The Boss of the Escape Game is My Husband

Chapter 12: Haunted House Shadows


After the black hole disappeared, Ming also slowly moved away the hand covering his eyes, Gu An blinked, as if he hadn't adapted to the environment he was in.

Ming also lowered his head and asked softly, "What's wrong? Are you feeling unwell?"

"No," Gu An looked around, the scene in front of him was really different from the house in his memory, he looked at the sky, and asked with some uncertainty: "It's evening now?"

It was a little dark, but not pitch black.

Ming also said: "This house is too cloudy, and the time changes are different from outside."

"The color of the sky in this house is based on the degree of Yin Qi to distinguish day and night."

Gu An asked curiously, "How do you know these things?"

Ming also took Gu An's hand and put it on his chest, he whispered: "An An, do you feel it?"

Gu An was a little confused: "What?"

The touch from under his palm made him curl his fingers, because Ming also pressed Gu An's entire palm against his chest.

Therefore, when Gu An moved, his palms rubbed/rubbed against Ming Ye's chest, which inevitably sparked a cluster of fire.

For a moment, even the air was somewhat ambiguous.

Gu An obviously felt that Ming Ye's aura had changed, but he didn't know what the change was for a moment, he just thought it was Ming Ye's unique aura.

After he realized it, Ming Ye's eyes had already become dark.

Gu An seemed to be scalded, and hurriedly withdrew his hand, and put that hand behind his back, a blush crept up his earlobe.

Ming Ye's Adam's apple moved, he seemed a little impatient, his eyes tightened, after a while, he leaned close to Gu An's blushing earlobe, and bit down as if venting, but he didn't dare to use force, he only bit it lightly, using his teeth Gently rubbed it a few times, and after a while, the anger in my heart was dispelled.

His voice was hoarse, a little begging for mercy, and he said, "Baby, don't recruit me again, I don't have that much self-control over you."

Hearing this, Gu An turned his face to the side, and brushed Ming Ye's lips with his cheek. For a moment, the two looked at each other silently.

Ming also wanted to lower his head to kiss Gu An, but the moment he lowered his head, he heard a series of footsteps, and Shi Gengsheng stopped his movements.

He turned around to block Gu An behind him, and then looked sideways.

I saw a man and a woman running towards this side with panicked expressions.

Gu An poked his head out from behind Ming Ye and looked forward.

The people who came were Zhao Yuan and Wen Feifei who had known Gu An before.

After Zhao Yuan and Wen Feifei left Gu An, they kept wrapping up their quilts and hid under the bed. They just passed the night like this. After waiting for a long time, they didn't see the sun outside. Before they came in, they planned to take a look inside just go.

But Zhao Yuan thought that the treasure his father said was easy to find, so they just wanted to be light, and they didn't bring anything except their mobile phone and some necessities.

But there was no signal here at all, and I couldn't even call for help. After running for a long time, I was already hungry.

The two came out from under the bed and looked around the door for a while. They didn't find anything suspicious, so they carefully illuminated the road with small lights and walked forward.

Zhao Yuan remembered that his father told him that those treasures were hidden in the main house of the haunted house, and as long as they entered the main house, they would be able to see the treasures.

Zhao Yuan didn't tell Wen Feifei about the baby in the house at first, but Wen Feifei was not a fool, so she certainly felt that Zhao Yuan had a secret.

Under Wen Feifei's threat, Zhao Yuan had no choice but to speak out, and the two decided to work together to find the treasure, and the treasure they found would be shared equally.

Zhao Yuan would not give the treasure to others, he thought, when he found the treasure, he would get rid of Wen Feifei.

Wen Feifei thought the same way, two people with different thoughts carefully explored the house, for fear of disturbing the sleeping "monster" in the house.

The two walked for a while before entering the main house. They did not dare to enter the rooms with tightly closed doors until they saw an open door, and from the outside, the inside should be quite big, so they just went in.

Zhao Yuan went inside to check as soon as she entered, while Wen Feifei stayed outside, and she saw the teacup on the table at a glance. When she picked up the teacup on the table, she heard a sound of procrastination, the sound was unhurried, but it was getting closer and closer to the two of them.

Sensing that someone moved something in the house, the woman who was sealed in the well turned into a cloud of yin and floated out of the well. The golden light that was sealed in the well was like an old man who was dying, unable to do anything. Prevent the yin from wafting out.

Yin Qi penetrated into the unconscious Yu Miao's body.

Yu Miao opened his eyes suddenly like a corpse, he stood up and walked towards the main house.

"Yu Miao" walked towards Wen Feifei step by step. He saw the teacup in Wen Feifei's hand. Amid Wen Feifei's screams, he rushed over and grabbed her by the neck. The teacup fell to the ground with a loud bang. sound.

The voice was heard by Zhao Yuan in the room, and he ran out immediately. Before the scolding could be heard, he was startled by the scene in front of him.

"Yu Miao" turned his head slowly, his head moved back in a strange posture, and he showed a sinister smile at Zhao Yuan.

Zhao Yuan was so frightened by this scene that his legs went limp, and he almost sat down on the ground.

"Yu Miao" eyes were red, he saw Zhao Yuan, threw Wen Feifei who was pinched in his hand aside, turned around, and walked towards Zhao Yuan.

His complexion was extremely terrifying, and the rotten smell wafted through the narrow room, which was not a big deal, because the woman was injured by the formation, and she didn't cover up too much when she was possessed.

The dark blue complexion and the swelling caused by soaking for too long were perfectly displayed on Miao's body.

Zhao Yuan didn't dare to watch "Yu Miao" at all.

When he saw "Yu Miao" walking towards him, he immediately turned around and ran, and "Yu Miao" chased after seeing this.

One person and one "ghost" ran around the house for a few times. Zhao Yuan ran out from a door inside. He thought he was saved, but he just returned to the place where he came in.

After running such a long circle, he found that this thing seemed to be a little slow in responding, so he deliberately ran into a narrow place.

Sure enough, "Yu Miao" was very stiff when he passed those places, which gave Zhao Yuan time to escape.

Zhao Yuan was about to go out, but Wen Feifei was strangled by "Yu Miao". I don't know if it was too hard, or she was too frightened and lost her voice.

Wen Feifei knew that she was doomed to die alone in this house, so she looked at Zhao Yuan with pleading eyes, seeing that Zhao Yuan was unmoved, she knelt down without any hesitation, and kowtowed to Zhao Yuan Ring your head.

Zhao Yuan had never seen such a formation before, and he immediately stretched out his hand to help, and saw Wen Feifei's forehead was red and swollen from kowtowing hard, and the black handprint on her neck was pinched by that thing, his heart softened, and he pulled Wen Feifei hands, and strode out.

Then the two ran into Gu An and Ming Ye while running around.

Zhao Yuan was a little wary at first, but when he saw Gu An behind Ming Ye, he immediately smiled happily.

He said loudly: "Hero, as long as you rescue me, I can give you half a million!!"

Gu An didn't answer, but just looked at him coldly.

Zhao Yuan thought that Gu An felt that the money was not enough, and he also knew that powerful masters generally charge higher fees, so he gritted his teeth and said, "If you can keep me out safely, I will add another one or five thousand!!"

Gu An said coldly: "I'm not a master, and I'm not short of money."

Zhao Yuan wanted to say something else, but Wen Feifei tugged at his arm and shook her head at him. She could see the extraordinaryness of these two people, and she was afraid that Zhao Yuan's impulsive anger would anger them, and she would not be able to get along with him. Good fruit to eat.

Zhao Yuan frowned and shook off Wen Feifei's hand. When he wanted to get closer to Gu An, a cold and piercing gaze fell on him.

He looked up, and saw the black-robed man standing in front of Gu An, looking at him. Seeing him raise his head, the man opened his lips and said, "We don't have time to talk to you. If you say one more word, I'll let you go." You can't speak anymore."

This was a blatant threat, and Zhao Yuan immediately shut up, not daring to speak any more.

Ming also glanced at the two of them.

A ball of black air emerged from the palm, wrapped the two of them, turned into a gust of wind, and disappeared in place.

Seeing that the two disappeared, Zhao Yuan was afraid that he would encounter that thing again without the two, so he ran away without caring about Wen Feifei behind him.

Little did they know that Wen Feifei, who was motionless behind her with her head down, had already been possessed by a woman.

Ming also found a remote place to drop down.

He lowered his head and approached Gu An's ear, and asked softly, "An An, where do you want to go?"

Gu An blinked uncomfortably, and said, "Go to the well."

The woman in the well is the missing lady from the Lin family.

He knew the missing Miss Lin family, the source of the bones and the source of the evil spirits. There is still the truth about the death of everyone in the Lin family, and the elimination of evil spirits is still unfinished.

Thinking of this, Gu An raised his eyes, with a serious expression on his face, he asked Ming Ye: "Do you know how to get rid of the evil spirits in this house?"

Ming also lowered his head and could see Gu An's red lips and exposed snow-white neck, he lowered his head, stretched out his fingers to press on Gu An's lips, and stroked them a few times.

Looking at Gu An's expression again, he was cold and indifferent, and there was a little puzzlement in his bright eyes, as if he didn't understand what he was doing.

Ming also thought of the ferocious marks he had left on Gu An's snow-white skin, so Ming couldn't stand it anymore. He looked into Gu An's eyes and sighed lowly.

Gu An thought that the question he asked Ming Ye just now had not been answered, so he asked again: "Why do you know the time changes in this house?"

Ming also pinched Gu An's cheek, and said, "Honey, haven't you noticed the difference between us?"

When he said this, Gu An thought thoughtfully, and after a while, Gu An said, "You don't have a heartbeat."

He looked at Ming Ye with a little wariness on his face: "So you are not human, then you said before that you knew me and were still in love. Are you lying to me?"


Ming Ye, who was stunned by Gu An's expression, said dissatisfiedly, "How could I lie to you, baby."

He put his arms around Gu An's shoulders, and guided him: "An An, you have to know, you have amnesia, so the memories in your head are not comprehensive, you can't generalize."

Ming Ye coaxed Gu Anhao angrily on his face, but his heart was bleeding.

His voice was as cold as ice: "521, when will An'an recover her memory?!"

Immediately afterwards, he said again: "Don't pretend to be dead, I know you are here."

521 who just came back: "..."

Why do I have to face this kind of death problem QAQ when I come back

The author has something to say: It’s the end of the month, do the cuties have any nutrient solution that is about to expire

(I beg for a wave of nutrient solution with the cheek O(≧▽≦)O

Chumi ~ Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2020-03-30 16:09:59~2020-03-31 18:10:02~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the mine: Forest Rhapsody 1;

Thanks to the little angels who irrigate the nutrient solution: 6 bottles; 37973531 5 bottles;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!