept walking, walked inside, passed through the layers of gauze, and finally saw a figure sitting up slowly on the black formation in the gauze.

Chang Yi lifted the veil and walked into it.

The intact Ji Yunhe suddenly raised his head and looked at him.

Eyes met, Chang Yi knelt down and took Ji Yunhe into his arms.

Ji Yunhe was startled, and then his five fingers also passed through Changyi's long hair, and hugged him gently: "Don't you know, it's just me made from a half-cut inner alchemy."

"I know."

He knew that when they were planning all this with the Great National Teacher, Lin Haoqing proposed that after Shunde's body dies, the power will not disappear. Lin Haoqing even had this proposal.

He once used Ji Yunhe's inner elixir to make a "A Ji" out, and now it is not difficult to cut half of her inner elixir and make "half" Ji Yunhe out.

After knowing all this, Changyi fell into a deep sleep and asked Sheweicao to sew up the meridians in her body.

But after sobering up and seeing Ji Yunhe like that, he couldn't help but fall into panic. Watching her jump into the thunderfire magma, he still couldn't help but panic and be afraid... Until now, holding her in his arms, it was a real feeling Only by touching her, talking to her, and smelling her can he be at ease for a while.

"Changyi." Ji Yunhe hugged him, patted his back lightly, and said calmly, "Everything is over."

everything is over.

The thousands of puppets in Shunde on the border turned into ashes, and Qingfeng restored his order and took them away.

The demon masters and monsters in front of the formation broke the barrier, hugged each other and cheered.

Luo Jinsang's injury was stabilized by the military doctor.

everything is over.

Lin Haoqing and Ji Ning received news from the monsters who hurried back, and the fighting at the border stopped.

Changyi just released Ji Yunhe at this moment: "Let's go." He looked at Ji Yunhe, "You just said, let's go have a good meal first."

Ji Yunhe smiled: "I've been lying here for a long time, and my legs are still a little weak. Why don't you carry me."

Chang Yi said nothing, squatted down and carried Ji Yunhe on his back.

Ji Ning wanted to stop: "There are people outside..."

"Don't be afraid to look." Chang Yi said, and carried Ji Yunhe out on his back.

As soon as he stepped out of the hall door, there were cheers and cheers outside, and the dull northern border had never entered this side and jumped for joy.

Chang Yi and Ji Yunhe couldn't help but put smiles on their mouths. It was just in time. When the breeze passed, the sky was blue and the clouds were as white as snow.

Chang Yi abandoned the position of the Lord of the North and threw it to Kong Ming.

Just in time, Luo Jinsang's injury was more than half healed, but he still couldn't get out of bed. Kongming had to take care of Luo Jinsang all day and was busy with the affairs of the northern border. Suddenly he picked up the pick and said that he was busy enough and wanted to go out to play.

Then he left with Ji Yunhe. He didn't even consider his mood at all.

This air was so angry that he almost passed out.

Fortunately, things in the north are busy, but they are not too busy.

Changyi also saw this, and dared to leave.

Ji Yunhe had always dreamed of traveling the world with this sword, but now, Changyi took her to realize his wish.

They walked from the north to the south and finally saw the sea.

Just in time, the sun is setting.

"Big tail fish." Ji Yunhe looked at the waves layer by layer, then looked at Chang Yi, "You have regained your original strength, does that mean that your tail..."

They walked all the way, and Chang Yi never mentioned it. Although his power was back, he did not confirm whether his tail was back. He deliberately avoided this matter, just in case he didn't, It's okay to lose, if Ji Yunhe is lost, he is absolutely reluctant.

But Ji Yunhe suddenly mentioned the matter at this time. He was silent for a moment.

"Try it," he said. He immediately took off his coat and put it on Ji Yunhe's side.

Ji Yunhe looked at him stubbornly: "Do you have to take off your pants?"

Chang Yi was silent for a moment, looking around.

There was no one left or right, except Ji Yunhe.

He was silent for a while. These two legs have been around for a long time... Suddenly I want to take off my pants, but...

"I'll go to the sea first." He turned around and walked slowly into the sea.

The waves surged, gradually engulfing his figure.

With a little anticipation and nervousness, Ji Yunhe walked to the beach. The waves pushed onto the beach layer by layer, soaking Ji Yunhe's skirt.

The waves in the vicinity are non-stop, and the sea in the distance is also constantly swaying with waves. Everything is the same as usual.

Ji Yunhe was standing on the shore, the setting sun stretched her shadow very long, and suddenly, there was a sound of breaking water in the distance.

Ji Yunhe's eyes widened, and a huge blue fish tail rose from the sea.

The scales reflected the waves, illuminating Ji Yunhe's dark pupils.

The corners of her lips moved slightly.

Never felt that the waves were so warm and the sea breeze was so gentle.

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