The Boss Lost His Memory And Only Remembers Me

Chapter 187: Unless she is Mu Yue


After thinking about it, Shang Fan might not give up and might even go to the school to find her.

By then, the rumors will only spread, and she must stop it in time.


Haimao, in Shang Fan's studio, he was about to go into the recording studio to try out a new song when Song Hao called him, "I have something to tell you."

"Brother Hao, what's the matter?" Shang Fan said lazily.

Song Hao threw the tablet on his desk and said, "The company intends to clarify the scandal with Wen Qiao, a student at the Central Conservatory of Music."

Shang Fan is fine, but it is absolutely unacceptable to let Wen Qiao suffer from public criticism.

"No need to clarify, because I am indeed pursuing her."

Song Hao: …

"you… "

Shang Fan lazily sat on the sofa: "Brother Hao, you didn't tell me that I have to abide by any dating ban."

Song Hao was slow to react: "Yes, there is no prohibition on dating in your contract, but...but you are in the rising stage of your career, and you have more girlfriend fans than career fans. If you fall in love now, your popularity will plummet. The overall environment of the record industry is not good. It is not easy to have a talented singer like you. You can't ruin your job."

"I don't care. I'm fine with going behind the scenes."

Song Hao: "Wen Qiao can't do it."

The girl doesn't even plan to reveal her identity as Mu Yue because it is inconvenient to do so due to family reasons. If this brat pursues her in a high-profile manner, wouldn't Wen Qiao be forced to become a public figure

He couldn't let this kid implicate Xiao Wen.

Shang Fan frowned: "I have to have her."

Song Hao had a headache, this was an ancestor, the pillar of Haimao and a cash cow.

"Tell me, what do you have to do to promise not to harass me?"

Shang Fan raised his eyebrows: "Unless she is Mu Yue."

Song Hao was surprised: "Why? Don't you admire Mu Yue very much?"

"It's not just admiration, it's respect. In my eyes, age has nothing to do with her. She is Teacher Mu Yue and I respect her, but Wen Qiao is definitely not Mu Yue."

Song Hao clapped his hands together, breathed a sigh of relief, stared at Shang Fan, and smiled without saying a word.

Shang Fan snorted: "Don't tell me that Wen Qiao is Mu Yue, I don't believe it."

Song Hao walked closer, "It really is her."

Shang Fan looked disdainful, "Brother Hao really did everything he could to stop me from pursuing Wen Qiao. He even made up such a lie."

"She really is."

Shang Fan said defiantly: "I really don't believe it."

Song Hao called the finance department and said, "Accountant Huang, bring me all the transfer slips for Wen Qiao."

Shang Fan's expression gradually turned cold. This couldn't be possible.

He felt that under normal circumstances, a talented girl would at least not have an outstanding appearance. If she had a face like Wen Qiao, she could definitely be in the limelight. Why would she hide her identity

Accountant Huang quickly brought over several bound books of accounting vouchers, some of which had pages folded in the middle.

Song Hao took the voucher and said with a smile: "Why else do you think I arranged for them to perform with you?"

Shang Fan still couldn't accept it, "Brother Hao, stop joking with me."

Song Hao opened the account book, "This is the copyright fee for Jingzhe, three hundred thousand. See? The payee is Wen Qiao."

Shang Fan's face froze, "How... how is this possible? Wen Qiao is pretty. I've never seen a composer or lyricist who looks like that. Aren't they all sensitive people with plain looks that have endless inspiration?"

"Which music industry big shot are you alluding to?"

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(End of this chapter)