The Boss of the Escape Game is My Husband

Chapter 24: Seven Days Haunted House


The steward's sluggish footsteps were like a bell ringing for death, reminding the people he was eyeing.

—Don't run around, let me eat it obediently.

When Gu An heard the sound, he stood up, held the black long knife, fixed his eyes on the entrance of the cave, and waited for the butler to appear.

When the butler went down to the burrow, he knew that someone was disobedient and left the room and entered the illusion.

But what he didn't expect was that they came out alive.

Moreover, he also turned on the mechanism and entered the cave. The housekeeper hurried to the cave, and before the "secret" was known, he would eat the person who broke into the cave.

The housekeeper could smell the black energy on Gu An's body from afar, he is different from other evil spirits, other evil spirits are born by eating evil thoughts.

And he is eating living people.

—Especially, living people.

But the butler doesn't like everyone, he's very picky, he doesn't like it in general, he must have a sweet and delicious soul, and a unique aura on his body.

For example, the blackness in Gu An's body, and the masculinity in Wang Qing's body.

These are the butler's favorites. When he thinks of the delicious food that is about to come to his mouth, the black energy on his body becomes a little out of control, and the skin on the back of his neck also cracks.

But the butler didn't care about that much at this time, he strode towards the small hole where the animal corpses were buried, his pace was so fast that he almost flew up.

The butler's elongated shadow was reflected on the side of the small hole, adding a bit of coldness for no reason.

The housekeeper stepped into the small hole, and saw Gu An on several sides at a glance. His eyes were red, like an irrational beast: "It's so delicious, I'm almost drooling..."

Gu An, who was disgusted by the butler's eyes, rushed forward without saying a word.

But before his black knife touched the butler, the butler was thrown out by a force, leaving a faint mark on the wall, and it took a long time before he got up.

Gu An asked Ming Ye in his heart: "Is it your handwriting?"

Ming also said: "I did it, An'an, you stand aside, and don't accidentally hurt you later."

Gu An obediently took a few steps back. He felt his cheeks cool down, as if someone had kissed him, but there was no one around.

He narrowed his eyes slightly and asked Ming Ye, "What are you doing?"

Ming also said with a natural tone, "Kiss you."


Gu An really convinced Ming Ye, he said coldly: "You must concentrate on fighting, don't use one mind at two things!"

Ming also said helplessly: "All right, all right, I'll go and clean him up right now."

Ming Ye's fen was gone, and he directly killed him. His moves were full of murderous aura, but after a few hits, the housekeeper was completely powerless to fight back.

The butler was not stupid either, he knew he couldn't beat Ming Ye, so he started looking for opportunities to escape.

However, Ming Ye's attacks were very intensive, making it impossible for the housekeeper to escape, but the housekeeper still found a loophole.

The housekeeper found the right time, and quickly floated past Ming Ye, grabbing Gu An with a pair of sharp claws.

He thought that Gu An was just like those powerless people before, and let him handle it.

Just when the butler was about to reach Gu An, Gu An held the black knife, saw the right moment, and slashed directly at the butler's outstretched arm.

Gu An used a lot of strength, and the butler's arm was cut off directly, and fell beside the animal's bones. The arm changed in a few seconds.

The arm that was originally filled with flesh and blood changed back to its original appearance without the support of the black energy a few seconds after landing.

—A piece of peeled arm skin.

The butler took advantage of the gap between Gu An's arms, covered the injured area, and ran away.

And Ming Ye's full attention was also on whether Gu An was injured, which gave the butler a chance to escape.

Ming also glanced at the butler, and then put all his eyes on Gu An, because he is not the real body, so Gu An can't see him, but he can touch Gu An.

Gu An moved his fingers, his face became stiffer for a moment, he gritted his teeth and said, "Ming Ye, what are you doing?"

While checking whether Gu An was injured, Ming Ye said, "Honey, don't move, let me see if you are injured."

Gu An couldn't see Ming Ye's figure, so he could only vaguely estimate Ming Ye's position by relying on the sense of touch from his body.

Ming didn't dare to go too far, he checked it once, and then let go, he said: "Honey, I found the exit."

Gu An asked, "Where is it?"

Ming also frowned, and said, "I need to press the switch, but I haven't found the mechanism. You stay here and don't move around. I'll take a look."

After Gu An said yes, his cheeks felt cold. He stared at Kong Kong, which caused Ming Ye to chuckle. He said, "Baby, you are so cute."

Gu An didn't want to talk to him, so he squatted down and looked at the skin of his arm on the ground.

This arm skin is very lifelike, just like human skin.

Gu An took a closer look and compared his own arm before deciding that it was human skin.

After watching for a while, Gu An stood up. He walked around inside a few times, but found nothing that could be called a clue.

Why were all the owner's family of the house killed? If the murderer was looking for revenge or something else, there was no need to kill the owner's pets.

Moreover, there is no mention in the background that the property in the house was taken away, so that killing people for money can be denied.

So what caused the death of this family? And that girl, where is she now, or has she been killed by the murderer? Why is the housekeeper not a human being

All in all, Gu An's thoughts were a little confused, and he needed to sort it out.

But right now is not the time to think, he has to get out of here first.

Gu An went out from the cave.

After walking forward for a while, he saw another board, and when he opened it, it was the same as the hole just now, with several sets of bones inside.

Judging from the shape, it is still the same as the one in the hole just now, it is still an animal skeleton.

Gu An put the wooden board back to its original place, walked forward again, saw another wooden board, opened it, and it was exactly the same as the one in the previous hole.

A few sets of animal bones, and some miscellaneous things beside the bones, Gu An wanted to use a black knife to pick them apart, but Ming also stopped him.

Ming also said: "An'an, don't touch those things, there are no good things in them."

Gu An glanced at the scattered things, they were wrapped in a box, but the box was severely corroded, revealing the black things inside, and there was still a faint smell.

He asked Ming Ye, "What's in there?"

Ming also glanced at it, then looked away, and said, "It's not a good thing. Don't touch the things in An'an, it's easy to get entangled in those things."

After hearing this, Gu An was thoughtful.

After a while, he asked again: "Do you know where this is?"

"The basement," Mingya said, "is the basement built by the housewife."


Gu An lowered his eyes and looked at the animal bones on the ground.

The animal bones in this cave are larger than those in the other two caves, and the bones are also thicker and thicker.

However, Gu An squatted down and carefully looked at the bones on the ground. He found some traces on the bones. That bone should be a hind leg.

On the bone, there was an obvious mark, like a mark left by a sharp weapon.

Gu An looked at the other bones, and on another set of bones, he saw scars that were even brighter than this bone, and the bone was directly broken.

These seem to be the marks left by a sharp weapon, why are they on the bones of these animals

In the basement built by the hostess, why did these holes be made, and who put the bones of these animals here

Gu An closed his eyelashes and had some ideas.

No matter who put it there, it was put by the people in the house after all. It is impossible for outsiders to know the location of the basement in this house.

Not to mention that there is an illusion outside the basement, and you can't get in without triggering the mechanism. Those who can do this, other than the owner of the house, can only be the servants of the house.

When the accident happened that year, the entire family of Zhaizi was killed, but they didn't know that the whole family included those servants.

Gu An didn't stay here for long.

After he went out, he walked forward and saw no boards.

Ming also looked at it for a long time before seeing the exit in a place similar to a study.

He told Gu An the place, and Gu An followed Ming Ye's guidance and found the place smoothly.

It was a "room" similar to a study. Gu An pushed the door lightly, and the door opened. The lock on the door had mottled red embroidery because of the passage of time.

As soon as he walked in, Gu An saw the large mahogany table and rows of sharp hooks.

As soon as he entered, Gu An covered his nose. The smell inside is really unpleasant, I don't know what it is, but it is very pungent.

Ming also looked at the things hanging on the hook, and his expression was not very good. He said to Gu An: "An An, take a pat on the black spot in the middle of the table, and then you can go out."

Gu An frowned, he looked at the thing hanging on the hook, because it had been too long, he couldn't see the original appearance anymore.

He asked Ming Ye: "Do you know what is hanging on it?"

Without waiting for Ming Ye to answer, Gu An guessed what it was.

—That's human skin and animal skin.

A pair of neat leather bags were hung on hooks. There is still fur on the animal's skin, because after too long, the fur has been covered with dust and changed its appearance, so Gu An didn't see what it was at the first time.

A coldness spread from the bottom of Gu An's heart, and this coldness reached all his limbs, making him shiver uncontrollably.

Seeing this, Ming also hurriedly said to Gu An: "Get out, baby! Don't read it!!"

Ming is also very anxious, he can't wait to put on his wings, fly to Gu An's side, cover his eyes, and take him out.

Gu An took a deep breath to suppress the coldness. He looked away and walked to the table that Ming Ye said. When he stretched out his hand, he realized that his palm was sweaty and a little wet.

This thing really scared him.

Ming also felt very distressed, and kept kissing Gu An, comforting him: "Don't be afraid, baby, I'm here, my husband is here, don't be afraid, don't be afraid..."

After a while, Gu An said: "Well, I know you're here, I'm not afraid."

—Sometimes, people are scarier than ghosts.

He saw a painting on the wall. The content of the painting was a beautiful woman holding a sharp knife with a smile on her face, cruelly peeling the skin of the people on the ground. animal.

The author has something to say: Chirp Mi~Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution during 2020-04-11 19:35:27~2020-04-12 20:56:05~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the mine: 1 cp can be dismantled and irreversible;

Thanks to the little angel of irrigation nutrient solution: 3 bottles of sugar grinding;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!