The Boss Lost His Memory And Only Remembers Me

Chapter 122: If you like it, watch it



"Okay, play here. I have to go to a meeting. After the meeting, I will board the plane directly. Someone will come to take you to the plane. See you in Germany."

Wen Qiao looked up at him with a smile: "Do you still want me to watch you inspecting the plane at Gate 85? I even brought the monoculars."

The man put his arm around her waist: "If you like it, then watch it."

Wen Qiao smiled sweetly: "I like it."

Deputy Captain Luo Huiluo from Group C was whispering beside the coffee machine in the restaurant: "Captain Fu, are you bringing your girlfriend on the plane? Tsk tsk, you really do whatever you want."

His crew members naturally flattered him: "Captain Fu can do whatever he wants in Dongchuan, but we should not discuss the right and wrong of the young master, so as not to be caught by others."

"Young Master, is this for work? Or is he just trying to show off?" Luo Hui said indignantly, "If he wants to show off, he should buy a private jet. The Fu family can afford it. But he is playing with the safety of hundreds of people. Young Master is really willful."

A woman's voice suddenly came from behind, "Captain Fu of Dongchuan Airlines is the most disciplined. His girlfriend sat in the coach class like ordinary passengers and did not enter the cockpit. Which rule of the captain's professional code did this violate? Did Co-pilot Luo know about it? Is he making sarcastic remarks behind her back?"

Luo Hui's heart trembled, and he turned around to look. It was Sun Qi, the secretary beside the young director. She was wearing a professional suit, with delicate and capable makeup and a cool expression.

Luo Hui smiled and said, "Secretary Sun... We were just chatting, why do you take it so seriously?"

Sun Qi said coldly, "Chatting? You are slandering Captain Fu's reputation. After Captain Fu's car accident, every step of the company strictly followed the regulations of the Aviation Administration. Captain Fu's physical fitness, knowledge reserves, aviation experience, reaction ability, and all aspects were re-evaluated. Each item has strict standards, and Dongchuan Airlines doesn't seem to have a rule that relatives can't take the captain's flight, right? Co-pilot Luo raised his lips and said irresponsibly that Captain Fu did whatever he wanted. Captain Fu even let his girlfriend look through the binoculars at the boarding gate when he walked around the plane. He was so disciplined, but was slandered by Co-pilot Luo. This... is too much of a false accusation, right? If you ruin Captain Fu's reputation, be careful that the Fu family will send you a lawyer's letter."

Luo Hui's scalp tingled: "Secretary Sun, look at you, why are you so serious? We are all colleagues."

Sun Qi raised her eyelids and said, "Let's put things in perspective. After Captain Fu finishes this flight, Vice-Pilot Luo should formally apologize. What do you think?"

Luo Hui immediately admitted his mistake: "Yes, yes, I will apologize to Captain Fu."

"If there are any similar remarks in the company in the future that damage Captain Fu's reputation, I will let the Fu family's legal department contact you directly."

After saying that, she walked away arrogantly from Luo Hui, holding the coffee cup and wearing high heels.

Luo Hui was so angry that he almost punched the wall: "You are just the young boss's mistress, why are you so arrogant? I don't think you will ever be able to become a regular in your life!"


In the conference room, Zhao Yuan checked the time on her watch with the crew members: "It is now 1:28:19 in the afternoon. Everyone please check your time."

Xu Shen came over with a stack of documents: "Captain, this is the satellite cloud map data of Haicheng and Munich in the next twelve hours sent by the Aviation Meteorological Center. Please take a look."


"This is the cabin oxygen usage..."

Fu Nanli wrote something on the information: "Where is the turning point?"

(End of this chapter)