The Boss of the Escape Game is My Husband

Chapter 29: Seven Days Haunted House


In the afternoon, Su Lu took three guests to the leisure room.

It is said to be a leisure room, but it is actually a screening room, but there is a lot of content in it. Su Lu and Su Ya came to test the same kind in this leisure room.

Suya tests animals because she feels she is one of them too, but she is a carnivore and feeds on the flesh and skin of other creatures.

But Su Lu is a superior person, he thinks very highly of himself, and in his eyes, except for his kind, the rest are his "prey".

Su Ya and him have common hobbies. Although their goals are not the same, Su Lu reluctantly regards her as the same kind. The two will occasionally "hunt" together, and the "prey" they hunt will be shared equally.

Su Ya didn't like to eat human flesh at first, but she is a carnivore and does not reject human flesh. Being influenced by Sulu, she also tried to eat human.

Su Lu occasionally eats Su Ya's "food". The two are partners. After each other's actions, the other party will clean up the "battlefield" to avoid being noticed by outsiders.

After the two got married, Su Lu bought this house and lived here with Su Ya.

It's a bit remote here, and ordinary people don't come here, so they live very happily here.

Throwing away the "human skin" that was worn on their bodies day and night, they killed wantonly in the house. For this reason, Su Lu spent a lot of effort to build a basement for hunting "prey".

Su Ya made a rule that the servants in the house cannot move around after dark. If she finds out, they will not only face punishment, but also be fired.

Su Lu paid a lot of money, and the work here was not heavy, so the servants listened to them very much. When it was dark, only he and Su Ya were left in this mansion, and they could take off their daytime disguises. Grab a sharp knife and have fun in the basement.

After a long time, Sulu told Suya that he wanted an heir.

Inheriting the blood of his superiors, seek out his own kind, and eat the pesky inferiors.

Su Ya heard that she also wanted a child to inherit her carnivore bloodline and hunt those lower animals.

The two hit it off and started a breeding program.

What Sulu wanted was a son, and what Suya wanted was a daughter. After a long period of time, their wish came into sight.

After Su Ya gave birth to her heir, she began to feed the child "meat" uninterruptedly from the time the child could eat, hoping that the child would be like her and know how to find "food" from an early age.

But this child disappointed her very much. She had shown little interest in "food" since she was a child, and she preferred those disgusting meals to "meat".

This made Su Ya very angry, but she could not break the agreement with Su Lu, and there could only be one successor.

Five years later, after Su Lu's heir was born, he perfectly inherited his characteristics. He liked to feed him "food". Su Lu was very happy. He slowly cultivated his heir, inheriting bit by bit. all of him.

—First of all, it is the preference of being a higher person.

Looking at Su Lu's successor, Su Ya was both happy and disappointed. She was happy that Su Lu had a perfect successor, and the blood lost to her would have no one to inherit.

Su Lu comforted Su Ya, since they are all your children, it is the same for my heirs to inherit your blood.

Su Ya agreed on the surface, but she still didn't give up in private. She began to be strict with her daughter, and stipulated how much "meat" to eat and how much "drink" to drink every day.

The son has been obediently eating the "food" she prepared, but the daughter doesn't know what's going on, just like those low-level people, she doesn't eat the "food" she prepared, and eats unpalatable meals.

Su Ya can't accept that her daughter is an inferior person. As long as an inferior person is eaten by them, as her successor, this is really embarrassing.

But no matter how hard Su Ya tried, her daughter just didn't like to eat it. Gradually, Su Ya became a little impatient. Seeing that her daughter didn't eat the "food", she severely criticized her at the beginning, and now she is beating and scolding.

But even so, Su Ya refused to give up, and was still using her method to make her daughter awaken her blood and become a carnivore.

Leisure interior.

Sulu played a movie, the movie is to watch a movie, and the name is a bit scary-"Blood Lover".

The three guests were sitting on the sofa, wearing glasses, looking at the reluctant screen, as if they were on the scene. Every move of the people in the movie seemed to be by their side, giving people a sense of reality.

Su Lu took out a bottle of "red wine" from nowhere, and poured it into the wine glasses on the table beside him as if by magic. He handed the wine glasses to the three of them and said with a smile, "My wife has made too much wine this year. This wine is good for the body, you can drink more, it is good for your health."

Upon hearing this, the three guests immediately took the wine glasses and clinked glasses with Su Lu. In their position, money becomes less important, and the body is the most important thing, otherwise, no matter how much money they have, it will be useless.

After taking a sip of "wine", the movie started.

At the beginning of the movie, there is a couple with sharp knives in their hands, and the dialogue is very simple and straightforward, which can make people see what they are going to do.

They pushed open the door, and inside the door was a man tied up and an animal caught in a net.

The man and the woman exchanged a kiss, walked towards each other's "prey", squatted down, picked up a sharp knife, and began to do the simplest step - skinning.

The pain of the men and animals being cut by the sharp point of the knife turned into shrill screams, which echoed in the lounge.

The blood quickly flowed all over the ground, and they didn't waste it. They easily picked up the "prey" and put the "prey" on a special wide wooden chair. Under the wooden chair was a piece of black cloth, which was made of a special substance. The blood that seeps into it can be concentrated in one place, and there is a hose in that place, and the blood flows through the hose into a glass bottle that is one person tall.

In the glass bottle, there is still some blood left over from before.

The man and the woman moved nimbly and quickly, and within a short while, the face of the "prey" was peeled off.

The whole scene was frightening and exciting. The three guests had gone through a lot of dark things, but at this time, they were also a little scared, but their acting skills were good, so they didn't show it.

Su Lu took a sip of the "wine" and looked at the screen in front of him. He felt that the movements of the people inside were still not fast enough. For him now, half of it should be peeled off.

after awhile.

They seemed to be tired and stopped what they were doing. The man took out the glass, turned on the switch, and poured two glasses of blood from the glass bottle next to it.

The two clinked glasses and drank comfortably.

At this moment, Su Lu suddenly said: "The wine we drink is the same as what they drink."

As soon as these words fell, the wine glasses in the hands of the three of them fell to the ground with a bang, and the remaining "wine" in the wine glasses spilled on the white carpet. The fragments of the wine glasses were like dazzling knife points. Under the irradiation, it is extravasated.

Su Lu watched this scene, the smile on the corner of his mouth stagnated, an unknown light flashed in his eyes, and he said, "I'm just joking."

—First test, failed.

Su Lu was a little unhappy, he thought he could find someone of his kind, but unexpectedly, they couldn't even accept this, and they didn't deserve to be his kind.

After Su Lu said this sentence, the three of them were obviously relieved, and they were no longer in the mood to chat. The voice in their ears made them restless.

But Su Lu cooperated with them, and they were guests at Su Lu's house, so it was really difficult to speak out. What's more, if they opened their mouths and left because of fear at this moment, then in the future, they would be shorter in front of Su Lu.

Su Lu didn't speak anymore, but concentrated on watching the movie.

At a critical moment in the film, the couple has skinned the body and is dismembering the body.

The eyes of the three guests wandered, unable to look directly at the screen in front of them like Su Lu.

After a while, Su Lu asked, "Is the movie good?"

The three guests said one after another: "It's beautiful, it's very beautiful!"

"Oh," Su Lu didn't seem to hear their perfunctory tone, and asked again: "Where is it good?"

Three guests: "..."

Are you sick

The three faltered, and didn't say anything for a long time. Su Lu was a little regretful. There was one last test left. If they failed again, they would only be reduced to low-level people, instead of being able to become high-level people like him.

Sulu stopped talking.

The entire lounge was silent, and the three guests were beating their hearts out. They never thought that this gentle-looking Su Lu would actually like to watch such a bloody movie.

By the way, how did this movie pass the review...

At this time, they still don't know that this is not a movie at all, but a documentary filmed by Su Lu and Su Ya. Before the filming, the two made a disguise. If they are not close people, they will not be able to see the clue.

Towards the end of the movie, the couple started to eat like crazy, chomping on raw meat, which was the "prey" they killed just now.

The eyes of the three guests were tightly closed. The scene was so beautiful that they dared not open their eyes to see it.

One of the guests wearing a gold necklace secretly glanced at Su Lu. He saw Su Lu smiling through the light from the screen.

Sulu is laughing? !

This scene deeply stimulated his emotions, but when he looked at it again, Su Lu had already put away his smile, his face was expressionless, and no one could see the slightest emotion.

But the scene just now still scared the guests enough.

The movie is not long, but more than ten minutes.

After the movie is over, there is a line of scarlet words on the screen - do you want to join us

Su Lu turned on the light, stood up, and said with a smile, "How do you guys feel? Do you want to be like them?"

— Be a higher man.

This is the last test. If you pass it, you don't have to count the ones you didn't pass just now. As long as the answer agrees with Su Lu's request, he will reluctantly agree to their joining.

But the three of them all looked terrified and disgusted.

"It feels so bad, I don't want to watch movies anymore! And I don't want to be part of this shit!!"

"Me too, Su Lu, why did you show this movie?! Are you trying to disgust us?!"

"Brother Su, we can understand that you have this hobby, but we don't agree..."

After hearing this, Su Lu's eyes were dark, but he still had a warm smile on his face: "I'm just joking with you guys, don't take it to heart."

—Since you don’t cherish the opportunity I gave you, don’t blame me for being rude.

Su Lu said a few more words to several people, and the atmosphere gradually eased up again.

After they left, Gu An said: "I guessed right, this Su Lu really wanted to win them over, but why did he win over others? Aren't you afraid of being discovered?"

"I guess, he may feel lonely." Ming also said.

"Lonely?" What kind of person would he feel lonely

"Probably, I don't know." Ming Ye pulled Gu An, followed Su Lu, and walked out.

The two of them are like A Piao now, they can't be seen by the naked eye at all, so Ming is a little unscrupulous, not only holding Gu An's hand, but also sticking to Gu An closely, if the conditions do not allow, He even wanted to get in touch with Gu An at a negative distance.

After Su Lu went out, he entered that room without knowing it and lost his trace.

Gu An and Ming Ye walked around the house.

There are many trees in the house.

At night, when the shadows of the trees swayed, the black people would have a gloomy feeling. Gu An and Ming Ye sat under the tree, the shadows of the trees covered the sunlight, and they leaned against the tree, feeling extremely comfortable.

The breeze gently blew the hair of the two of them, and a little sunlight shone through the lush leaves and fell on the two of them, arousing the sleepiness in their hearts.

Gu An yawned, a tear came out from the corner of his eye, he raised his hand to rub it, but Ming Ye preempted it.

Ming was also sitting, but Gu An was hugged by him, and now he was lying on his lap, so Ming also saw the tear that overflowed from the corner of his eye.

Tears are like a crystal clear diamond, making Gu An's eyes more beautiful, and reminding Ming also of some fiery memories.

His Adam's apple moved, his throat was a little dry, he touched the corner of Gu An's eyes with his fingers, gently wiped away the tear, and said softly, "An An, I want to kiss you."

"To my dear?"

Hearing this, Gu An's half-closed eyes opened suddenly, he couldn't see Ming Ye's face, he thought for a while, then coldly refused: "No."

"Hey, I'm so sad." Ming also pretended to be heartbroken, and his tone softened: "My baby won't be kissed by me, how could there be such a poor person like me?"

Gu An was amused by these words, he said: "Ming Ye, you are really shameless."

He even said that.

Ming also lowered his head, pecked some of Gu An's brows, and said with a smile, "What face do you need for you?"

Then he said solemnly: "If I want face, I won't be able to kiss you. I'm not shameless."

Gu An: "..."

It was the first time I saw him, it really opened his eyes to be able to talk about shamelessness in such a fresh and refined way.

Ming also asked in a low voice: "So baby, do you want to kiss?"

The deliberately lowered voice made Gu An's heart soften, and he couldn't even hear what he said.

His earlobes were red, and his heart was a little numb.

Gu Yan snorted: "If I don't give you a kiss, you won't kiss?"

"That won't be the case," Ming also said, "I'm afraid that you will settle the score for me later."

Listen, listen, what are you talking about

"..." Gu An almost wanted to present Ming Ye with a "cheeky award": "If I don't kiss you, you will kiss me, and if I give you a kiss, you will kiss me too, so why are you asking me so much?"

Ming also raised his eyebrows and smiled lightly: "Then I won't be polite, thank you baby for the 'entertainment'."

treat? Treat what

After saying that, Ming also pulled Gu An up from his legs, exerted strength with his arms, and changed Gu An's position, facing him face to face.

Then, he lowered his head, accurately grasped Gu An's lips, and pressed his lips together. Ming Ye was like a fish in water, and began to stir recklessly. His movements were fierce, as if he wanted to eat Gu An's lips. .

From the beginning, Gu Yan didn't get used to it, but later on, he started to cooperate with Ming Ye, opened his mouth, and took the initiative to welcome Ming Ye in.

The shadow of the tree shook, covering the two people under the tree.

After a while, Gu An felt that his lips were going numb, he pushed Ming Ye, Ming Ye opened his eyes, grabbed Gu An's wobbly hand, and placed the other hand behind Gu An's head, his movements gradually changed. gentle.

Gu An's lips are very soft, like pudding, and Ming also loves to eat them. Every time he eats them, he has to eat them for a long time, until Gu An's lips are slightly red/swollen, and he will not stop.

After a few more minutes, Ming Ye backed away. Gu An's lips were already a little red and swollen, and he gently wiped away the water stains overflowing from Gu An's lips.

Gu An was held in Ming Ye's arms, calming down his shortness of breath.

While hugging Gu An, Ming Ye stretched out his hand to pat him on the back, coaxing him like a child, still speaking softly.

After a while, after Gu Anping recovered his breath, Ming also said in his ear: "Baby, I miss you."

There is a strong desire in the words.

Gu An's body froze, he hadn't been intimate with Ming Ye for a long time, and said that he didn't want to be fake, but he didn't want Ming Ye to get what he wanted, so he wanted to do it against Ming Ye: "I don't want you. The days without you, I feel like even the air has become…”

Before he finished speaking, Ming also covered his mouth.

Ming also lowered his head and said in a cold voice, "An'an, don't lie to me."

"Tell the truth." He licked Gu An's earlobe, and in order to punish what Gu An said just now, he bit it again, until the white droop was imprinted with a touch of blush before he stopped.

Gu An covered his ears, Ming Ye bit his earlobe a few times, although it didn't hurt, but a strange feeling spread from the bottom of his heart, which made him trembling his eyelashes.

Ming also clicked his tongue, stretched out his hand towards Gu An's tender spot, and pressed it down lightly, almost making Gu An's legs weak.

Gu An glared at Ming Ye, Ming Ye bit the tip of Gu An's nose lightly, and said temptingly: "An An, tell me the truth, I haven't seen you for a while, have you ever thought about me?"

Gu An gritted his teeth, and stretched out his hand to knock off Ming Ye's troublesome hand, but before he could move, Ming Ye held it down, and then Ming Ye pressed that place hard again, almost making him breathe out softly.

Gu An rolled his eyes.

He posted it along the place where the voice came from, with a long tone and an inexplicable temptation: "Ming Ye, don't just ask me, you haven't told me the task I entrusted to you, you Is it done?"

Ming Ye's eyelids twitched, and he suddenly had a bad premonition, only to hear Gu An say: "I remember I gave you a contract before, it's a cooperation project with xx Entertainment, have you completed it yet?"

Speaking of this xx entertainment, Ming also became angry.

Gu An has been good-looking since he was a child, and there are wild bees and butterflies around him. No matter how much he looked at him, there were still people who came to pester him one after another, and the president of xx entertainment was one of them.

The president is in the same courtyard as them. Although they don't play very well, the relationship between them is not too bad.

Ming also always knew that he liked Gu An, and after they got together, he still didn't give up, and insisted on asking Gu An out in the name of cooperation.

This Ming couldn't bear it, so he took the initiative to resign and wanted to help Gu An complete the project, but due to various reasons, Ming also did not establish a cooperative relationship with xx Entertainment, but secretly changed the company, changing the company he wanted to cooperate with It became an entertainment company under his name.

This was done before getting married, and Ming never told Gu An. He was afraid that Gu An would be angry. Ann said.

Until now, Gu An didn't know that his partner had changed.

Of course, Ming also thought this.

In fact, Gu An knew about it a long time ago. Although his project was handed over to Ming Ye, the main personnel in charge of the project were still from his company, so once the contract was signed, Gu An knew about it.

Gu An has always wanted to wait for Ming Ye to take the initiative to speak, but he didn't expect to wait until now.

Ming also felt a little guilty: "An'an, why are you asking this?"

"Could it be possible," Ming Ye narrowed his eyes slightly, and asked a little casually, "Don't you believe me?"

Gu An was obviously familiar with Ming Ye's backlash, he smiled and said, "Why don't I believe you?"

Before Ming could heave a sigh of relief, Gu An said, "So can you explain to me why the partner's company has become your company?"

"Could it be possible," Gu An also imitated Ming Ye's tone and said, "Did I remember wrong?"

If you can see Ming Ye at this time, then Ming Ye must have erratic eyes now, with "I'm not I don't have it, don't talk nonsense" written on his face.

Thinking of this, Gu An couldn't help laughing out loud.

As soon as he heard Gu An's smile, Ming knew that things were not as bad as he thought, so he hurriedly said, "Baby, how could you remember wrongly."

He took the initiative to admit his mistake: "I'm sorry, I changed the partner. I admit that I was narrow-minded. Baby, don't be angry with me. I won't dare next time."

Gu An didn't speak, he thought, at this moment Ming Ye must be saying in his heart - wrong, dare to do it next time.

He said, "Forget it, I already knew. Don't do it next time."

Ming also said, "Okay."

But he was thinking in his heart that the next time he made a mistake, he would destroy the evidence. If Gu An couldn't find the evidence, he would have no way to prove that he made a mistake.

I have to say, Ming Ye is really a genius.

Time passed by every minute and every second.

After Gu An's interruption just now, Ming didn't want Gu An to answer, he was afraid that if he continued, Gu An would bring out all his black history, he couldn't bear it, he hadn't eaten the meat yet.

Time almost blinked, and it was night.

Gu An was still sitting on Ming Ye's lap, seeing this, he was a little puzzled: "It's dark, no matter how dark it is."

Ming also hugged Gu An, floated up from the ground, and then floated towards the main house.

Sulu accommodates guests in guest rooms in the main house.

This makes it easier for them to "hunt". The sound of knocking on the door woke up the guest. The guest dragged his shoes and said as he walked, "If you don't sleep at night, why are you knocking on the door..."

As soon as the door was opened, the guest saw that it was Su Lu and Su Ya, and said, "It's you, what's the matter so late?"

Su Lu's eyes were hesitant on the guest. When he saw the guest's big belly, he frowned. It was too fat, and the meat quality must not be good.

But right now is not the time to think about this, Su Lu smiled and said to the guest: "I have something about cooperation, I want to chat with you."

Hearing the words, the guest suddenly regained consciousness from his bewildered mind: "Yes, yes, where can we talk?"

Su Lu pushed Su Ya forward without any trace, and said in an unclear tone: "This is my wife. My wife admires you very much and wants to talk to you."

The guests are also human beings, how can they not understand the meaning of Su Lu's words, his eyes fell on Su Ya, Su Ya was wearing a short black skirt, showing her snow-white thighs, the eyes of the guests almost straightened.

Especially when Su Ya looked at him hesitantly, his heart became hot instantly, and he smiled silly: "It's easy to say."

The smirking guest didn't know yet that he was about to fall into the "hunter"'s net, and he was still happy for the upcoming affair.

Su Lu gave Su Ya a wink, Su Ya nodded to Su Lu, stretched out his hand and took the guest's arm, leading the guest forward, talking while walking, the guest put their hands on her lap, and she still couldn't face Change color and continue talking.

Seeing that Su Ya had gone far away, Su Lu turned his head and went to another room, and tricked him into the basement for the same reason.

After tricking the two guests into the basement, Su Ya and Su Lu took a needle from their pockets, stabbed it into the skin while they were not paying attention, and then pushed the medicine in.

This needle contains a special drug, and when it touches the skin, it will produce a drug reaction, directly paralyzing the person and making them unable to move.

The two were tied up with ropes and placed in the room where they were specially prepared for skinning. The two were drugged and were so weak that it took a long time to speak a word. Su Lu and Su Ya were not afraid of them running away at all.

Su Lu and Su Ya repeated their tricks and tricked the rest of the guests wearing gold necklaces.

After walking for a while, the man seemed to suddenly realize something and started running back.

Su Lu immediately chased after him. Su Lu has never relaxed in these years, and his physical fitness is far stronger than that of the guest. Before running for a while, the guest couldn't hold it anymore and leaned against the wall to pant.

Su Lu took out the needle, pressed the guest's arm, punctured the skin, and pushed the medicine in.

Suya behind her also followed. She pushed a trolley, Su Lu got the guests onto the trolley, and then pulled it to the basement.

In the basement, the two guests were thinking about the movie they watched that afternoon, and their hearts were at the bottom of the valley.

They never thought that they just went to a partner's house for a meal, how could they encounter such a thing? !

Because of the potion, the two of them didn't have much strength to speak, they could only look at the door in horror, begging Su Lu not to come back.

It didn't take long, however.

There was a sound of wheels rolling, the door was pushed open from the outside, and Su Lu and Su Ya came in pushing the cart.

Su Lu tied up the man and said to Su Ya, "You first or me first?"

"I'll come first," Su Ya looked at the guest who touched her thigh, and said sullenly, "I'll take you first."

Su Lu said yes, then took out a protective suit from the side and handed it to Su Ya: "It should be quite troublesome for people here to deal with, don't get your clothes dirty."

Su Ya took the protective suit, put it on, put him on the wooden chair, and said with a smile, "Where should I start..."

She gestured a few times, then swiped down sharply, the tip of the knife scratched the guest's arm, and she said: "This hand is dishonest, so cut it off."

The guest screamed in horror. Although the potion suppressed his strength, he still screamed in the face of death.

Su Ya looked uneasy, Su Lu took out a pill from his pocket and put it in his mouth, but within a few seconds, he couldn't make a sound.

Su Ya lowered her head and continued what she had just done.

Su Lu praised: "Your craftsmanship is getting better and better."

Su Ya smiled and said, "Practice makes perfect. Didn't you say before that I'm not good at craftsmanship, so I won't be able to eat meat in the future?"

Su Lu said: "That was before, and now you are ready to become a teacher."

Su Ya was noncommittal, her skills were all taught by Su Lu, and Su Lu told her that in order to peel and chop meat, he even went to learn cooking skills for several years.

But there is still a difference between poultry and humans, but after several years of experience, Su Lu has become very proficient in this skill.

Seeing this, the other two guests were terrified to death.

They want to call for help, but they don't even have the strength to speak, so they can only wait for death.

Gu An wanted to go in and take a look, but Ming also said that if he wanted to go in, he had to cover his eyes, Gu An said why don't you cover them.

The two refused to give in to each other, and eventually, the two walked around the basement, taking the opportunity to look at the rest of the entire basement.

Anyway, after Su Lu and Su Ya finished dealing with it, it wouldn't be too late for them to go see it again.

As he was walking, Gu An heard a burst of crying. Looking in the direction of the crying, he saw a wooden door, and the outside of the wooden door was locked.

Walking in and looking, Gu An felt that this place looked familiar: "Is this the place where that woman locked up her child?"

Ming also glanced: "It should be."

"It's too much!" Gu An was a little angry: "It's so dark here, keep the child here, what if something happens?!"

Ming also echoed, "An An is right."

"Hey, but we can't save her." Gu An said with some frustration.

The scenes here are all things that happened in the past, and he and Ming are powerless to change them.

It cannot be said to be powerless, but it is simply impossible to change.

These scenes were only recorded in a special way. They were originally facts that had happened in the past, and it was impossible to rewrite them.

Gu An heard the crying sound from inside, and his expression was very unhappy: "Tell me, will something happen to this girl?"

"I don't know," Ming Ye took Gu An's hand and comforted him, "Don't be unhappy, we still have to find clues."

Gu An took a deep look before leaving with Ming Ye.

After he left, the crying in the room became louder and louder.

The girl was kept here, she was terrified and very hungry. But my mother hasn't come here yet, she is hungry now and can eat the meat.

Why isn't mom here yet...

After a while, there was a sudden sound from behind the door, and the outside lock was unlocked.

The boy was holding the flashlight. He didn't dare to speak loudly, so he could only call softly: "Sister, sister, where are you? I'm here to save you, sister."

The girl cried, "Brother, I'm here."

The boy followed the sound and saw the shivering girl shivering in the corner. He hurried over: "Sister, sister, are you alright?"

The girl hugged the boy: "Wooooow, I'm so scared..."

The boy clumsily comforted the girl: "My sister is not afraid, I will protect my sister!"

The girl cried for a while, then stood up, took the boy's hand and walked out, asking, "Why do you have the key here?"

"I took it from my mother's house." The boy held his sister's hand tightly: "Mom and Dad have gone out, so I came to look for you."

The girl pursed her lips and pulled the boy out. When she reached a corner, she suddenly saw the light shining in front of her. She pulled her brother and walked over lightly.

However, human beings are inherently curious.

The girl wouldn't let the boy look around, but when she walked over, she glanced through the crack of the door, and it was this one glance that scared the girl enough.

—She saw through the crack of the door that her parents were cutting up the meat.

She thought vaguely, so the meat she and her brother ate every day was human flesh...

After sending her brother back to the house, the girl vomited out all at once. She was so sick, thinking of the meat she ate today, she wanted to vomit out all her intestines.

After vomiting, the girl lay on the ground, thinking back to the scene she saw just now, she didn't feel much fear in her heart, only nausea...

She wondered if she was broken...

Su Lu and Su Ya didn't know about this episode.

After the two worked together to deal with the three of them, it was already dawn. The couple put the processed meat into the refrigerator in the basement, took off their protective clothing, sprayed strong perfume on it, and prepared to go out.

And just after they left the basement, a servant ran over in a panic and said, "Mister and Madam, the master is here."

Su Lu frowned: "Why did Dad come here at this time?"

But now is not the time to talk about this, the two hurried back, but fortunately the scent of the perfume was strong enough to cover the smell of blood.

As soon as he arrived in the living room, the old man was holding the boy and talking about something.

Su Lu greeted the old man with a smile: "Dad, why are you here?"

The old man smelled the perfume on his son, and his face was a little ugly: "Why, can't I come and see you?"

"Yes, why not." As for the old man, Su Lu could only coax him.

While the father and son were talking, Su Ya came over. She put down the tea and said with a smile, "Dad, why didn't Mom come with you?"

The old man didn't like Suya at all, but because Suya gave birth to a grandson for him, he didn't care so much: "Your mother said that she wants to have two children. You live so far away and want to see me It’s hard for my baby grandson to even take a single look!”

Su Lu smiled and said nothing. He winked at Su Ya and asked her to cook.

The old man played with his grandson for a while without asking where his granddaughter was.

After dinner, the old man will take the boy back to live for a while. As soon as Su Lu heard this, he hurriedly refuted, but he couldn't hold back the old man, and could only watch his heir being taken away.

Su Ya didn't hang out in front of Su Lu when he was in a bad mood. She went up to the second floor and went to the girl's room.

Hearing the voice, the girl raised her head and looked towards the door. When she saw Suya coming in, a look of disgust flashed in her eyes, which she immediately covered up.

Seeing the girl like this, Su Ya said in a bad tone: "What about your upbringing? Don't you know how to shout?"

The girl said dryly: "Mom."

"I gave you face, didn't I?!" Su Ya slapped the girl on the face directly: "If you dare to do this again, I will chop you up and feed you to the dogs!!"

The girl suddenly raised her head and looked at Su Ya's expression. She was a little panicked. She hurriedly took Su Ya's arm and said, "Mom, I was wrong. Please forgive me?"

Su Ya touched the girl's face with her fingers, and the girl flinched a bit, she said: "You are my heir, how can you not listen to me?"

"You have to listen to me, understand?"

The girl nodded obediently: "Okay, Mom."

Su Ya nodded in satisfaction. She took the girl to the basement and took out animal meat for her daughter to eat.

As soon as the girl smelled the meat, she began to salivate. After she took a bite of the meat, she started to gobble it up like the boy.

Su Ya laughed out loud, it turned out that it wasn't her heir's problem, but she used the wrong method!

The girl gnawed on the meat numbly, feeling indifferent in her heart.

She thought, so she is the same person as her mother...

Looking at this scene, Gu An frowned.

Before he could see clearly, the scene in front of him began to spin rapidly, and when the scene stopped, the house was already dark.

There were evil spirits floating in the air, and there was a dull thunder in the sky. Around them, servants fell down one after another.

This scene is a bit like what the old evil spirit said, Ming Ye hugged Gu An and floated towards the main house.

In the main house, there were bursts of arguing.

"Enough is enough! Today is the day to wrap it up!!"

"Pa—" Su Ya said, "What's the end? You're getting more and more courageous! How dare you do such a thing?!"

The obviously shrunken girl said viciously: "Why don't I dare! We will be killed by those things soon! Hahahahahaha, let me see how you kill people when you are dead..."

After the words fell, there was a sound from outside.

The thunder fell, as if it was going to split the house into pieces.

—The evil spirits in the distance are waiting for an opportunity to move.

The author has something to say: Chirp Mi~