The Boss Lost His Memory And Only Remembers Me

Chapter 167: Revenge for revenge


At half past five, she separated from Zhao Tong. The car they had booked had already stopped at the back door of the school. She got in the car and was in a good mood.

The news of Fu Group's acquisition of No. 9 Middle School has not been leaked. The news she has seen online so far are all about the Internet trolls attacking the "student with mental illness who insisted on staying in school to study". She knows it very well, although the name is not mentioned, but it is Wen Chi.

The momentum is so huge.

Wen Qiao was also powerless to save the situation.

She breathed a sigh of relief, finally getting back on track.

The car stopped at the violin store as usual. She paid the fare, got out of the car, went into the store and looked at the violin. It cost 40,000 yuan, which was already a lot of money to her now.

Uncle Wen stopped giving her any money at all. She had spent a lot of money on promoting her song before, and she was too embarrassed to ask her mother for money in the short term.

Let’s talk about it later. I can only come over to see you after school every week.

After going out, she walked towards the community.

This area of the wealthy area has independent houses with great privacy. The street lights are dim and some villas are holiday villas. No one comes here on weekdays. Only during the winter and summer vacations will some wealthy people from other places come here with their children.

It was quiet everywhere. Suddenly, she heard footsteps behind her. She turned around and saw Wen Qiao. She was so scared that her legs went weak. Before Wen Qiao could do anything, she tripped herself and fell heavily to the ground.

Wen Qiao came over and half-knelt in front of her: "Xu Lu, why are you panicking?"

"I... Why am I panicking?"

"How can you not panic? You sent an anonymous letter to No. 9 Middle School, asking them to persuade my brother Wen Chi to quit."

Xu Lu was about to speak when Wen Qiao smiled and said, "Don't deny it. I checked and it's you."

Xu Lu stepped back: "So what if it's me? Your brother is manic, and his symptoms are the same as that student who hurt people. Let this kind of scourge stay in the school..."

"Pa..." A slap came down, and Xu Lu's ears were buzzing.

"You are ignorant. I will tell you that it is called PTSD, post-traumatic stress disorder. Wen Chi is taking medication and is non-aggressive and harmless. Also, are you doing this for the good of those students or to retaliate against me? Do you really think I can't tell?"

Xu Lu was indignant: "Don't slander me."

Wen Qiao grabbed her neck and said, "You've obviously forgotten the pain after the wound healed. Have you forgotten what I told you?"

Xu Lu trembled: "Don't mess around."

Wen Qiao smiled, but her smile made Xu Lu feel creepy.

Her fist came so fast and was aimed directly at her face, hitting her right on the bridge of her nose.

Xu Lu wailed in pain.

Wen Qiao just punched her, one punch was enough.

Xu Lu felt so painful that she felt her nose was broken. She gritted her teeth and stared at Wen Qiao: "Don't think about getting away with it."

Wen Qiao stood up, patted the dust off his hands, and smiled: "Then you give it a try. This time I'll break your nose. If it happens again, I'll just break your fingers and make sure you can never play the piano again."

After saying that, he walked away from Xu Lu arrogantly.

Xu Lu looked up and saw that there were surveillance cameras at the doors of these villas.

Wen Qiao is dead, she is dead!

The pain in her nose bridge was so excruciating that she endured it, returned home, and asked her mother to take her to the hospital immediately.

I went to the hospital for a check-up and found that my nose was broken.

Xu Lu almost fainted from fright: "Bone... fracture, what should I do?"

"Of course I have to undergo surgery."

"Then... then I will have to wear plaster and gauze on my nose for a long time."

"That's the principle. Don't you want to have the operation?"

Xu Lu was almost mad with anger. Wen Qiao was so cruel that he actually disfigured her. She would not be able to participate in various concerts in school for a long time. Wen Qiao was so cruel!

She won't let Wen Qiao go!

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(End of this chapter)