The Boss of the Escape Game is My Husband

Chapter 35: Seven Days Haunted House


The old butler agreed to give the gem to Qianduo, but Qianduo was not at ease, and insisted on going to see it together. The old butler smiled and asked him to follow.

Qian Duo is not a fool, he naturally wouldn't go with the old housekeeper by himself, so Xiao Wang and Xiao Li were dragged away by Qian Duo.

The old butler didn't object. The place where the gems were stored was very remote. The group walked for a long time without reaching the end. The old butler was carrying a lamp, the light was flickering, and cats meowed from time to time.

The old housekeeper explained: "This place is relatively remote, and there are often night cats and wild dogs. Don't worry, they can't enter the house."

These words did not give a few people a sense of security, but the hoarse voice of the old housekeeper made people panic when they heard it.

Especially in this case, coupled with the bleak bgm, it looks like a ghost movie scene.

The old housekeeper walked very quickly, as if he wanted to leave a few people behind on purpose. Xiao Li held onto Qian Duo's arm and was wearing high-heeled shoes. She almost had to trot to keep up: "Slow down, I can hardly keep up. .”

Xiao Wang chimed in and said, "Old man, please hurry up, you don't want to fall again, this black light is blind."

The old butler didn't speak, and walked forward on his own. After a few minutes, he stopped and stood in front of a door: "Here we are. This is the room where the gems are placed."

When Qian Duo heard this, he was overjoyed: "Quickly open the door and take out the gems for me!"

The old butler turned his head, his eyes were strange: "Do you really want me to open the door?"

Qian didn't even think about it: "If you want it, open the door quickly."

"Okay," the old butler suddenly laughed, "I'll open it for you right now."

Standing beside Qian Duo, Xiao Wang's eyelids twitched, and he opened his mouth to say something. Before he could speak, the old butler opened the door of the room.

There were no precious stones stored in this room at all. This was the lair of the evil spirits kept by the old housekeeper. The evil spirits smelled human and rushed out of the room.

The soaring black air filled the air.

The old butler stood in the black air and merged with the black air. Before Qian Duo and Xiao Wang could escape, they were surrounded by the black air.

Xiao Li beside Qian Duo uttered a shrill scream and then fell silent. Qian Duo was so frightened that he trembled, and it would be a few minutes before the black air dissipated.

The black air dissipated, and the old butler also disappeared.

Qian Duo glanced at his side, almost peeing in fear, his legs limp and sat on the ground, his face was full of ferocious fear.

Xiao Wang is no better than money, but he has seen many dark things, and it is not a little bit more courageous than money.

He took a few deep breaths, pulled Qianduo up, and stumbled back the same way.

As for Xiaoli, she has turned into a pile of scum, left there, the long-awaited wild cats and dogs will eat the remaining meat slag on the bones.

So when the black air dissipated and Qian Duo saw Gu An, he would conclude that Gu An was the murderer who killed Xiao Li.

Qian Duo pointed at Gu An, and said dirty words in his mouth, almost spit on Gu An's face.

Gu An took a few steps back to prevent Qian Duo's saliva from spraying on his face. Facing Qian Duo's accusation, he didn't feel too angry, he just felt that Qian Duo was sick.

Ming couldn't bear it any longer, the black energy that had disappeared gradually reappeared, and Qian Duo was so scared that he hid behind Xiao Wang, yelling.

"If you keep talking nonsense, I don't mind sending you down to meet the person you mentioned." Gu An looked at Qian Duo coldly, with killing intent shining in his eyes.

Qian Duo hid behind Xiao Wang, yelling: "Kill me if you have the ability! Don't dare, you coward/force..."

"Tsk," Ming also punched him directly, "It's just a clown..."

However, before Ming also hit Qian Duo, Qian Duo was immediately enveloped in a burst of black air, but it only took a few seconds. When the black air dissipated, Qian Duo was gone, only a pile of bones remained.

Some timid ones have already started screaming.

Xiao Wang looked at Qian Duo's bones, without a trace of grief on his face, as if he had just died of an ant, and then he angrily scolded Gu An: "You are too insane! Our young master just exposed your trick, and you didn't Is it necessary to kill him in public?!"

These words directly confirmed Gu An's crime.

Gu An looked at him coldly: "If I touch my lips, I will also say that you killed someone. After all, you are the closest to him, so it is convenient to do it."

"You fart!" Xiao Wang yelled, "Do you think everyone is the same?! A demon without humanity!"

"If I'm a devil, then what are you? A beast?" Gu An didn't ignore the indifference in Xiao Wang's eyes, he took out his black knife and pointed at Xiao Wang: "If you dare to slander me again, I'll kill you. "

Xiao Wang, who was threatened, had a righteous look on his face: "If you want to kill, kill it! I am ashamed of the chairman's entrustment!"

As he spoke, he shed a few crocodile tears.

Gu An: "..."

There are too many scenes, it's really annoying.

Ming also clicked his tongue: "Baby, wait for me, I'll come back to find you right away."

Gu An said hello.

Xiao Wang was still talking hoarsely about Gu An's evil deeds, and encouraged others to join him in bringing Gu An to justice.

Yu Qing raised her eyebrows: "Sir, we are not familiar with you, please don't cue us."

Wang Qing hurriedly said: "That's right, you can act slowly by yourself, we don't have your acting skills."

Wang Jing pulled Wang Qing, and said lightly: "You can do whatever you want, don't pull us, we are not fools."

He glanced at Gu An, and added: "Is there something wrong with your eyes? How can we help you deal with him because we are with Gu An?"

Xiao Wang's face froze, and he gestured to the two people behind him with his eyes: "What are you still doing?! Qian Shao died here, do you think we will have any good fruit to eat when we go back?!"

The woman moved, and was held back by the man beside her: "Fuck! Qian Duo was sent here by his father just to let him die here to make room for the illegitimate son in the family! Do you think we don't know?"

"Aren't you also assigned a task by the chairman? If Qian Duo is really dead, the villa in the northern suburbs will be assigned to you. Do you think we don't know?"

Xiao Wang didn't seem to have expected it, and his face was livid: "What are you talking about, there are no villas at all!!"

The two began to argue, digging their old roots.

Wang Qing, who was watching from the side, was taken aback for a while.

Touching his head for a while, he said, "This workplace is really comparable to Gongdouju."

Wang Jing moved closer to Wang Qing's ear, and the two whispered something.

Yu Qing walked up to Gu An's side, pointing out something: "Pay attention to your surroundings, it's not safe here."

Gu An also noticed the turbulence around him, and nodded when he heard the words: "I understand, you should also be careful."

Yu Qing responded, and began to look around, guarding against sneak attacks from people hiding in the dark.

There was constant bickering in the hall.

What followed was a stream of thick black air, which seemed to have no end, lingering in the entire house, waiting for the master to give an order to swallow all the people inside.

As time passed by, Gu An and Yu Qing were a little uneasy. It was too quiet here, and the silence made people feel a little slack.

Gu An called out the statement, but Ming didn't answer. Gu An thought that Ming was also breaking the seal, so he didn't shout again.

He wanted to go upstairs, but was stopped by Xiao Wang: "You are not allowed to leave! I have already called the police, and the police will be here soon."

Gu An glanced at Xiao Wang: "Do you think I will be the scapegoat?"

He whispered, "Is there really no other purpose for your chairman to ask you to follow?"

Xiao Wang was shocked by Gu An's appearance, followed his words and asked, "What purpose?"

"Why should I tell you?" Gu An said while raising the black knife casually, and slowly placed it on Xiao Wang's neck: "If you dare to say one more word, I will let you go and bury him with him."

For the word "buried with you", Gu An deliberately elongated his tone, appearing a little careless, but the murderous intent in his words made Xiao Wang break out in a cold sweat.

While the two were talking, the hall was invaded by black air.

Yu Qing holds the scimitar, ready to fight.

Gu An didn't have the time to argue with Xiao Wang, and he came to Yu Qing's side with one leap. This is his own talent, and he can jump very far with a light jump.

But Xiao Wang didn't know that he was taken aback by Gu An's jump, thinking that Gu An was a hermit, and his face turned pale with fright.

Gu An frowned: "Where does this black air come from? There are too many of them."

"I don't know, we have to be careful not to be touched by black air." Yu Qing said seriously.

Wang Qing and Wang Jing nodded to show they heard it.

The black air almost surrounded the entrance of the hall, and after a while, a person walked out from the black air.

The old butler came out of the black air. He had just had a full meal and ate Su Lu and Su Ya.

He suffered so much under Sulu's hand that he suspected that he might have lost his nature as an evil spirit.

Fortunately, he waited until this day, and ate Su Lu and Su Ya into his stomach bite by bite.

Su Lu didn't know until his death that the butler he thought was loyal was actually a vicious wolf from the very beginning, ready to devour the Lord at any time. It was ridiculous that he still couldn't see through it, and thought that the old butler was the most sincere to him.

The old housekeeper licked the corner of his mouth, and looked at Gu An and Yu Qing greedily: "You guys are so delicious, I'm here to eat you now."

After finishing speaking, he waved his hand, and the black air came towards him.

Gu An and Yu Qing dodged this lightly, the old butler smiled, the skin on his face began to fester, it looked like meat that had been left for a long time, wrinkled and oozing pus.

"You can't escape my palm."

The old butler put his hands on the festered part of his face and gently tore it off. The skin on his face was peeled off with a brush, revealing his original appearance.

Smelly, rotting, like a zombie in a movie.

The old butler shed his skin and leaned back.

The black air surged up, and within a few seconds, the old housekeeper was eaten.

A voice came out of the black air, hoarse and unpleasant.

"You guys can't escape, this is already my territory. I finally got rid of Sulu, hahahahahaha, my good days are coming—"

The sound was loud, as if it was about to penetrate into the sky.

Gu An and the others went upstairs.

Black air was everywhere, and they blocked Gu An and the others against the corner wall.

Hei Qi said wildly: "Hahahahahaha, you little brats, I will eat all of you into my stomach, and there will be no leftover—"

Before the words were finished, a hole was poked out from behind by the black air.

Ming also uttered a black robe, his eyebrows and eyes were cold: "Your territory? Why don't I know, when did this place become your territory, huh?"

The last sound, with great coercion, made Hei Qi flinch involuntarily.

"Who are you? How dare you hit me?" Hei Qi said arrogantly, "See if I won't eat you!"

With all his strength, Hei Qimang turned into a huge fist and slammed into Ming Ye.

Ming also raised his hand to receive the punch.

He raised the corners of his lips, and his eyes were full of evil spirits: "Next, it's my turn."

Hearing the words, Hei Qi felt a huge force, and it wanted to escape. But before he could run, he was locked by Ming Ye, stuck in place and unable to move.

Ming Ye snorted coldly: "Take it."

The black air is like a deflated balloon, a huge ball suddenly turns into a small ball, floating in the air.

After clearing away the black air, Ming also looked at Gu An in the corner, the corners of his mouth slightly raised, a black air overflowed from his fingertips, and he pulled Gu An into his arms.

Hugging Gu An, Ming Ye was in a great mood: "Honey, were you scared just now?"

Gu An looked at Ming Ye in front of him, with handsome features and three-dimensional facial features, he was dazed for a moment, as if he saw Ming Ye in reality.

Ming also said dissatisfied: "I am in front of you, but you are still distracted?"

Gu An smiled, his brows softened immediately.

He caressed Ming Ye's face and was about to say something when he saw something similar to a disc floating in the air.

Not only Gu An, but Yu Qing and the others were also very surprised.

How could this thing be here

The black square said mechanically: "The player intentionally damaged the game world and violated the world rules set by the Lord God. Arrest is now approved."

Wang Qing: "Wait a minute, is there some misunderstanding? How could we damage the game world? You must have made a mistake."

The black square pulled out a rope.

And aimed at Gu An, the rope was cut by Ming Ye.

Ming also said coldly: "If you attack again, I will not be polite."

The black square said coldly: "Players who break the rules resist punishment."

After a few seconds, it said indifferently: "With the approval of the main god, the player who violated the rules is now thrown into the punishment world."

Gu An saw that the vortex was getting bigger and bigger, but he was powerless and could only watch himself being swallowed.

Ming was also forced to disappear along with him.

Yu Qing and the others were also swallowed by the vortex, without even reacting.

After the player is swallowed by the vortex.

The black square said coldly: "The target has been thrown into the punishment world, please give an order from the Lord God."

"Go to the next designated world and solve the next selected target."

Black square: "Obey, Master."

After everyone "leaves".

Su Ming, who came out of the basement, was insane. He met Xiao Wang and the three of them. He became so fierce that he killed all three of them.

The police who came later were also scratched by Su Ming. The police had no choice but to open the wooden barn and beat him.

But Su Ming wasn't afraid at all. After receiving a wooden barn, he fled in a hurry and disappeared.

In the following years, people have been trying to find Su Ming's whereabouts, but there is no trace.

It wasn't until a fire fell from the sky that the house was burnt clean, and people found Su Ming's bones, as well as the bones of many people and animals in the basement.

This shocking deception was finally revealed.

The author has something to say: It’s the end of the month, so beg for a wave of nutrient solution QAQ

Chumi ~ Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2020-04-27 21:56:08~2020-04-30 20:51:38~

Thanks to the little angels of irrigation nutrient solution: 38 bottles of autumn; 2 bottles of backlight;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!