The Boss of the Escape Game is My Husband

Chapter 28: Seven Days Haunted House


The guests tasted it and found that the taste was really good. In addition, Su Lu kept talking about the benefits of the sashimi, and the three guests almost finished eating the full plate of sashimi.

Seeing that the guests had finished eating, Su Ya exchanged glances with Su Lu, showing a triumphant smile.

—It's so good, they ate all the "meat".

With a smile, Su Lu said slowly: "There are still some fish in the kitchen. If you like to eat, I will ask my wife to get some more, so that you can eat to your heart's content."

When the three guests saw this, before they had time to speak, Su Ya said, "It's just as long as you like it, I thought it was just me and my husband who like it."

While speaking, Su Ya's eyes changed, with a crazy dark color, hovering on the edge of reason, which made people feel frightened.

However, she quickly covered up this dark complexion, and still had a slight smile on her face, making it impossible to see the crazy thoughts inside her.

The host said so, and they couldn't refuse as guests, so they could only praise a few words and watched Su Ya go out with the plate.

Su Lu saw that Su Ya had gone out, so he sat down hurriedly, and recommended another dish of shredded "beef" to the guests. He said: "This 'beef' is fresh and just killed. It is marinated with a special secret recipe and put in Roasted in the fire, the taste is no worse than the 'sashimi' just now."

He put the plate of hand-shredded "beef" in front of the three guests, eager to feed it into the mouths of the guests with a courteous posture: "Several have a taste".

Guests, you look at me and I look at yours, and it's hard to open your mouth to refuse, so you have to pick up the chopsticks, pick up a piece of torn "beef", and put it in your mouth.

This "beef" is marinated into a sauce color, and the color is very attractive. After putting it in the mouth, it does not have the chewiness of ordinary beef, and the taste is very strange. I can't tell what it is, but it is very delicious anyway.

The guests seemed to have eaten something particularly delicious, and they went to pick up "beef" one after another.

Su Lu was at the side, holding up the wine glass, which contained scarlet "wine", leaving a bright red mark on the wall of the glass. He watched several people tearing the "beef" with their hands without interruption, although he He also wanted to eat, but he also knew how he was eating, so as not to scare a few guests, he didn't move his chopsticks.

A few people were eating happily, but they didn't notice that Su Lu didn't move his chopsticks. He just shook the wine glass, took a sip of the "red wine" in the glass from time to time, and raised the corners of his mouth, looking at them eating the food on the table with strange eyes.

After the guests finished eating the "beef", Su Lu held the wine glass and signaled to the three of them: "Come on, let's go one by one."

On the dinner table, wine is essential.

The three guests were also mixed up at the wine table, so Su Lu raised their wine glasses, and they also raised their wine glasses and clinked glasses with Su Lu.

Su Lu drank it all in one gulp, and the three guests could only do the same with him, but the taste of this "wine" was a bit strange, different from ordinary red wine, it seemed to have a fishy smell

Among the three guests, the man wearing the gold necklace said, "My brother, where did you buy this wine? Why does it taste different from ordinary red wine?"

Another guest also said: "This wine is indeed different from ordinary red wine. It has a sweet aftertaste, but it is different from the usual sweetness. It is really strange."

Su Lu smiled and said: "This wine is made by my wife according to the secret recipe. I specially added traditional Chinese medicine that is good for the body. The taste is not the same as ordinary red wine."

"That's why," the guest boasted, "My brother married a good wife."

After Su Lu said a few words to several people, Su Ya came over with a plate of more "sashimi" than before.

The plate was huge, and it was full of thinly sliced "meat". Su Ya put the plate on the table, sat down next to Su Lu, and exchanged a look with Su Lu. She lowered her eyelashes, secretive and excited smiling.

—Eat, eat quickly, let us see if you are our kind.

The guests didn't know what Su Lu and his wife were thinking, nor did they know that the "meat" and "wine" they were eating at this time were things that were not accepted by ordinary people.

After eating and drinking, Su Lu took the three guests to the leisure room to relax. Before leaving, Su Lu said to Su Ya: "Pack up the things at home so that they won't be seen."

Su Ya nodded and said yes, she quickly cleaned up the remaining meals on the table, went to the kitchen, opened the huge refrigerator in the kitchen that can accommodate several people, and looked at the empty space in the refrigerator, she grinned.

She whispered: "It's great, I found the same kind again..."

"I just don't know... can they... test..."

The sound is too small, and it will be scattered when it is blown by the wind.

After dealing with the "stuff" in the kitchen.

Su Ya went straight upstairs and went to the child's bedroom. In the bedroom, the leftover "food" from yesterday was still on the table. Her children hadn't finished eating the "food" she specially prepared.

She picked up the plate, smelled it, and smelled a slight rancid smell. She looked at the weather outside through the window. It is not midsummer, but the temperature is not low, so the meat is left here overnight, and the taste will change a bit. .

Su Ya sighed, she wanted to raise her child to be the successor of her and Su Lu, but she didn't expect that her child would not like to eat this delicious "food", but loved those dirty meals .

Thinking of this, Su Ya's face became hideous, like an irrational lunatic.

After a while, Suya regained her senses. She picked up the plate, and the moment she bent down to carry the plate, a gust of wind blew by, and she smelled a rancid smell.

She sniffled the tip of her nose, took a few sniffs, and then determined the direction of the smell. She turned her head and looked at the window sill.

There was nothing on the window sill, so Suya walked over, opened the curtain beside the window, and saw a piece of meat placed in the corner of the window.

The meat had obviously been sitting there for a while, and it had begun to emit a strong stench.

Su Ya looked at this scene, she was very angry, why put the food here! why do not you eat! !

If the plate of meat just now made Su Ya angry, the piece of meat placed by the window now will make Su Ya very angry.

Su Ya was very angry, but it is shameful to waste "food". She picked up the piece of meat by the window, put it on the tip of her nose and smelled it, with an intoxicated expression on her face, as if she smelled a particularly favorite smell.

Su Ya gorged on the "food" that had gone stale. She cherished every piece of "meat". When she was a child, she could not eat "meat" at all because of her limited conditions. She could only eat those disgusting meals.

Only occasionally when her parents are not at home, she has the opportunity to eat the poultry raised at home, but she dare not eat too much, and she dare not eat it all at once, otherwise she will have nothing to eat in the future.

At first, she put the unfinished meat under her bed, but after a long time, the smell came out, and she could only count the time, and finish the food before it smelled.

Suya ate the spoiled "meat" almost greedily. This "meat" tasted much better than the one she ate when she was a child. There were no worms, but the taste had changed.

After eating this piece, she took another big gulp to finish off the meat on the plate, then she cleaned up the leftovers left in the room, and walked out with a smile on her face.

After Suya went out, after asking the servants, she found her two children in the garden.

As soon as the two children saw Su Ya coming, they immediately put down the toys in their hands, and after calling their mother, they stood still obediently, waiting for Su Ya's punishment.

Su Ya knelt down and looked at the two children in front of her. She pinched the faces of the children and asked softly, "Why didn't you finish eating the 'meat'?"

The older girl said, "Mom, I don't like the taste of that meat, it's not tasty."

Su Ya's complexion was not very good when she heard the words. She didn't expect that her child would not like to eat the "food" she carefully prepared: "Mom knows, and mother will make the 'meat' into the taste you like."

The girl's face was wrinkled, obviously dissatisfied with what Su Ya said, but she also knew that talking back to Su Ya at this time would not only get no favors, but would be forced to eat something she didn't like.

The girl fell silent, and after a while, said hello.

Su Ya rubbed the girl's head, then turned her head and asked the son beside her, "Why don't you eat?"

Compared with her daughter, her son is a bit like Sulu. He looks a little like Sulu when he eats, unlike her daughter, who has to chew dozens of times to eat, and has a face of reluctance. .

The boy said: "Mom, my sister said that the meat is spoiled, so I won't let me eat it."

Su Ya's eyes changed, she glared at the girl, and asked the boy softly, "Tell mom, is the 'meat' delicious?"

The boy thought about the taste and said, "Mom, that meat is delicious, but it doesn't taste very good. I don't like meat that tastes bad."

Su Ya understood that her son had the same problem with Su Lu. He only liked to eat fresh "meat".

Su Ya brought the two children into her and Su Lu's "secret base". She opened the door and asked the two children to wait here for a while while she went to get delicious food.

The girl and the boy sat on the wooden chair, the girl turned her head and asked the boy, "Do you really think that meat is delicious?"

The boy nodded when he heard the words: "Yes, sister, don't you like it?"

"It's not that I don't like it." The girl frowned, obviously not knowing how to describe the taste: "Compared with the meat prepared by my mother, I still prefer the meat on the table."

She really can't accept the taste of raw "beef", what's more, she faintly feels that it doesn't seem to be beef...

The boy didn't understand what his sister said. There was a five-year age difference between the siblings. The boy was only six years old this year, and the girl was already eleven. Naturally, they understood more than the boy.

But no matter how much they know, girls will never know that what Suya wants them to eat is not beef at all—

—It is meat that normal people cannot accept.

Not long after, Su Ya came over with two pieces of meat. She gave one piece to her son and one piece to her daughter.

She said: "Eat it quickly, this is the freshest 'meat'."

After all, this is what she cut off just now, and it is warm - "fresh meat".

As soon as the boy got it in his hand, he smelled it and found that he didn't smell any bad smell, so he started to eat it in big mouthfuls, while the girl on the side, seeing her brother eating, fell silent, and the piece of meat she was holding in her hand , It seemed to weigh a thousand catties, and she couldn't lift her arms under the pressure.

Su Ya watched her son stutter, and the anger aroused just now had already turned into a spring breeze, blowing gently on her son.

She looked at her son for a while, then glanced at her daughter from the corner of her eye, and found that her daughter hadn't eaten, she frowned, and said sharply, "Your brother has already eaten, why don't you eat?"

The girl trembled when she heard this. The gentle woman in front of her seemed to have turned into a sharp knife, a sharp knife that could fall down and hurt her at any time.

The girl glanced at Su Ya, shrunk and replied: "Mom, I don't like the taste of this meat, I don't want to eat it."

As if she was afraid that Su Ya would be angry, she hurriedly added: "It's not that I don't like it, I just don't like this kind of food. Mom, don't be angry, I'll eat it right away."

As the girl talked, she felt Su Ya's emotional changes. She was afraid that Su Ya would punish her like before. She raised her hand and took a bite of the flesh in her hand.

Seeing the girl eating, Su Ya happily touched the girl's head and said softly, "This is my mother's good boy."

The girl ate barely, and Su Ya didn't care. She looked at her son with all her heart, hoping that he could inherit her and Su Lu and continue this "hobby".

Seeing that Su Ya didn't look at her again, the girl breathed a sigh of relief. She ate the meat in her mouth and chewed it dozens of times before swallowing it. The girl couldn't bear it anymore, she couldn't swallow it at all. of raw meat.

But she was afraid that Su Ya would get angry, so she had to bite the bullet and eat, her stomach was churning, which made her very uncomfortable, but she dared not tell Su Ya, because after she told Su Ya, Su Ya would get angry and punish her.

As for the punishment, the girl vaguely remembered that the punishment was terrible, and she didn't want to be punished by Suya again, so she could only force herself, even though she didn't like it.

The boy ate it up in no time.

Suya rewarded the boy with one day of watching cartoons. The boy was very happy. Nothing makes him happier than watching cartoons.

Su Ya said a few more words to her son, then turned her head to look at her daughter. After seeing that there was still a lot of "meat" left on her daughter's hand, the gentle expression on her face could no longer be maintained.

She grabbed her daughter's ear and said sharply: "You only took these few mouthfuls after my younger brother finished eating. You are so useless!"

Enduring the pain from her ears, the girl said to Suya: "Mom, I ate too much today and I'm not too hungry, so I'm eating slowly. Mom, don't be angry, I will definitely finish the meat of."

Su Ya didn't seem to hear her daughter's words, her eyes stayed on the "meat", her face was distorted: "Why are you hungry, I think you owe a lesson!"

She slapped the girl on the face, pushed the girl again, and knocked the girl to the ground. She picked up the meat that fell on the ground, dusted off the dust, and ate it.

Seeing that Su Ya was eating so deliciously, the boy on the side also wanted to eat it. Su Ya was not stingy, and she and her son ate this piece of meat together.

The girl who was pushed by Su Ya and fell to the ground saw Su Ya eating meat with her younger brother, her eyes showed fear, and her body trembled unnaturally.

This is not the first time she has seen Su Ya eating meat, she has also accidentally bumped into it before, but it is far less clear and scary than this time.

The girl clearly saw Suya's distorted face and wolfish appearance. This kind of Suya didn't look like a human at all, but rather like an animal.

She remembered that there was a Tibetan Mastiff in her grandfather's house, and the Tibetan Mastiff looked like it was eating meat, and it was also gobbling it up, including the skin and meat.

The girl didn't dare to look at Su Ya again, she lay silently on the ground, not daring to make a sound, for fear of attracting Su Ya's attention and being beaten again.

The scene at this time was all seen by Gu An and Ming Ye.

Gu An looked at the girl lying on the ground, thinking of the lost girl, his eyes flickered. Based on Su Ya's dislike for the girl at this time, could it be that the girl was not lost at all, but was killed

Ming also saw Gu An frowning, he gently smoothed the wrinkles between Gu An's brows, and placed a soft kiss on his brow and eyes: "Why do you look so sad, did you think of something unhappy?"

Gu An closed his eyes, and Ming Ye's kiss on his brows and eyes brought a chill, which made him tremble his eyelashes. After Ming Ye backed away, he blinked his eyelashes, and then raised his eyelids. There was a hint of coldness in the beautiful eyes.

He looked at the scene in the room, and a sneer appeared on his lips: "This woman is really crazy, she actually forced her child to eat that kind of meat, even if tiger poison doesn't eat its offspring, she can be cruel enough to treat her child like this .”

"It's impossible," Ming also rubbed Gu An's hair. He followed Gu An's line of sight and saw that Su Ya was teaching the girl. His eyes were a little cold, and he said in a low voice: "This woman obviously It’s just that she is sick, and that Su Lu should be the same as her.”

Thinking of the scene he saw at the dining table just now, Gu An's dark eyes gradually became cold.

What the hell are the couple trying to do, and why are they serving that kind of meat to their guests

He vaguely had a bold idea, whether the couple coaxed the three of them in and then killed them.

Ming also saw that Gu An was distracted, he lowered his head in dissatisfaction, and blew into Gu An's ear, with a cool breath, which immediately brought Gu An back to his senses.

Gu An raised his head and asked Ming Ye: "What are you doing?"

"It's nothing," Ming Ye said, "It's just that you ignore me, baby, I'm a little bored."

Gu An smiled helplessly: "I was thinking about something, and I didn't ignore you."

Ming also approached Gu An and asked, "What are you thinking about?"

"I was wondering if those three guests would be in danger." Gu An answered truthfully.

Ming Ye put his arms around Gu An and asked softly, "What do you think?"

"Eighty percent of them may die," Gu An said, "If they are not smart enough, they will die here 100%."

Ming also asked, "How can you see it?"

"Didn't you notice?" Gu An explained: "Su Lu and Su Ya, especially Su Lu, have been letting them eat meat, and that attitude is no different from that of an insurance salesman."

"Then the question is, why did he do this? Obviously, there are things he wants or wants in these three people."

Ming also raised his eyebrows: "Continue."

Gu An drew a long voice: "For example, money and benefits."

"—Or trying to win them over, let them join in, become a part of them."

"If it doesn't work, they can still kill and eat their meat. No matter what, they won't suffer."

Ming also clicked his tongue: "The couple are really brave, and they are not afraid of things being exposed."

Gu An's voice was like ice, he said:

"Since they dare to do it, they must have a way to cover it up."

"There are few people here, and it is not uncommon for people to die."

After Su Ya taught her daughter a lesson, she took her son out.

In her opinion, since her daughter can't inherit her, it's okay to abandon her. If there is a son as Su Lu's successor, it's okay to inherit her by the way.

But in her heart, she still couldn't accept it. The daughter who was born as her successor actually hated what she wanted to inherit, which made her very angry.

Su Ya said: "Since you don't eat, then stay here. When you like to eat, I will let you out again."

She took her son out and left the girl in the room where the "food" was hidden.

The girl curled up in the corner in fear. Once the door was closed, it was very dark here. The girl was terrified, but she still believed in her heart that her mother would let her out.

The girl waited until night.

The sky is getting dark, and the time for Su Lu and Su Ya's "night snack" is coming soon.

They put on fine clothes and knocked on the guest's door.

—There was a creepy smile on their faces, like a hunter setting a trap, hunting the "prey" in the cage.

Sulu spent the entire afternoon conducting the test, but unfortunately, none of them passed the test, and they could only become "prey" from companions.

—And "prey", there is no need to exist.

The author has something to say: I'm very sorry, I haven't updated in the past few days due to physical reasons, I'm sorry >people