The Boss Lost His Memory And Only Remembers Me

Chapter 159: Argue with reason


Wen Qiao gritted his teeth and said, "Although Wen Chi and Gong Lin both suffer from PTSD, their situations are different. Gong Lin has not received treatment, but Wen Chi has been receiving treatment. His psychiatrist, Ms. Chen Yanfei, a top psychologist in the country, can come forward to testify for him that Wen Chi is not aggressive at all at the moment."

The secretary looked indifferent: "I'm sorry, even if there is only a one percent chance, we will not allow such a risk to exist on campus."

Wen Qiao was impatient: "Have you ever heard of PTSD? Do you know what kind of mental illness it is?"

“We don’t need to know.”

The secretary's tone was extremely official and cold.

Just stop loss, without any human emotion.

The world is like this most of the time.

They are ants and can hardly shake the big tree called sanctimoniousness.

"You can't be so arbitrary. What you need to do is to understand the disease, not like this..."

"You are Wen Chi's sister, right?" The secretary stopped her in a stern voice. "We don't need you to teach us how to run a school. We have already handled all the procedures for his withdrawal. We haven't notified any media yet, which is the best we can do. I believe that even if we hold a vote online, the majority of people will support his withdrawal."

In this matter, Wen Qiao couldn't be so stubborn as to pull Wen Chi and say, "If you don't want to study, then don't study. Let's go." As it concerned Wen Chi's future, she could only bear all the anger.

She bowed to the principal and the secretary and said, "I would like to ask what I can do to allow my brother to stay in school. He is really not aggressive and will not hurt anyone. If you want a doctor's certificate, I can give it to you."

Wen Chi couldn't bear it any longer and grabbed Wen Qiao, "Let's go."

Even if he didn't study, he couldn't stand his sister groveling before these cold-blooded leaders.

Wen Qiao was finally pulled out by Wen Chi.

At the back door of the school, under the sycamore tree, the evening light made Wen Qiao feel a little dazed.

"You didn't have a conflict with them just now?"

Wen Chi looked unhappy and kicked the tree roots: "It's just a verbal argument. If they want to characterize this as a conflict, I can't do anything about it."

"Did you have the urge to hit them at that time?"

Wen Chi nodded: "Yes, they are too mean, aren't they? But I can control my emotions."

Wen Qiao exhaled and looked towards the school gate.

Xia Bai and Ding Hai were worried: "Sister Qiao, what should we do? Do we really have to let Brother Chi drop out of school? Or should we contact other schools?"

Wen Qiao frowned and shook his head.

Junior high schools and senior high schools in the city are interconnected. The news that Wen Chi was expelled from No. 9 Middle School must have spread to the principals of other schools. They must have known that he was expelled due to mental illness. How could they possibly recruit this "dangerous element" in their eyes

Wen Qiao was upset: "Let's wait for Xiao Mo to finish school and go home with him."

When it was half past four, Wen Mo got out of school, he saw that everyone had a gloomy face and didn't know why.

Wen Qiao would not hide anything from him, so she told him about Wen Chi. Wen Mo was anxious and held Wen Qiao's hand tightly.

With Wen Chi in this school, Wen Mo can be protected to some extent. If his brother was persuaded to drop out, he would be even more uneasy.

Wen Qiao knew.

This is about two younger brothers.

She must fight for her rights.

(End of this chapter)