The Boss of the Escape Game is My Husband

Chapter 10: Haunted House Shadows



What happened in Lin's house spread throughout Huaiyang Town in the narration of the vegetable delivery vendor.

Some people said that the Lin family was exterminated because they offended someone they shouldn't have.

But everyone who had been to the Lin family kept secret about what had happened to the Lin family, and they were unwilling to say a single word, for fear of being implicated.

After the hawker spread the word, within less than a stick of incense, even the old man selling vegetables at the door knew about the Lin family.

Whether they were friends with the Lin family, had enemies, or were strangers, they all ran into the Lin family to snatch the treasures of the Lin family.

Although what the peddler said was scary, it couldn't stop the businessmen. In their eyes, the strange experience of the Lin family was nothing compared to the gold, silver and jewels.

In their view, there is nothing more precious than the money they get.

After the rice merchant heard the news, he hurriedly took his servants to the Lin's house. He brought all the young men, tall and powerful, and when they got into a fight, they fought against each other.

The rice merchant took advantage of his marriage with the Lin family to try to annex the Lin family's property, but the merchants who went with him were not fools, how could they watch the rice merchant annex the Lin Family Xiangfang.

So several people quarreled endlessly, and their arguing voices could be heard along the way.

The rice merchants pretended to be in-laws, while other merchants pretended to be close friends, saying that they couldn't bear to see the Lin Family Fragrance Facility no successors, but in fact they all had selfish motives.

Since Lin Hai became famous in Huaiyang Town, they all secretly searched for the secret method of perfume blending, but Lin Hai hid the secret method very carefully, and no one has found it so far.

The popularity of Xiangfang has made many people jealous. Especially the businessmen who have made good friends with Lin Hai, watching their "friends" make a lot of money every day, while their own business is not cared about, and they can hardly even pay the monthly rent of the shop.

On the one hand, the business is booming, on the other hand, no one cares about it.

Under such circumstances, how could they not pay attention to Lin Hai's secret fragrance method, so that they did many shady things.

Rice merchants are also envious of Lin Hai's Xiangfang.

The two of them got married, and he also heard a little bit about Lin Hai's private affairs, not only a little bit, but he even participated in some of them.

However, Lin Hai has always been very fond of the secrets of fragrance blending. Even when he is drunk, he is encouraged by others, uses aggressive methods, and beauty tricks, etc., and he will not reveal it.

The rice merchant twisted his fat body and walked in front, followed by a group of servants holding wooden sticks, and behind the servants were the merchants.

They are divided into two factions. The merchants are dissatisfied with the rice merchants' actions, but due to the power of the rice merchants and the backers behind them, they can only talk about it. It's not half good.

In the forest house, everything is quiet.

Everyone walked all the way, and they didn't see anything weird in the front yard, which made the nervous businessmen relax.

But before they could relax for a while, they walked through the arched door in the front yard and saw piles of bones near the main house.

Some timid businessmen were so frightened that they collapsed to the ground, and there was a foul smell coming from under their bodies.

Those who smelled it stayed away from them.

The rice merchant who was walking in front was also quite frightened, but he had also done a lot of shady things, the fear was only for a moment, he quickly reacted, and asked the servant to see what was going on.

It was a bold servant who went to the main house and saw piles of bones near the main house. He squatted down and stretched out his hand to pick up the bones to watch.

The moment his fingers touched the bones, a mass of black Yin energy emerged from the pile of bones, biting the servant's fingers and not letting go.

The servant yelled, the thing was biting so hard that it almost bit the bone, and he grabbed the black air with his other hand, trying to tear it off.

But the black air was not so easy to tear off. When he grabbed the black air with his other hand, the black air suddenly became bigger and turned into its original appearance.

—a human-like evil spirit.

The evil spirit opened its huge mouth with sharp teeth, and immediately bit the servant's shoulder. Shi Gengsheng crushed the bone on the servant's shoulder. face.

The appearance of evil spirits and the wailing of servants.

Mi Shang turned pale, and before he had time to say anything, he ran away. When he ran, he didn't forget to let the servants behind him run with him.

Seeing that the leading rice merchant had run away, the rest of the merchants followed suit.

Only the servant remained, devoured by the evil spirit in agony.

Everyone didn't know where to run, and the leading rice merchant ran around the house like a headless chicken.

Unknowingly, everyone ran into the garden.

As soon as I entered the garden, I saw a pile of bones next to the bright roses.

Everyone didn't dare to look around at all, for fear that they would be eaten by ghosts like the servant just now.

Because of his marriage with his son, the rice merchant often came to the Lin house, so he knew a path, as long as he climbed over the wall in the garden, there would be a narrow path leading to the main house.

This road was mentioned by Lin Hai when he was drunk. The rice merchant wanted to get rid of the others behind him and go alone, but those merchants were like brown sugar, and he couldn't get rid of them.

The rice merchant thought for a while, and asked a few confidant servants to follow, while the rest of the servants stayed behind to stop them.

Those merchants were no match for the servant at all, they could only watch the rice merchant's back gradually drifting away from afar, and after the rice merchant left, the rest of the merchants were also frightened by the scene just now, and they dared not move around at will.

After a while.

The sun emerged from the dark clouds, and the warm rays of the sun shone on their bodies, and the merchants felt a little more courageous.

A businessman said: "Let's go back, this forest house is really too weird, let's go out as soon as possible while the sun is shining now."

Another businessman said, "We came in with great difficulty, and we just returned empty-handed. Are you willing?"

The businessman who spoke just now said again: "Okay, if you are not reconciled, then you can stay here and search slowly. I still want to survive, so I won't hang around here with you!"

After saying that, he turned around and ran away, fearing that it would be too late and he would not be able to get out.

For the rest, you look at me, I look at yours, some think life is important, and some think baby is important.

So, the one who felt life was important left, leaving only two people who thought money was important.

The remaining two walked together.

They couldn't pass the servant's test, so they had to go out from the garden.

Seeing them go out, the servant waited for a while, then turned and ran in the direction where the rice merchant left.

After the servant left, the two came back again, and they followed the servant, walking and stopping, without being noticed at all.

After they all left, Lin Wan came out.

Her face was expressionless, her hands were clenched tightly, and her nails were about to pierce her palms.

Lin Wan couldn't believe what she had just seen.

Those people are all uncles who have business dealings with the Lin family, the leading rice merchant, and her future father-in-law.

Lin Wan bit her lower lip, looked at the sky, gritted her teeth, and ran out.

She knows a secret way to go outside.

After Lin Wan left, Gu An and Ming Ye came out. Gu An looked at the direction in which Lin Wan left, with hesitant eyes, so he asked Ming Ye: "Should we follow Lin Wan, or stay here?"

Ming Ye took Gu An's hand and said casually, "An An can go wherever she wants."

Gu An frowned slightly, he took his hand out of Ming Ye's, and said in a dissatisfied tone, "I just asked you when I couldn't make up my mind, and your answer was too perfunctory."

Ming also lowered his head, with a tone of pampering and coaxing: "It's my fault, An'an, don't be angry. We are in the memory of the house, what are we doing outside?"

He said, "Lin Wanhui will be back."

Gu An asked curiously: "Are you so sure that she will come back?"

"If she doesn't come back, where can she go?" Ming also said, "This is her home."

Gu An heard the words and didn't say anything more.

The two walked in the direction where the rice merchant left.

Because it was daytime, the spirits of the evil spirits were not very good, and they all hid in shady places, and they came out to look for food after nightfall.

When they arrived, there were two people lying in the main house.

It was the businessman just now. After they followed in, they were discovered by rice merchants and beaten to death by their servants.

Mi Shang took away valuable things from the Lin family, but Mi Shang searched Lin Hai's bedroom and study room for the perfume secretary, but couldn't find it.

But he was not without gains. He found the leftover spices in Lin Hai's bedroom. The rice merchant picked them up and smelled them. He found the smell familiar, so he asked his servants to take all the spices away.

The dignitaries and dignitaries that Lin Hai made friends with would often reward him with some rare treasures, all of which he locked in the cabinet in his bedroom.

After the rice merchant saw those strange treasures, his eyes were straightened. He put those treasures on his body, and put those treasures in his bosom if he couldn't wear them.

But in a short while, the rice merchant took away all the treasures that Lin Hai treasured, even the golden silk sachet hanging on his bed curtain.

These are not what rice merchants want most.

The land deed of Xiangfang and the secret method of mixing fragrance are what he wants most, but the secret method cannot be found by the rice merchant after searching for a long time, but the house deed and land deed were put under the pillow by Lin Hai, and the rice merchant found it easily.

However, the excited rice merchant did not notice that there was an indistinct black air on the land deed he took away. When he rolled the land deed into his arms, the black air followed his movements and entered his body inside.

And all of this, Mi Shang didn't notice, he got what he dreamed of, and he was laughing excitedly.

After the rice merchant and his servant left, it was already very late, and the rice merchant almost took away all the valuable things of the Lin family.

When Lin Wan came back, she happened to see the rice merchant directing the servants to carry things. When she saw the servants carrying her jewelry into the car, her eyes were red with anger.

When she came out, she deliberately wiped something on her face. She wanted to ask her friend for help, but she couldn't see her friend at all, and the token was thrown on the ground by her friend's servant.

Lin Wan walked down the street in a daze, listening to the street vendors talking about the strange things that happened in their house, her words were full of schadenfreude.

Lin Wan dared not go out.

She shrank in the bedroom, looking at the night outside the window, feeling desolate in her heart.

Fortunately, the Lin family still has surplus food, which is enough for Lin Wan to live on for a while.

Just when Lin Wan thought that everything could get worse, a group of people broke into Lin's house one morning.

An old man pointed to her nose and said that she was a witch, and he wanted to fill her into the well to suppress the evil spirits raging in the town.

The author has something to say: Chumi~thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution during 2020-03-28 20:56:01~2020-03-29 20:39:12~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the mine: 1 cp can be dismantled and irreversible;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!