The Boss Lost His Memory And Only Remembers Me

Chapter 152: I am here


How old is she? It’s okay for her and her roommate to drink soju when they go out.

Why do you treat her as a child

Fu Nanli's forehead veins jumped, and he bowed his head: "Call me Fu Cheng, or Brother Cheng, no need to call me Brother Cheng."

The word "brother" always sounds affectionate.

Her love can only be used on him.

Wen Qiao tilted his head, looking confused: "Huh? Why?"

Is there any difference

Fu Nanli pressed her fair wrist and said, "Just be obedient."

Fu Cheng raised his eyebrows: "I wouldn't dare to pour you wine without the young master's order."

Wen Qiao looked at Fu Nanli: "I'll just have a drink, okay?"

Fu Nanli raised his hand: "Fu Cheng, bring a bottle of fruit wine, peach sparkling wine, do you have any?"

He Jun teased: "You treat her like a kid and you're in love with her, Nan Li, you're contradicting yourself."

Fu Nanli looked at Wen Qiao's eager eyes and said with relief: "Fu Cheng, just pour her a glass."

Wen Qiao never expected that she could drink half a bottle of Shaodaozi, but would fall down after just one glass of red wine.

Wen Qiao drank a cup of wine, and soon after, he felt his face getting hot, his head getting foggy, his consciousness becoming unclear, and his body becoming weak.

Fu Nanli pulled the staggering person into his arms.

Fu Cheng spread his hands: "Brother, don't blame me, you asked me to pour the wine."

Fu Nanli glared at him, and Fu Cheng felt extremely wronged.

He Yan couldn't hold back her smile: "How could someone get so drunk after drinking a glass of red wine?"

So this girl used this method to seduce Fu Nanli

Wen Qiao's face was red, his eyes were dazed, he grabbed Fu Nanli's hand, and said in a harsh tone: "I can drink, don't treat me like a child, actually... actually, when Lu Youyou and I go out, I can... drink half a bottle of white wine."

Fu Nanli picked the person up and carried him sideways, then walked out.

"Have some hangover soup sent to my room."

"Okay, brother." Fu Cheng responded.

Then he saw Fu Nanli holding the person in his arms and hurriedly leaving the private room.

He Yan couldn't hold it in any longer, she dropped the chopsticks in her hand, her heart was beating fast, she took out a box of women's cigarettes, lit them up, and said in a bad tone: "It's not convenient for Xiao Wen to be here, she has to go out to smoke."

He Jun let out a light click of his tongue. After all, the person sitting opposite him was a brother of the Fu family. She must have been really angry to the point of being so reckless in saying bad things about Fu Nanli's girlfriend behind her back.

"He Yan, watch your attitude."

He Yan became more and more annoyed. With trembling fingertips, she roughly put out the cigarette into the bone dish, picked up her handbag beside her, and hurried out of the private room.

Fu Nanli's room was on the sixth floor. He hurried back to the room carrying the person, stepping on the soft carpet, passing through the huge living room, and returning to the room. Just as he gently put the person on the bed, Wen Qiao struggled to sit up.

Looking at him with red eyes.

The lights in the room had not been turned on yet, and only a few dim lights from outside shone in through the floor-to-ceiling windows.

"What's wrong?" He half-knelt beside the bed. This posture looked pious and his voice was extremely gentle.

Maybe he became sentimental when he was drunk. No matter how difficult life was, Wen Qiao never complained to anyone or expressed his grievances.

But when facing him, I become soft.

"Dad doesn't want us anymore, my brother is sick, and my mom is too kind. I'm the only one supporting the whole family. Will I be tired? Actually, I will be tired too."

He seemed to have no experience in comforting people. He just reached out and touched her face again and again, saying in a deep voice, "I'm here, I'm here."

Life is not easy, Qiao Qiao sighed

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(End of this chapter)