The Boss Lost His Memory And Only Remembers Me

Chapter 124: Cross-examination


When they were going down the gangway, he still held her waist from behind. Fu Nanli put his hands behind her back and wanted to hold her: "I'll carry you."

Wen Qiao quickly shook his head: "No, no, you've been tired all the way, how could I be so ignorant?"

The crew members who were already seated and waiting for them in the shuttle were all staring at the gangway.

Xu Shen said with a tut: "Another dog slaughter trip, sympathy for you single kids."

He Qian closed her eyes and said, Wen Qiao, you have deceived Fu Nanli so badly. People like you will not have a good ending.

It was quite chilly in Munich at night in October. Wen Qiao wanted to stay cool, so she only wore a thin sweatshirt. When she got on the shuttle bus, Fu Nanli took off his uniform jacket and put it on her.

Wen Qiao muttered: "I'm not cold."

"Dress up and be obedient."

As long as Wen Qiao was around, Fu Nanli's eyes would be glued to her the entire time, as if the people around him no longer existed. He Qian felt very upset.

On the way to the hotel, Fu Nanli took photos of her along the way, and he took the photos on his own initiative, not because Wen Qiao asked him to.

Wen Qiao was very polite and praised the photos he took for being beautiful and artistic.

He Qian's face was extremely gloomy.

When they arrived at the hotel, Wen Qiao jumped out of the car as usual, and Fu Nanli successfully caught her and held her in his arms.

He pushed the suitcase and took her hand, "Sit on it."

Wen Qiao: "I'm not tired."

But the man still pressed her onto his tall suitcase and pushed her into the hotel.

He Qian almost vomited blood from anger.

I spent the whole night sleepless, constantly wondering what the person in the opposite room was doing.

In fact, nothing was done. Fu Nanli knew that Wen Qiao was still young, so he would not force her to do anything.

In the morning, Wen Qiao felt refreshed and was embraced by Fu Nanli into the hotel restaurant.

He Qian was so angry that she was speechless.

The two men were sitting at the next table. After a while, a Chinese chef came over with a cart, serving shrimp wontons, cart noodles, and soy milk.

Well, the Chinese chef brought by Fu Nanli made breakfast specially for Wen Qiao.

He Qian finally couldn't help it, took her cell phone and walked up to the two of them.

Zhao Yuan was a little nervous. She wanted to pull her, but failed. What did Xiao He want to do

The shadow blocked the light. Fu Nanli put down his fork, looked up and glanced at her with an unhappy look.

He Qian looked at Wen Qiao with a smile: "When did you and our captain start dating?"

Wen Qiao's heart skipped a beat. The tone of this sister's voice sounded as if she was well prepared. No wonder she always felt that her eyes along the way were meaningful.

Fu Nanli said coldly: "Didn't you see we were having dinner?"

He Qian said with a stiff upper lip: "Captain, I received some information showing that Wen Qiao lied to you. I want to confirm it. I'm really sorry to interrupt your meal."

Wen Qiao remained calm: "What do you want to say?"

"When did you and our captain meet, and when did you establish your relationship?"

Wen Qiao held a silver fork in one hand and hung the other hand under the table, tightly grasping the hem of her clothes.

"We met last June."

"Well, you wrote a love letter to Zhuang Yan last June."

Wen Qiao met her gaze: "Brother Nanli knows about this."

Fu Nanli's heart softened. This was the first time she called him brother.

"So when did you and our captain confirm your relationship?"

Wen Qiao thought to himself, "Last October."

He Qian suddenly laughed: "The relationship was confirmed in October, right?"

(End of this chapter)