The Boss I Picked Up All Fell In Love With Me

Chapter 86: The fourth day of being a cauldron


During had a headache.

As an experienced tasker, she had never encountered such a situation.

What the hell is a "temporary assignment"? How did the anomaly occur

There are at least twenty or thirty quest worlds she has been in, and it is not that she has not encountered plot deviations in the past, but as long as it is not exaggerated, the system will generally not say anything, let alone ask her to correct the abnormal point. .

The plot setting is the setting. As a living creature, there are always times when people are not so perfect. If every step requires perfection, then they are not human.

As long as the key points are not derailed, the entire plot can still go on smoothly.

Although the thousand-year-old dragon scale is rare, it is only for people below the Nascent Soul stage. She does not think that this thing is a key node. Among the loot that was collected from the demon girl, there are two pieces that are not inferior to the thousand-year dragon scale. 's treasure.

But the system was like making a mistake, repeatedly asking her to find the "abnormal point" that stole the thousand-year-old dragon scale.

This situation was really unheard of in her past mission career, so when she heard the system prompt that day, she was stunned for a moment, stumbled, and accidentally let the "abnormal point" escape from her eyes.

Du Ling felt that there was something weird about this, "System, why does it have to catch that 'abnormal point'?"

But as always, the only answer to her was the cold "insufficient authority".

Probably because the host has been rejected too many times, the system paused and added, "The temporary task is not mandatory, the host can complete it as best he can, the system only prompts, if this task point is not checked, it is very likely to affect the completion of the non-mainline task. Spend."

Du Ling: "... OK."

She really didn't see where it would be affected!


A period of calm days passed, and after making sure that the heroine no longer paid attention to herself, Su Zui devoted most of her energy to cultivation.

Not long ago, he had quietly ascended to Jindan, and he did not attract anyone's attention due to the cover of system props.

The heroine has already relaxed her vigilance here, and is busy finding people and planning to escape in other parts of the Demon Palace every day.

The two were busy with each other, so it could be said that they did not disturb each other.

Originally, his mission would not have anything to do with the heroine. If it wasn't for the main quest of his Tiankeng, he would never have conflicted with the heroine over a thousand-year-old dragon scale.

After carefully feeling the rest of the dragon scales in his body, Su Zui sighed again that in the world of self-cultivation, the gap between people is really bigger than that between people and dogs.

In the original plot, the thousand-year-old dragon scales that can heal the heroine's old wounds and help her break the pill to form a baby will take seven to eighty-eight to form a pill with him.

No matter how many treasures of heaven and earth are used on him, it can be called a waste of time.

But being able to form a pill is a good thing after all, and since then he has finally gained a bit of self-defense in this dangerous demon palace, instead of having to rely on that elusive luck every time.

Su Zui was waiting, and when the heroine failed to escape and met the injured demon emperor, and began to fall in love with the new harem, he took the opportunity to search for a few more treasures.

They fall in love, he pursues his career, and the two do not delay.

After going through the plan in his mind and confirming that there were no obvious loopholes, Su Zui was rarely at ease. He reached out and picked up the little fox lying on the pillow, and put it in his arms and slowly rubbed the fluffy fox's head.

Since the last time he came back from the injury, after this little thing collapsed and slept with him, one person and one beast finally ended the life of a cold roommate without intersection, and began to squeeze a quilt every day. Pure bed friend relationship.

After the wound on the body healed, the hair quickly regrowed, but within a few months, it turned into a fluffy white hair ball.

It looks soft and clean, very good rua, except for the still mutilated tail, there is no trace of any injuries.

Su Zui finally enjoyed the benefits of raising furry, and was able to touch his head and body every day, and was even allowed to touch the base of his tail from time to time. It's just that the monster's tail seems to be very sensitive. Every time it is touched, the owner of the tail will tremble, and the mutilated tail will be swung around, and I don't know if it is itchy or uncomfortable.

After touching his head enough, Su Zui reached out and scratched its chin, "Can you talk?" The origin of this little guy is still a mystery.

The little fox didn't move, as if he was being fooled.

Su Zui chuckled lightly.

In fact, he thinks he will. After all, the little fox can obviously understand his words, and there is no problem with his intelligence.

The demon race is born with spirit, and although the opening time is later than that of humans, it is almost the same.

Probably because the little guy he picked up was vigilant and reserved, so far he has never actively communicated with him.

Thinking of the wounds all over his body when he encountered it, Su Zui had no intention of persecuting it. In short, it would take a long time to come to Japan.

I just don't know how old a monster is to be considered an adult... Many monsters will turn into their youthful bodies after being seriously injured to save their spiritual power. This little thing is like a gourd with a sawed mouth, and he can't find any information.

The age calculation method of monsters is different from that of humans. Many races are considered adults for hundreds of years, but they have the ability to reproduce before that.

If it is really small, as long as it is not too exaggerated, it should not matter, after all, there is no underage monster protection law here.

His thoughts gradually turned to the place where he couldn't pass the trial, Su Zui coughed lightly, swept the waste in his mind, and threw it into the system's garbage recycling station.

System: … would love to call some legal aid!


During the period when Su Zui was addicted to cultivation, six or seven of the people in this other courtyard had already died.

It's not surprising that at least half of these people were originally spies of various races. After they were sent, they were left in the cold by the Demon Emperor for several months. Without a chance to inquire, they would naturally run around in a hurry.

If you run around like this, don't you throw your life into the magic formation that is full of the Demon Palace

There used to be as many as a hundred people, but now, only twenty people are still alive with all their arms and legs, which makes the yard that was originally dilapidated even more desolate.

Those human race monks probably formed an alliance with the heroine. When the others were dying, they wisely chose to be low-key and very safe. Now they are still healthy and have complete parts.

But it wasn't far from when they got their lunch.

The heroine successfully conceived a baby with the help of other treasures not long ago, and she will start her plan to escape from the Demon Palace in a few days.

Su Zui couldn't help but feel a little sour.

Although the time of the female protagonist's birth is later than in the original plot, the daughter of destiny, the most important thing is the opportunity to be delivered to the door, and the natural bone is clear and the aptitude is excellent, and the lack of a thousand-year-old dragon scale can't shake her at all. foundation.

Su Zui went to the management office to get today's case.

In the eyes of outsiders now, he is only in the foundation-building stage, and he still needs to take mortal food every day.

On the way back, his external consciousness heard two demon cultivators discussing in a low voice.

"I heard that the demon emperor has been retreating for the past few months, and no one has seen it, let alone us. Even those big demons can't see the shadow of His Majesty."

"How did you hear that? Could it be the last time the bodyguard?"

"Isn't it annoying, why are you asking so much? Do you want to continue listening?"

"If you want to... You are very capable, so you hooked up?"

"Then what can I do? I can see it clearly, we are just here for decoration! The guard told me that His Majesty doesn't need a cauldron or a concubine at all, and even the guards are not allowed to get close... It is said that it is because Once upon a time... I see you, make plans earlier."

Su Zui: Indeed, that is one of the heroine's harems after all.

In the plot, the demon emperor seems to have had some kind of psychological trauma and never allowed anyone to get close to him. It was only when the heroine appeared that he opened his closed heart.

He silently listened to the corner for a while, but without hearing any more useful information, he quickly turned and left.

All these have little to do with him, he is a man who values his career.

Su Zui refused to admit that it was because he doubted that the lover in this world was still a minor!


Su Zui waited patiently for a few more days, and finally waited until the day when the heroine escaped from the Demon Palace.

It's just that this movement... It seems to be a lot bigger than what was described in the original plot. Even the secluded courtyard where they lived had an earthquake, which seemed to trigger a great formation.

After a violent earthquake, several dazzling golden lights suddenly lit up on the ground of the other courtyard.

Su Zui's face sank, and there was actually an eye, which was not mentioned in the original plot.

With the activation of the array eyes, countless houses were rolled up by spiritual power, and were crushed into powder in the storm.

The upheaval happened in just a split second, so Su Zui took the little fox into his arms and quickly moved away from the formation.

In the torrential rain that filled the sky with spiritual energy, he did not see the eyes of the monster in his arms that suddenly turned cold.

Even though Su Zui used the fastest speed to escape, the speed of the formation still caught up with them.

A treacherous spiritual power came, and the power contained in it was shocking. Before Su Zui could react, the little fox suddenly jumped out of his arms and bumped into the spiritual power head-on.

Do not-

Before he was unconscious, Su Zui did not feel the sharp pain caused by the impact of spiritual power, but a stinging pain from his shoulders, which seemed to be bitten through the flesh by sharp teeth, leaving an indelible mark.


During was a little nervous.

According to the plot, now is the moment when she meets her third harem.

Although there was a little accident, because of the lack of spiritual power, there were more formations than expected, but the impact was not great!

Anyway, she can't escape this time, this is just an opportunity for her to meet a new man!

She stood in the treetops and kept calculating.

right! That's right! This is the angle!

With her three-thousand-year experience of being a popular heroine professionally, jumping from here can reveal a profile with a right angle, and her slender but suitable body curve, with a three-point charm in the coldness, and a part in the embarrassment. Poor Chu Chu, it's perfect!

A tall figure emerged from the center of the formation's eyes. Du Ling calculated the timing and fell from the tree. The beautiful figure was like a beautiful fallen leaf, falling in front of the man.

She raised her head with some anticipation, but what she saw was not as stunning as she had expected, not even the calmness of a passerby. The only thing that appeared in those strange-colored beast pupils was cold impatience, with a hint of boredom, as if Seeing an enemy who disturbed his good deeds.


Is she blinded

"You'd better have the ability to let me take a high look," the man didn't even give a sneer, and there was only naked malice on his face, "I'll peel your skin and fill the eyes with bones."

The author has something to say:

Hostess: My harem! Such a big harem!