The Boss I Picked Up All Fell In Love With Me

Chapter 73: Guide to Raising Mythical Beasts (37)


Hearing his words, the man froze for a moment, and there was a trace of doubt in his eyes.

However, Su Zui looked at him without any guilt, his dark eyes were quiet, without revealing any flaws, he was very confident.

No way, whoever told him to tell the truth.

Some details are just omitted.

The man kept the posture of lying on the bed, his eyes were as dark as Shen Tan who couldn't see the bottom no matter how he looked.

The expression of the young man is too perfunctory, as long as he is a person with a normal IQ, he must be suspicious when he hears his words.

Of course he doubted.

Especially when you open your eyes and find that you don't have any memory, you should be most vigilant.

But for some reason, when he looked at the young man, all the doubts in his mind suddenly seemed to be melted ice, blown away little by little.

All that's left is... the desire to get closer.

His peripheral vision turned uncontrollably to the slender neck of the young man. The young man's skin was fair, and he could easily see the light-colored blood vessels under the skin.

A faint and seductive breath came out of the youth, as if it was covered by something, but he was still keenly smelling a clue.

He could even imagine the smell of blood in there.

Familiar as if... he had tasted it.

His throat rolled involuntarily.

Something in the body began to agitate, with pain and bottomless desire.

The hunger surged up as if it was about to devour people.

... and a desire he didn't understand.

He subconsciously suppressed the chaotic power and desire in his body, which was a long-standing conditioned reflex of the body, and the pain was multiplied by the tug of war.

But the next second, he moved for a while, and a thought slowly emerged in his mind, why did he suppress himself

Silence spread in the room for a while, and the man took the initiative to look away.

His voice was low and hoarse, and he said to Su Zui, "Thank you."

Su Zui: "...No thanks."

He looked at the man up and down and determined that he really seemed to have lost his mind and had forgotten what happened before.

He took his eyes back, and he couldn't tell whether it was headaches or relief.

He abducted people without authorization, and he was still confused in his own mind, let alone how to explain his motives.

Could it be said that you are very similar to my ex-husband, and I was fascinated for a while...

Not being beaten to death is considered good-natured.

Now the man loses his memory, but it avoids his embarrassment.

Su Zui coughed lightly and said, "You stay by yourself for a while, and I'll buy you some clothes."

When he was hugged just now, he had already noticed that the figure of this man was exactly the same as Fu Shijun.

In the last world, he had bought clothes for Fu Shijun many times, and he was already familiar with his size.

After a while, the man lowered his eyelashes and gave a low hum.

Half of his face was drowning in darkness, as if he was suppressing something.

Su Zui noticed that he was a little silent, but only thought that it was because of amnesia that people with amnesia would feel somewhat insecure.

He took his acquiescence and went to the nearest mall to buy him clothes.

The place where he hid in a hurry is very remote, and there is no good men's clothing store.

On the way back, System 555 whispered to him secretly: "Host, do you count as a lure or abduction of a bird with amnesia?"

Su Zui's face was expressionless: "What a mess, shut up."

He carried his clothes back to the hotel, but as soon as he reached the stairs, he felt a cold breath.

Su Zui's expression changed when he thought of the man's body covered with black marks in the illusion.

He put an isolation sign in front of the door to prevent it from being seen by other residents passing by, and then pushed the door open.

As it turns out, his caution was right.

The moment the door opened, countless black breaths wrapped up like vines, and a cold hand pressed on his shoulder.

The packaging bag fell to the ground with a clatter.

When Su Zui was conscious, he only felt dizzy.

He was stunned for a moment, and then he remembered how he could be so uncomfortable—

Is it not uncomfortable to be given so much blood

The man's self-control after amnesia was simply a cliff-like decline. As soon as he opened the door, the whole person was bound into a zongzi by the uncontrollable evil spirit, and was surrounded by the man in his arms.

He was so fast that he didn't have time to buy props to beat people.

After that, he hesitated for a while because of the familiar breath, and was bitten on his neck by a slap. His consciousness instantly became extremely chaotic, and he only remembered the distinct feeling of the temperature being lost from his body.

Su Zui had a headache: "..."

I have to say that a man's breath is like a cheating device. Even if he knows rationally to be vigilant, his long-term habit still prevents him from establishing an effective defense in time.

However, before he had time to have a headache, he was attracted by the touch from his chest.

Su Zui slowly lowered his head and noticed that the phoenix jade pendant he was wearing on his chest was taken off at some point. Jian, there is an indescribable strange beauty.

Su Zui frowned slightly, realizing that something was wrong.

The breath of the spirit bones is more intense as it approaches adulthood, and it will not completely converge into the body until it reaches adulthood.

He will be an adult in less than a month. It is the most special time. Once the jade pendant is taken off, it is estimated that the spirit beasts of a city will be attracted.

Although the Su family's animal control technique has been lost, it is not a secret after all. Older people in the Xuanmen can quickly guess his physique, and then follow the clues about the changes of the beasts. It is not difficult to determine his physique. scope.

Not to mention the group of divine beasts in the adjudication institute, who are not sure how many times more sensitive than spirit beasts, maybe even hundreds of miles away, they can smell his body.

In this way, his whereabouts have no privacy at all.

At that time, everyone will get all the stolen goods. Once the news of his abduction of the divine beast of the adjudication institute without authorization spreads, it will definitely affect his reputation and indirectly affect his mission.

Not to mention the apparently wrong look of a man, appearing brightly in front of everyone is also a hassle.

Su Zui immediately asked the system to buy a breath-isolating prop and chose to use it, but it was better than nothing. After all, before he woke up, he had been a mobile locator for an unknown amount of time.

Su Zui was very sad.


The consequences of a momentary brain fever are terrifying.

Impulse is indeed the devil.

System 555 whispered forcefully: "It's cool for a while..."

"It's always been fun," Su Zui said calmly, "Don't enter some strange words into your language library. If you can't complete the task, you won't be rewarded."

System 555: "… "

Yes, I almost forgot that the host mission failed, and the system will also have corresponding penalties.

However, the punishment of the system is not serious, and most of them are only closed in small dark rooms.

On the other hand, if the host fails, it will exit the mission system.

As for what would happen after the host mission failed, System 555 did not know, but it forgot to hear such a theory from a senior: the vast majority of those who came to participate in the mission were desperate people.

It doesn't seem hard to guess what will happen if you fail after a corner.

Perhaps the most terrifying thing for humans is... death

As an artificial intelligence, System 555 understands the definition of human death, but does not empathize with it.

But it knew it was a very serious matter for humans.

System 555 paused for a while, and the electronic voice said cautiously: "...Then the host must come on."

Seemingly seeing the worry in Su Zui's eyes, a low hoarse voice came from above Su Zui's head: "...No one will find out here."

Su Zui was stunned for a moment, looked up, and the man's face really turned into a phantom array, covered with terrifying black marks.

... It seems that this evil spirit is quite difficult to deal with.

The man looked at him deeply.

He wouldn't let others covet his prey. As early as when Su Zui came in, he had completely closed the space.

Hearing the man's words, he relaxed and looked at the person who suddenly attacked him.

The man put on the clothes he bought, a very simple and loose style, the upper body was a beige crewneck sweater, the lower body was black trousers, and the waist was buckled with a belt.

This is a very casual style originally, but when worn on a man, it has a cold and cruel temperament.

Oh, I am so amnesia that I haven't forgotten how to wear clothes.

His long dark hair was not tied, strands scattered on Su Zui's body as he leaned over, and it was cool.

Su Zui frowned at his sudden leaning over.

Across the thin winter shirt, the man's knuckled hand slowly touched the position of his left chest.

There is one of the deadliest parts of human beings, Su Zui's pupils could not help shrinking.

The fingertips pressed on the soft clothes, and the extra bone hidden next to the heart through the clothes and ribs became extremely hot for a moment, as if it had passed through layers of obstacles and was directly touched by someone. .

The feeling of being caught on the weak side was too terrifying, Su Zui was shocked, his eyes blurred for a moment, and his breathing was short.

Under the most direct threat, the body instinctively hides towards the taste that it trusts the most.

To be more specific, he suddenly dived into the man's arms.

The movement seemed to freeze for a moment, and looking at the young man who suddenly softened like a small animal seeking stability in his arms, the man's hand quickly moved away.

He looked thoughtfully at Su Zui who was still panting, grabbed his suddenly approaching shoulder, and moved his thin lips slightly: "You are my Taoist companion."

This sentence is not an interrogative sentence, but a declarative sentence.

When he woke up, he was naked and naked (the state of amnesia, the decline in IQ, and forgetting to change clothes), his affection for the youth (unrequited love), and the unconditional trust of the other party (ex-husband's empathy)...

The instinct of the body will not deceive people, and all the signs show that the relationship between him and the young man in front of him is unusual.

And this unusual relationship...

After searching his stomach, he only came up with this name.

Su Zui: ? ?

Su Zui was no longer panting, his eyes widened slightly, as if he saw something really strange.

How did this conclusion come to be

No matter what damage the man's brain circuit has suffered, Su Zui can't reason with him in this strange state that seems to be obsessed but doesn't seem to be.

Only follow.

In the past few days, the possessiveness of men has inflated to an unimaginable level, and Su is not allowed to leave the room drunk at all.

Fortunately, Su Zui, as a "bird dealer" who needs to keep a low profile, originally tried his best not to go out.

The man didn't let him go out, so he took this time to take a good rest to recover the wounds left by the overdrawn power in the illusion.

Although the medicine can restore most of the injury, the remaining small part still needs a lot of rest and recuperation to be completely healed.

By the way, make some more talismans that were used up before.

Su Zui lived very comfortably in this small dark room.

In fact, he was a little worried at first.

If... a man proposes to double cultivation with him, how should he refuse.

After all, in the hearts of men, they have already firmly determined that they are Taoist companions.

But he was vigilant for a few days and found that the man didn't seem to mean that.

Most of the time, he was limp on the bed and motionless, only two dark eyes rolled to observe his activities.

Perhaps seeing his doubts, the man also explained it thoughtfully: "You have a special physique. Before the root bone has grown, the double cultivation will damage the root."

Su Zui: "..."

Very good, and it will solve bugs by itself. It is very important to let the system learn this advanced skill.

He calmly thought about whether to use 502 or the super glue produced by the system to glue the bird's beak to him.

So that it will be babbled all day long!

Men don't always stand still. In addition to observing Su Zui's ecology, from time to time, he will suddenly get up and take two bites on Su Zui's body, steal a few mouthfuls of his blood to drink, and then lie back slowly.

Su Zui would be a little bit more vigilant symbolically at first, but after a while, he became numb.

In fact, the longer they got along, the clearer the feeling in his heart.

Among the thousands of falsehoods, there will always be one or two truths that can be grasped.


The two were focused on playing in the small black room in the small hotel room, and the mysterious door outside had become chaotic.

One is the Xu family's phantom array.

The magic array suddenly malfunctioned. If it wasn't for Su Zui's appearance to save so many people, almost all the seedlings of the younger generation in Xuanmen would have almost collapsed there.

Even if the seedlings of Xuanmen are still saved in the end, the nature of this matter is extremely serious, there must be an explanation, and it is impossible to lightly expose it.

The Xu Family is in charge of the Magic Array. Even though the Xu Family tried to explain that they did not have the ability to control the Magic Array, no one raised any objection to the risks of the Ancient Magic Array when the plan was made. At the time of the liquidation, as the management family of the Magic Array, they were undoubtedly the targets of most victims.

Of course, in the same way, the Xuanmen Association and several big families that participated in hosting this grand event could not escape.

The Xuanmen family is bound to be in chaos for a while because of this. The situation in Xuanmen is bound to undergo a big change, and many forces will take advantage of this to reshuffle.

The second is Meng Qingzhi's escape.

Under the watchful eyes of the public, Meng Qingzhi first persecuted almost all the disciples of Xuanmen to pave the way for him, then he did not hesitate to pull the entire Xuanmen into the water to protect his own interests, and finally slipped under the eyes of everyone. The Xuanmen elders left an indelible impression and gained countless curses and curses.

In the future, unless Meng Qingzhi and others save the entire cultivation world, don't even think about whitewashing.

And the Meng family, who came from Meng Qingzhi, was also collectively excluded from the family because of such a scum.

Even though the Meng family was originally strong, it was difficult to support it alone, and it could not stand the joint exclusion of so many forces. The decline of the Meng family was almost predictable with the naked eye.

For this reason, the Meng family also hated Meng Qingzhi thoroughly, and could not wait to bring him out immediately to draw hatred, so that the Meng family could take a little less to express their anger.

Everyone wanted to find Meng Qingzhi, but Meng Qingzhi seemed to have evaporated from the world, not even showing a trace.

Under the heavy pressure, the Meng family finally chose to activate the forbidden technique, using the blood of his closest relative, Meng Heyang, to speculate on his position.

After Meng Heyang's ability to practice was abolished, he has become an ordinary middle-aged man with an old and tired face and mean eyes.

He was taken a tube of heart blood, and his body was still very weak, and no one cared about him.

He looked at the back of the Meng family leaving, and smiled sarcastically: "...How could he be so stupid?"

The Meng family's bloodline exploration technique is not a secret. Since Meng Qingzhi has premeditatedly used so many people, he will definitely not leave such a big flaw.

From the moment Meng Qingzhi abandoned him, he could see clearly that his nephew was a colder person than anyone else.

This kind of person may not mind taking a piece of your pie when he is developed.

But when the crisis comes, the companion will only become his stepping stone and scapegoat.

Sure enough, the Meng family's bloodline investigation failed to find any results, and Meng Qingzhi was still missing.

In addition to Meng Qingzhi, the disappearance of another person also attracted a lot of attention.

It's Su drunk.

Unlike Meng Qingzhi, who caused the public outrage in Xuanmen, this young man who saved almost the entire Xuanmen junior has used his actions to make himself and the Su family's reputation reach a small peak in a very short period of time.

He has outstanding aptitude, holds a huge amount of resources in his hand, and has saved so many people... Su Zui was known to everyone in Xuanmen for a while, and his popularity was comparable to that of Meng Qingzhi.

It's just that one is good heat, and the other is full of insulting heat.

These two heat centers have never shown up.

Xie Yu, who had been partnering with Su Zui, found it, but he also didn't know where Su Zui was.

In the end, he was packaged and thrown out by Su Zui along with the children of the aristocratic family. He knew no more than others. The communication magic tool that Su Zui left for him was used up when he was in the illusion, and now there is no way to do it. reuse.

Unlike Xie Yu, who took the initiative to escape, after the phantom formation cracked, people outside could no longer see what was happening inside. Many people speculated that Su Zui might have been injured too badly and could not escape when the phantom formation burst. harm.

Xie Yu said that he didn't want to believe this possibility.

In his heart, Su Zui was the calmest and most powerful person he had ever seen. How could he have died for such a simple reason

Besides... He intuition that Su Zui is not such a merciful and selfless person in nature. Since he can save so many people, it is impossible not to leave a way out for himself.

Xie Yu, who has always had a simple way of thinking, suddenly became very smart in this matter.

Those who had the same idea as him were also the children of the aristocratic family who had been rescued by Su Zui.

But they didn't know Su Zui, and the reason why they insisted that he didn't die was partly out of admiration and partly out of admiration.

"When he finds it, I have to thank him myself."

"And an apology. I followed Meng Qingzhi against him in Brahma's Little Secret Realm before..."

The last thing is the disappearance of Phoenix.

This one is more important than the other three, but little is known about it outside the Tribunal.

Only a few senior figures in Xuanmen vaguely knew that a valuable adult in the Judgment was implicated in this change.

The status of the Phoenix is very precious, and the current situation is very special. The spread of the matter is too wide to help, and it will only cause shocks in people's hearts. If someone breaks the image of the Phoenix into the devil, it will increase the danger of the Phoenix, so Qingluan chose Low-key handling.

But dealing with low-key, does not mean that the intensity of the search is small.

The gods and beasts have their own way of finding companions, just like the aura of Suzaku could open up the space, forcibly opening the second entrance for the Brahma Small Secret Realm to introduce the phoenix, the sensing ability between the gods and beasts is very strong.

The ethnic group is withering, and if a single soldier fights, it is more likely to have an accident. This is the gift of heaven to them.

Especially Qingluan, as Phoenix's entourage, has an unimaginably close relationship with Phoenix. Qingluan dares to say that as long as Phoenix is still alive in this world, he will definitely be able to find some clues.

However, the truth soon hit him in the face.

For half a month, he did not gain anything, not even a single feather of the phoenix.

In this case, there are only two possibilities.

One is that the phoenix is dead.

However, given that Phoenix’s suppression in the Judiciary has not revealed its death, this possibility can be easily ruled out.

The only thing left was the phoenix's breath that was completely covered up.

I just don't know if he did it or did it by himself.

If you cover it up, it's not a big deal. Phoenix may be in retreat to recover, and it's inconvenient to be disturbed.

If it is covered up by others, the situation will be serious.

Because only the strong side can completely cover up the breath of others.

But in this world... is there really a more powerful existence than the phoenix with evil energy

Suzaku knew about this, and the guess in his heart became more certain.

He reasoned the result "rigorously" with his habitual thinking—

Oops, Qingluan is so rigid, Phoenix is obviously just going out and having fun, so he doesn't want to come back!

What are you thinking about!

But he didn't dare to say this to Qingluan, he could see clearly, Qingluan is just a phoenix's brainless blow, in his eyes, the phoenix is fair and selfless, coercive and calm, and will definitely not be a sloppy person like skipping work. set thing.

So Suzaku didn't say anything bad about the phoenix, just blinked his black bean eyes, and ran to Qingluan, pouting his young bird's fiery red tail feathers with only a few slender hairs, and showing him : "Qingluan, look at my tail, I felt a little pain yesterday, I didn't dare to disturb you, but I can't help it today. Look, I'm worried that my tail will be bald?"

When Qingluan heard what he said, he was a little anxious.

For many birds, especially male birds, the tail is the face, and a beautiful tail will become an important bargaining chip in courtship.

The most famous is the peacock's open screen, a tail that is eye-catching enough, which basically establishes the male's position in the group.

Its importance is roughly equivalent to human hair.

Qingluan's thin white fingertips fiddled with the down feathers at the base of its tail, carefully checking to see if there were any scars on it, and her voice was a little cold: " should have told me yesterday."

Suzaku endured the itch at the base of his tail, and quietly raised his tail higher, and the red one seemed to be more vivid: "No, I see that you are very busy and don't want to disturb you, I am a good bird, I can't bear it today. Living."