The Boss Lost His Memory And Only Remembers Me

Chapter 36: Wait for her to confess


Uncle Li saw from the rearview mirror that the young master in the back, who had always been in a bad mood, seemed to have become even colder.

He was accompanying his grandfather at the lunch. All the uncles and elders came with their daughters to keep the appointment and have the meal. Three or five women gathered around him, making his face look more and more ugly.

After finally finishing the boring and lengthy dinner, his expression had eased somewhat, but why was it so...

Following his line of sight, I saw the child who claimed to be the young master's girlfriend.

Uncle Li cautiously probed: "Master, do you want to get off the car and say hello?"

Fu Nanli retracted his gaze: "No need."

His expression was cold, with the corners of his mouth slightly turned down, and he was obviously not very happy.


The phone on the round table vibrated. Wen Qiao saw the caller ID and immediately felt like he was facing a formidable enemy. He took a deep breath and answered the phone: "Hello..."

The voice is soft and sweet.

"Where did you attend summer camp?"

"South... the city in the south, Xiangcheng, do you know it? There are mountains and water, and there are crews filming TV series here. Lu Youyou and I just saw two stars."

Lu Youyou who was inexplicably cueed:…

Through the dark car window, Fu Nanli stretched out his hand and tugged at his tie. The veins on the back of his hand bulged slightly, and his temples throbbed with pain. "Really?"

Wen Qiao put the phone further away: "In the mountains... the signal... is not very good... I won't talk to you... any more, I'm going to hang up."

He hung up the phone.

The green light came on ahead, and the driver asked quietly, "Master, are you going?"

"Let's go."

A man of his family background and upbringing would not expose her lies. He waited for her to come to him and confess.

Uncle Li glanced meaningfully at the little girl sitting in the dessert shop, then looked at the gentleman with a sullen face in the back seat, wondering if there was any conflict between the two.

Wen Qiao breathed a sigh of relief and patted his chest, "Don't reveal your identity if you run into Fu Nanli next time. We are going to the Elephant City Summer Camp these days."

Lu Youyou was puzzled: "Why did you lie?"

Wen Qiao said in a muffled voice: "I'm doing an experiment to see if the words in my mind are true or just my hallucination, and to see if I can leave him."

Lu Youyou was even more puzzled: "Mr. Fu already believes that you are his girlfriend, and you are still trying so hard to leave him. My Qiao, don't you know how much effort the socialite of Haicheng has put into becoming his girlfriend?"

Wen Qiao lowered his eyes and said, "I am tired of lying every day."

"If the truth comes out, I will testify for you. You have no choice but to do so. You are doing this to save your life."

Wen Qiao: "Do you think he can accept such an absurd statement?"

Lu Youyou hesitated and didn't respond.

Wen Qiao was safe and sound for six days. After another six days, there was still no abnormality in his body and he was full of energy. He practiced on Wen Chi and could still give him a shoulder throw with ease.

Wen Qiao felt that it must be his own hallucination.

There was a knock on the door. Wen Qiao looked up and saw a blond man standing outside her yard, speaking fluent Chinese. "Excuse me, are you Miss Wen?"

Wen Chi, who was thrown to the ground, struggled to get up and looked at his sister with resentment: "Why did you hit me for no reason?"

Wen Qiao comforted him perfunctorily: "It's just that my hands are itching."

Wen Chi: “?”

Wen Qiao asked the foreign man at the door: "Who are you? What's the matter?"

The man was in his forties, elegant and easy-going. "I'm Vincent, and I'd like to invite Miss Wen to perform on the same stage with me. I've always had a strong interest in your folk music. I sent you an email before, I wonder if you received it?"

Wen Qiao: …

Oh, it turns out that wasn’t a spam email sent by a scammer.

Guess, will Qiao Mei run into Fu Shao at the cruise concert?

(End of this chapter)