The Boss Lost His Memory And Only Remembers Me

Chapter 130: He Qian was transferred away


Xiao Mo is a genius child whose IQ far exceeds that of ordinary people.

Could it be him

But he doesn't seem to have many opportunities to use computers, and he is an introverted child, so it shouldn't be him.

Wen Qiao closed the computer, left the room, and sat at the table. Xia Bai and Ding Hai were very attentive: "Sister Qiao, have an orange."

"I've eaten, you guys eat."

Wen Chi pushed Xia Bai's head: "Why are you trying to flatter me? Just do your homework seriously."

Xia Bai said aggrievedly: "What do you mean by flattering? Sister Qiao is not my biological sister, but she is better than my biological sister."

Ding Hai: "She's better than my own sister."

Wen Chi rolled his eyes: "Why are you trying to stir up trouble with me? Why are you guys so servile?"

Wen Qiao came close to Wen Mo and asked, "What kind of comics are you reading? Oh, detective-themed ones, do you like this type of comics, Xiao Mo?"

Wimmer nodded.

"What else have you seen?"

Wimmer wrote on the paper: "I have read all the works of Conan Doyle, Agatha, Seishi Yokomizo, and Keigo Higashino."

Wen Qiao was busy making a living in his previous life and neglected his brother's hobby. It turns out that he loves reading detective novels so much.

“Did you buy the book or borrow it?”

Wen Chi looked up from the test paper: "They are all borrowed. This kid always likes to hang out in the library."

Wen Qiao nodded thoughtfully.

No matter who helped her, she finally got over this hurdle.

Because of guilt, she wanted to spend money on Fu Nanli.

Wen Qiao was thinking, Fu Nanli studied astrophysics in college, his idol was physicist Richard Phillips Feynman, and he was also interested in aviation, so he had to cater to his interests, make the gift expensive, and make him like it.

She needs to think about it carefully.


After a night's rest, Fu Nanli was called by his cousin Ji Xianzheng to attend a meeting at the company.

Ji Xianzheng is one year older than Fu Nanli. He is the young chairman of Dongchuan Airlines. He appears to be gentle and noble on the surface, but he is ruthless in private. Since he joined the company, in just three to five years, he has raised Dongchuan, which was originally ranked at the bottom of the aviation industry, to the top in the industry.

All the old foxes on the board of directors obey him.

In Ji Xianzheng's office, a man wearing gold-rimmed glasses was reviewing documents. There was a knock on the door and it was Fu Nanli who came in.

He put down the pen in his hand, took off his gold-rimmed glasses, and rubbed his brows: "I didn't disturb your rest. I just flew back yesterday."

"No, I have something to tell you."

"Well, go ahead."

"There's a stewardess in my group named He Qian..."

Ji Xianzheng raised his eyebrows: "What?"

"Transfer away."

Ji Xianzheng leaned back in his chair. He Qian had come to him many times to beg for mercy. After all, they had business dealings and he had to give her some face. What outrageous thing had she done to offend his young master

"No problem. I just happened to call you here today because I wanted to tell you that domestic tourists like to go to Iceland to see the northern lights recently. The company plans to open two more direct flights to Finland. I plan to transfer you to fly to Helsinki, Finland. Do you have any opinions?"

"no comment."

"It just so happens that you want to transfer He Qian away. So, you fly to Helsinki and take a few staff members you trust with you, and the rest of you will stay with the crew flying to Munich."

This way he wouldn't have to think of excuses to deal with He Qian.

"Except He Qian, all others will fly with me to Helsinki."

Ji Xianzheng: …

I still have to think of an explanation to appease He Qian.

"I'm planning to transfer Luo Hui from Munich's D group to Group A as the captain. He's also an experienced co-pilot. Do you have any objections?"

Fu Nanli: "Who is he?"

(End of this chapter)