The Boss of the Escape Game is My Husband

Chapter 1: Haunted House Shadows


escape game boss is my husband

Chi Nian / text

"Brother Zhao, are you sure it's here?"

"Are you a fool?" The young man standing next to Brother Zhao sneered: "Brother Zhao is from Huaiyang Town, besides, this house has been haunted since a long time ago, thanks to you being Brother Zhao's cousin, even this have no idea."

The person who made the sound just now lowered his head in aggrieved expression. A burst of black Yin Qi floated into Miao's body, but he didn't notice it, and kept his head down.

The girl who came along with Zhao Yuan held Zhao Yuan's arm and said coquettishly, "Brother Zhao, aren't we here to explore? I'm very curious about what you said, let's go."

Zhao Yuan took a look at several people, he was the leader among them, and it was he who proposed to explore this haunted house.

The five of them all got strong in a game of summoning a pen fairy. Because they have the same hobbies, they played together a few times. Everyone thought they played well, so they formed a small team to explore haunted places.

Young people always like novel and exciting things, but there are some things that they can't like the most.

—Because it might kill you.

There are five members of the team.

Three men and two women. Among them, Zhao Yuan was the captain, and Yu Miao, Wen Feifei, Wang Li and Li Qun were the team members.

The destination they are going this time is a house located on the far left side of Huaiyang Town.

The owner of the house has passed away long ago, and the original magnificent mansion is also deserted and overgrown with weeds.

Not only that, but someone heard crying in the house in the middle of the night.

The sound was ear-piercing, and it was said that someone lived in that house overnight, and when he came out the next morning, he went crazy and shouted all day long that there were ghosts and ghosts.

No one knows what the truth is, but people in the town dare not approach this house easily.

Thinking of this, Zhao Yuan's eyes flashed a look of surprise, but he quickly covered it up.

He entered the mansion this time not only for the adventure, but also for the treasure hidden under the dilapidated mansion.

"Li Qun, how far are we from that house?" Zhao Yuan looked at the tall trees around him. It was clear that the sun was high and the sun was poisonous, but he felt a burst of shade. Ghost talisman, I am relieved.

Li Qun held the map, and gradually his forehead was covered with sweat. After looking at it for a while, he said, "It's almost there, there are still a few hundred meters to go."

Zhao Yuan looked impatient when he heard the words, Wang Li looked at his words and immediately said: "Brother Zhao, there is a wooden pier ahead, let's rest for a while before leaving."

Wen Feifei said coquettishly: "Yes Brother Zhao, the sun is too poisonous, my makeup is almost gone."

Zhao Yuan agreed, and took Wen Feifei's little hand and walked forward. The two flirted and flirted while walking, while Wang Li followed behind Zhao Yuan like a follower.

Li Qun, who was behind, followed Yu Miao, walking slowly.

Look carefully, the sweat on Li Qun's forehead has not stopped since he looked at the map just now, and there is even a trend of increasing.

Li Qun was terrified, he opened the map with trembling fingers, his eyes could barely see the picture on the map, at this moment, Yu Miao behind him suddenly said: "You can tell, the road is wrong. "

Li Qun froze on the spot with his light words.

His stiff neck seemed to be poured into cement. Li Qun asked tremblingly, "What did you say?"

Yu Miao's voice was like a ghost: "I said, the road is wrong."

Li Qun felt a chill from the soles of his feet. He wanted to open his mouth to shout, but accidentally met Yu Miao's face. Suddenly, he saw a woman.

—The woman was wearing a red gown, her hair was loose, and she was slowly raising her head.

Finally, the woman raised her head, revealing her face from her long hair. The woman's face was purple, her face was bloody, her lips were black, and she looked poisoned. Her eyes were crazy, like a lunatic.

The woman stretched out her hand to hold Li Qun's neck, and whispered in his ear, "Your meat is so delicious..."

Li Qun's expression was terrified. He opened his mouth wide and couldn't make a sound, so he could only let the woman bite his shoulder. The woman was not interested in Li Qun's flesh at all. Qun threw it away, and Li Qun rolled around on the ground a few times before disappearing.

The woman wiped off the blood from the corner of her mouth, glanced at the unconscious Yu Miao, and in the blink of an eye, fell on him again.

After waking up, Yu Miao picked up the map on the ground as if she didn't realize it, and quickly left to chase Zhao Yuan and the others.

Zhao Yuan and the others were resting in a grove not far away. Seeing him coming, Wang Li asked him, "Where's Li Qun?"

Yu Miao glanced at him, lowered her head and said, "He said he was urgent to urinate, wait..."

"Okay," Wang Li interrupted Yu Miao bluntly, and turned to say to Zhao Yuan in a good voice: "I don't think Li Qun will be back for a while, let's go first, look at the day, like It's going to rain."

Zhao Yuan looked up at the sky.

The sky was like heavy ink, the clouds were dark, and it looked like a heavy rainstorm was about to fall.

So Zhao Yuan glanced at Wang Li, and Wang Li immediately understood, "Li Qun is too slow, let's go first, I think he will understand."

Wen Feifei and Yu Miao agreed one after another, and Zhao Yuan pretended to be embarrassed and agreed.

It was still the same as before, Zhao Yuan pulled Wen Feifei, and Wang Li was joking and joking with the map.

Yu Miao looked at Zhao Yuan's back, the woman's figure showed faint traces on Yu Miao's body. The woman's eyes were sober. She looked at Zhao Yuan and murmured softly: "So it's a descendant of..."

"If there is a grievance and a debtor, it is the mistake made by the predecessors, so it is up to you—"

"—to repay..."

As soon as the words fell, there was a muffled thunder in the sky, as if warning the woman.

The woman sneered, and then disappeared into Miao's body, following their pace.

The three people walking ahead did not realize that the danger was approaching them at all.

After the few people left, a layer of fog formed in the woods. The fog thickened for a moment and then slowly dissipated, revealing the original appearance——

— There is no forest here at all, but the rumored haunted house.

The "woman" walked in a very stiff posture, and behind her was a dilapidated gate.

There is still a formation imprint left by a Taoist priest on the gate, but it is old and the restraint is not strong enough.

The "woman" felt the disappearance of the power of the formation, her dark purple lips curled up, and she suddenly let out bursts of cold smiles.

With the disappearance of the formation, the ghosts who were sealed in this house began to wake up from their deep sleep.

Even the sky outside could sense this strong cloudiness, and the sky darkened suddenly, like night, and the door that was originally open slowly closed.

——And those evil spirits who eat people are floating around in the house, ready to welcome their carnival moment.

Another quiet time and space.

"Welcome to the escape game."

Gu An looked around, it was pitch black, and he couldn't see anything at all.

He took a deep breath and said calmly, "Who are you? What's the purpose of bringing me here?"

The cold voice sounded again: "I am the distraction of the escape game creator, you can call me Lord God."

"I have no purpose."

Gu An raised his head, looked along the place where the voice came from, his eyes were like a knife: "Since there is no purpose, please let me out."

"After completing the final level, you can return to the real world."

Gu An almost laughed angrily. He was working hard at home, but he just took a nap and was brought here.

This thing that claims to be the main god is still playing tricks here.

But Gu An felt that he seemed to have forgotten something.

At this moment, a voice came from his mind: "It's all my fault, woo woo woo..."

Gu An's expression froze, he was shocked for a moment, he quickly reacted, and asked coldly: "Who are you?"

The Lord God said: "I am the Lord God."

The voice in his head said: "An'an, I'm System 521, don't you remember me QAQ"

Gu An didn't ask again, but turned his attention to the so-called main god, and said, "I didn't agree to enter the game, you are acting like a barbarian."

Lord God: "The game detected your qualification to join the escape game, so it sent you an email with two answers, and you chose 'Yes'."

An indifferent and emotionless voice floated in this dark space.

Gu An didn't remember this incident, so he said: "I didn't receive the email."

The Lord God was silent for a moment, and then the space lit up.

Gu An was stabbed by the sudden light, he stretched out his hand to cover his eyes, and 521 in his mind muttered dissatisfiedly: "This light is too dazzling, An An, do your eyes hurt..."

Gu An ignored the chirping 521, but slowly waited for his eyes to recover. After almost a minute, he let go of his hand and looked around after he felt his eyes adapt to the light.

The first thing that catches the eye is the weird disc floating in mid-air.

The whole disc is black, but there is a hint of deep gray in the black, and the whole disc exudes a dark light, giving people a very uncomfortable feeling.

Gu An took a few glances at Yuanpan, then turned his gaze around.

Wherever his eyes went, it was pure white.

521 said in his mind: "I also have the space of An'an, I will show you later~"

Gu An ignored 521, looked at it for a while, and found that there was no end to this place, and besides the white and the black disc in mid-air, he was the only one.

After the dim light around the disc disappeared, it floated in front of Gu An, and it said, "I found your email recording, you can take a look."

Gu An looked at the large white transparent light screen that suddenly appeared in midair, and fell silent for a while.

He said: "You are voyeurism, I can sue you for violating my privacy."

Yuanpan, the main god, was stunned for a moment. This was the first time someone said that to him. After realizing it, he said coldly, "If you can go back, you can try."

Gu An glanced at Yuanpan coldly, then set his eyes on the white light screen.

His figure was projected on the white light screen.

At that time, Gu An was sitting in the study and working. The computer originally displayed the work content, but as he was working, the computer screen suddenly went black, and when it was turned on again, an email suddenly appeared in his mailbox.

Open the email, the content is a game invitation.

The game is called "Escape Game". Gu An pressed the back button, but the computer did not respond at all, and the content of the email was still displayed.

Just when he was about to switch to another computer to handle his work, a selection box popped up suddenly on the computer.

"Mr. Gu An, would you like to enter the escape game?"

"Yes or no?"

Gu An slid his finger down, and the arrow pointed to "No".

Gu An, who was outside the light screen, saw this scene, raised his eyebrows noncommittally, and looked at Yuanpan leisurely, as if saying, Look, did I choose.

Yuanpan didn't speak, just said: "You did click 'Yes'."

The corner of Gu An's mouth curled up slightly, and he didn't say anything, but his eyes were fixed on the light screen.

Gu An on the light screen clicked "No".

But at this moment, a voice suddenly came from outside: "Baby, come down to eat, I made your favorite sweet and sour pork ribs."

Gu An responded, and moved his finger slightly. At the moment when he was dazed, the little arrow suddenly changed direction and clicked on "Yes".

After the electric shock was confirmed, the email disappeared together with the content, and the computer returned to normal.

Gu An looked at the computer that had returned to normal, and started working in a moment of surprise, not knowing what he had just done.

Yuanpan paused the moment the arrow clicked "Yes", then looked at Gu An and said, "You ordered this yourself, but no one forced you."

Gu An looked at the light screen and clenched his teeth.

He has no impression of what happened in the light screen, but he is inexplicably familiar with the voice that came out of the light screen just now.

After taking a deep breath, Gu An's eyes were cold, and he looked straight at Yuanpan: "I don't have the slightest impression of the content on the light screen, and I'm not sure if it's your forged content, so I won't play any escape games. "

Yuanpan seemed to be angry, it said coldly: "You are not qualified to quit."

It didn't say anything more, but went directly to the topic.

"Introduction to the escape game, as follows:"

"Escape game: Every time a level is passed, the player will increase different survival points. The survival points can be exchanged for different weapons or according to the player's imagination. Different things require different survival points.

"Passing a checkpoint: Survival points or money can be rewarded according to the perfection of completing the task, and another: the reward is random."

"Survival points can be awarded up to 1000, and the minimum is 50. The number of reward points is controlled by the main god. Each player has a bracelet, which is used to exchange supplies or store weapons.

"The maximum amount of money is one million, and the minimum is one hundred thousand."

"The redemption points are as follows:

"For example: a bottle of water: 20 survival points, a piece of bread: 25 survival points, a machete: 10 survival points."

"The task rules are as follows:

"Main task: must be completed."

"Another: Failure will deduct survival points, and the range of deduction depends on the difficulty of the task."

"When the survival points are negative, you will enter the punishment world."

"Sub-quests: Depending on the player's willingness, accept the side quests: Those who cannot complete the task will be deducted 50 points, and if they pass it perfectly, they will be rewarded with 500 points."

"Also: The risk is too high, please don't try it lightly."

"Player benefit one: own talent.

"After each player enters the game, there will be a lottery draw. The main god will give the player some special abilities, such as: physical strength, sensitivity and other physical skills."

"Player Benefit 2: Bracelet."

"You can view survival points, exchange supplies, etc."

"Player benefit three: If the player passes the final level, he can return to the real world with rewards, and has three achievable wish rewards."

The disc flickered, and a contract floated in front of Gu An: "Please press your fingerprint on it."

Gu An took the contract and looked through it.

The escape game rules are as follows:

Game rule 1: To enter the escape game, you must sign a contract. After deducting points in the escape game, you must use your real body to enter the punishment world.

Game rule two: Pass the final level set by the main god, and three wishes can be fulfilled. Another: the wish must be within the ability of the main god.

Game rule three: killing players of the same type will be punished.

Game rule four: The content of the contract cannot be leaked, and the leaker will be punished.

Game rule five: Do not quit the game halfway.

There are only five articles in this contract.

It's all about the rules of the escape game, Gu An sneered and looked at Yuanpan mockingly.

Whether it's the game introduction just now or this contract, there shouldn't be too many loopholes in it.

But as mentioned in the first article of this contract, you must use your real body to enter the world of punishment. If you are killed in the world of punishment, will you also die in reality

He asked: "What kind of punishment is the punishment mentioned in this contract?"

"This is confidential," Yuanpan said, "Please don't ask irrelevant questions."

"Please hurry up and press the fingerprint."

Gu An didn't speak.

He lowered his eyes, pinched the contract with his slender and white fingers, and an unclear light flashed in his eyes, and asked, "What will happen if I don't sign it?"

Yuanpan didn't seem to expect that Gu An would ask such a question. It got stuck for a while, and a few seconds later, it said coldly: "If you don't sign, then you can only stay here until you die."

Unexpectedly, he would get this answer. Gu An's eyes widened, his fingers clenched the contract tightly, and he didn't speak for a long time.

"It's really cunning." Gu An narrowed his eyes slightly, raised the corners of his mouth, and looked at Yuanpan with a half-smile: "If I don't agree, I can only wait here to die."

"But I don't want to die, so I can only agree to—"

Yuanpan didn't deny Gu An's words, but only blinked dimly, waiting for Gu An's answer.

521 anxiously said in Gu An's mind: "An An, hurry up and sign! If you keep the green hills, you won't be afraid of running out of firewood!"

Gu An blinked his eyelashes, and couldn't help blushing when he heard the words, this little thing can speak proverbs.

After a few minutes, he said, "I agree."

Yuanpan: "Bite your fingers and press your fingerprints on the contract."

Gu An was taken aback, and looked up at Yuanpan.

It's just a signature, why does it look like selling/body

Gu An put his finger to his lips.

The sharp canine teeth bit the flesh of the fingertips with a little force, and bright red blood condensed.

He put his index finger on the contract. The moment he put it on, the contract flickered dimly. When he took his finger, a bright red fingerprint was left on the white contract paper.

Yuanpan took back the contract and turned into a black cardboard box with a hole in it. It said to Gu An: "Please extract your talent."

Gu An stretched out his hand and put it into the cardboard box.

He could clearly feel something flowing in the carton, and 521 hurriedly said, "An'an, come on, An'an, come on..."

Gu An: "..."

So noisy.

A few minutes later, Gu An abruptly took his hand out of the cardboard box, holding a note tightly in his palm, and spread out his palm.

A few words were written on the note.

— Flexible bounce.

Gu An turned the back and explained the function of this talent.

Flexible Bounce: It can make the owner's body soft and tough, with a bounce comparable to that of a kangaroo.

Holding the note, he thought about the kangaroo's jumping ability, and exhaled slowly.

Although this talent does not look very good, if it is used well...

Gu An was thinking about it, but when 521 saw the words on the note, he began to cry: "My poor An An, what kind of talent are you drawing! It's useless at all, woo woo woo... "

The veins on Gu An's forehead twitched a few times, he took a deep breath and decided to ignore the crying in his head.

Fortunately, 521 still winked, and stopped howling after a while.

Yuanpan said: "Player Gu An, escape number 7963."

"Please select a game world."

Gu An raised his eyes and looked at the black patterned card floating in front of him.

There are six cards in total, each with a different card.

Gu An stretched out his light-white fingers and selected the card with a rose pattern on the back.

After he pinched the card, all the other cards disappeared. Gu An lowered his eyes and looked at the pattern on the card. Then he opened the card, and there was a big house on the front.

—The gate of the house is open, as if welcoming the players.

The tip of Gu An's nose twitched, and he smelled a bloody smell. His eyes were deep, and the card disappeared after being read by Gu An.

Yuanpan gave Gu An a bracelet and told him: "There are 10 survival points in the bracelet, and it is a gift for beginners."

"Player 7963, good luck."

Following Yuanpan's words, a spinning black hole appeared under Gu An's feet, which was constantly devouring his body.

A black light flashed, and Gu An disappeared in place.

The black disc also left, and the space that was originally as bright as day suddenly darkened.

the other side.

After a flash of dark light, Gu An felt as if he was imprisoned by something.

After a while, after he regained his senses, he raised his head to look at the surrounding environment.

Everything is black, and weeds are dancing in the wind.

521 cried and chirped: "An'an, this place is so scary, woo woo woo woo..."

Then it seemed to see something surprising, and shouted: "Ah! How did you become a flower, An An?!"

Gu An frowned and said, "What turned into a flower?"

He asked again: "Who are you? Why do you appear in my mind?"

521 was about to explain, but before it could open its mouth, it heard a piercing scream.


"Help! There is a ghost!!!"

Gu An frowned, he wanted to move but his body couldn't move at all, he said to 521, "Can you make me move?"

Seeing Gu An like this, 521 was silent for a while, took a few photos and shared them with Gu An.

Gu An looked at the roses that stood out among the weeds, and fell into a long silence.

He looked carefully at the surrounding scene again, and found that the place where he was was a courtyard.

The courtyard looks like it used to be in ancient times, but the doors and windows have long been corroded by wind and rain, leaving mottled traces to prove how beautiful it was.

After a few glances, Gu An frowned.

He saw that in this courtyard, not only the courtyard, but the whole house was filled with black Yin Qi, and his ears were filled with the screams and words of evil spirits.

"This person looks good, and the taste should not be bad..."

"This woman, with thin skin and tender meat, must taste good..."

"Hey! I'm finally out, I'm starving to death! I'm going to have a full meal now!!"

There are also the terrified sounds of men and women, and the sounds of evil spirits eating flesh and blood...

Gu An was seriously uncomfortable listening.

After a few minutes, Gu An felt a little hot in his body, and a white light flashed. He opened his eyes, looked at the fingers in front of him, and was very pleasantly surprised.

Gu An's bracelet lighted up at this moment, showing a light screen in front of him.

"Background: There is a rich and wealthy Master Lin in Huaiyang Town. Master Lin has a precious daughter who has been betrothed to another son from a prominent family since she was a child."

"But when the young master's family was returning to their hometown to visit their relatives, they were attacked by bandits, and all the family members were killed. Master Lin found a relative for his daughter. He was the son of a good friend. It seemed that the day of marriage was about to come, but Ms. But suddenly disappeared, and the Lin family was wiped out on the second day Miss disappeared."

"Since then, the Lin family has been haunted by ghosts. A Taoist who passed by one year saw this and sealed a woman with a special fate in the Lin family's well, and the haunting phenomenon was alleviated."

"In the rumors, people often heard crying in the house, and passers-by went crazy after sleeping overnight, and there were many bones in the house."

"Please work hard to complete the task~"

"Note: There are five players in this dungeon."

Then there is Gu An's personal panel.

"Gu An: 7963."

"Completed world: 0"

"Survival points: 10."

"Purchase weapons: 0."

"Purchase supplies: 0."

"Main task: Please find out the truth about the death of the house owner's family and the missing Miss Lin."

"Sub-task: Find out the source of the bones and the source of the house's evil spirits and eliminate them all."

There are two options behind the side quest, "Accept" or "Reject".

Gu An thought for a while and clicked "Accept".

521 puzzled: "An'an, why did you accept the side mission?"

Gu An said: "Generally speaking, the novice world is not difficult, and it can just be used to try your hand."

521 means do not understand.

Since Gu An's original form was a red rose, when he transformed into a human form, he was naturally wearing a red shirt.

The flower demon is inherently gorgeous, coupled with Gu An's coldness, it forms a unique charm, which is extremely attractive.

Gu An looked around and decided to go out from the courtyard. Before he had walked a few steps, he ran into a man with a baby face.

When the baby face saw Gu An, she was amazed at first, then let out a shrill scream.

"Ah, ghost! Brother Wang, save me!!!"

"This ghost looks so human, it must be very fierce!! Brother Wang and Brother Yang, come and save me!!!"

Gu An: "..."

Donate your eyes to those in need.

And another place.

Dark and cold.

As if smelling a familiar smell, a black figure slowly emerged.

He took a deep breath, and when he was sure it was the person he was looking for, he flashed his figure and floated towards the courtyard.

— An An, wait for me.

The author has something to say: Please collect in advance~

(For more pre-receipts, please click into the author's column to view~


Pre-received article: I was teased by a haunted house [Unlimited]

Gu Le is a ghost live broadcast host. According to fans' comments, he goes to various haunted places to broadcast live.

One day, Gu Le went into a haunted house called "Haunted House" to broadcast live. When he came out, it was thundering and raining. He hid under a tree and was struck dead by lightning.

Then he was pulled into a horror game called "Haunted House" by System 666.

Haunted House Survival Rules: Don't scream, don't cry, don't make ghosts angry Gu Le: These days, ghosts can't be bothered.

The haunted house is a "spirit" formed by the resentment of countless ghosts.

He controls countless horror worlds. In his opinion, every world is so boring, and every player is so timid.

Until one time, he saw Gu Le in a haunted hotel. Gu Le was holding a hammer, hammering the ghost in front of him one after another, forcibly hammering the ghost to death.

Gu Le caught his attention.

He secretly followed Gu Le and entered the horror game.

Gu Le: Why do I have a creepy feeling

Haunted House: Baby, that's because I was thinking of you [smiles].

Known duplicates:

haunted house escape

He Bo married

dry bones in the well

dead town

cruise ship ghost

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