The Boss of the Escape Game is My Husband

Chapter 47: Chamber of the Dead


Outside the secret room, there are dead spirits flying around.

They bared their teeth and claws, trying to swallow all these people into their stomachs.

Everyone thought that Gu An was joking, but as soon as he finished speaking, the closed door of the secret room opened.

Immediately afterwards, a powerful black air floated out from inside, like an invisible barrier, separating Gu An from the others.

As soon as Ming Ye came out, he couldn't wait to pounce on Gu An, pecked him several times, and then hugged Gu An tightly to suppress the lovesickness.

He retracted his figure, only for Gu An to see, Ming also smiled: "Baby, long time no see, I miss you so much."

Gu An pushed Kai Mingye's handsome face with a cold expression: "Come on, I still have to do the task."

Ming did not let go, and got close to Gu An stickily: "What task, I will help you."

Gu An said: "Save the mother bug and kill all the bugs."

Ming Ye opened his mouth and was about to answer. The players who had already entered the secret room saw that Gu An was still standing there. When Ming Ye retracted his figure, the black air dissipated, so they could see Gu An.

The players shouted to Gu An: "Gu An, come in quickly."

Gu An raised his head and replied: "Understood." Then he said without looking back: "Let's go in quickly."

Ming Ye put his arms around Gu An's waist, and the two entered the secret room sticky.

When they entered the secret room, Ming Ye waved his hand lightly, and all the undead spirits floating wantonly outside the secret room turned into a cloud of black air and dissipated invisible.

There are only a few torches in the secret room, and the faint light is not enough for people to see the structure inside.

Ming also leaned closer to Gu An's ear and said, "Honey, I know where the bug mother is, and those annoying bugs, how to kill them all."

Gu An stood behind, even so, he didn't dare to speak easily, for fear of being overheard, it would be in vain, so he signaled Ming Ye with his eyes to "continue".

Ming also smiled lowly: "The mother worm is different from the mother worm you killed just now."

"The mother worm is the mother of all worms, and the mother worm is bred based on the genes of the mother worm," Ming also said, "Actually, the mother worm is in this secret room. Baby, guess who it is?"

Gu An's expression turned cold, and he glared at Ming Ye.

Seeing this, Ming also hurriedly said, "Don't be angry, baby, I'll tell you right away."

"The female worm can transform into a human form, but the human form it transforms has certain characteristics," Ming Ye said with a glint in his eyes, "For example, he is afraid of fire and fire."

Hearing this, Gu An immediately raised his head to observe the changes in the expressions of the people around him.

But the surrounding area was too dark to see anything.

Ming Ye waved his hand lightly, and several torches lit up in the secret room one after another, illuminating the secret room.

Gu Anzai carefully observed the faces of the people around him. He found a man with a pale complexion. The rest of the people were very close to the torch. Only he could not wait to shrink in the corner, and he didn't want to let the fire light illuminate him at all.

But based on this alone, it cannot be concluded.

After a while, everyone walked through the secret passage of the secret room and came to a door.

Everyone tried to push the door open with their hands. The door was thick and strange, with totems drawn on it.

The totem is a white bug surrounded by green plants.

Everyone set their eyes on Gu An, and the expression in their eyes was self-evident.

Gu An: "..."

Don't think he'll yell again.

Ming didn't dare to ask Gu An to call him again, and under Gu An's gaze, he opened the door.

The inside of the room is different from the secret passage outside. There is white light in the room, and various instruments are placed inside, as well as some things used in experiments.

A girl couldn't help screaming when she saw what was soaking in the glass bottle.

Those glass bottles contained various things, including bugs, humans, and organs of various unknown animals.

Gu An only glanced at it before being covered by Ming Ye: "Baby, don't look at it."

Ming Ye's eyes were cold. He never thought that this secret room would be a laboratory.

Judging by the furnishings inside, it should still be used by people.

Just when everyone was terrified, the white light in the room suddenly disappeared and was replaced by darkness.

In the darkness, there were footsteps.

"Let me see which disobedient little mouse broke in. It just so happens that my experiment lacks experimental subjects. It is really suitable for you to be my experimental subjects."

An old voice made a judgment on them.

Ming also waved his hand to control the undead, and when he pressed the switch, the room was brightened up again.

Everyone's eyes were stung by the white light, and when they opened their eyes, there was a group of people in the room.

The leader is an old man in a white coat. The old man's eyes are crazy, and his old and thin face is full of excitement about the completion of the experiment. He looks at everyone, especially the women: "Hahahaha, there are still a few women. My experiment will surely succeed—”

The other people around the old man also looked at everyone with excited eyes.

Someone yelled at the old man: "You think too much, but now is a society ruled by law! You dare to use human beings for experiments, you are dreaming!"

The women who were stared coldly by the old man said angrily, "Look at me again, and I will crush your eyes!"

The old man was not angry, but looked at them with a strange gaze: "Not bad, not bad, the mental state is good. Much better than the group of people last time."

Gu An said coldly: "Aren't you afraid to go in if you are doing human experiments?"

Finally he said: "Besides, do you think you can beat us?"

The old man looked at Gu An, smiled sinisterly, and then clapped his hands: "Come out, baby, there are a lot of 'guests' here today, you have a big meal to eat."

After the words fell, there was only a chirping sound, and many insects crawled in from outside the door.

These bugs were even more disgusting than the ones they encountered in the nest just now. They had disgusting green slime on their bodies, and they left a pool of marks on the ground when they crawled.

The worms were surrounded by green mucus, each of them was about the size of a palm, with black tentacles on its head and many feet, packed together like dense stalks.

People with intensive phobia have long exclaimed.

Ming also looked at those bugs with disgust: "This thing is disgusting."

Gu An took out the fire-breathing wooden bin and sprayed fire on the crawling insects. The extremely high temperature instantly roasted the insects into slag.

Seeing this, the old man was furious: "You are not allowed to burn my little treasure!"

Gu An sneered and came a few more times.

The old man was so angry that he was about to faint, and a few white coats on the side wanted to come forward to deal with Gu An.

A few players stood in front of Gu An. A strong player punched a white coat. These white coats were doing research all day, and they were all weak chickens with no power to restrain them.

After dealing with the bugs, under the gaze of everyone, Gu An jumped lightly, pointed at the old man's head with the fire-breathing wooden box, and asked, "Where is the female bug?"

The old man was stiff and his forehead was sweating. He tried to explain: "What kind of female bug, I don't know..."

Gu An moved the fire-breathing wooden bin, and when he was about to touch the skin, the old man was almost incontinent with fright, and he hurriedly said: "The female worm has already been taken out of the laboratory, I really don't know where he is!!"

"Then these bugs, you should know how to kill them all?" Gu An said: "If you don't know, I'll come to the wooden warehouse."

The old man covered his face: "I know, I know, don't open the wooden warehouse..."

Several white coats shouted: "Teacher!"

The old man let go of his hand, his face was wet with sweat: "I've had enough of those things, it's good to get rid of them."

He said to Gu An: "Come with me, and I will tell you how to destroy them."

Gu An didn't speak, but the others spoke one after another.

"Don't go with him, who knows if he will have any crooked thoughts."

"That's right, this is their territory, if you really want to go with him, what if you are plotted by him."

Gu An paused and said, "You stay and let your students do it."

The old man gritted his teeth, and Gu An moved the fire-breathing wooden warehouse a little forward. The old man hurriedly said, "Go, destroy that thing!"

Several white coats hesitated, and the old man shouted: "Go!"

The white coats were full of resentment, and were yelled at by the old man to destroy the things that control the life and death of the bugs.

Seeing the students go out, the old man tilted his head and smiled flatteringly at Gu An: "You see they have gone too, can you move this wooden barn, okay?"

Gu An vetoed: "No."

The old man's face darkened in an instant, like a squid about to spray ink.

Ming has been secretly protecting Gu An.

Standing beside Gu An, he whispered, "I'll go and have a look. See you in the real world after destroying that thing."

Gu An's eyes were hesitant, but he nodded after a while, and said hello lightly.

Ming Ye kissed Gu An's lips tenderly and affectionately: "Honey, let's continue our honeymoon when we go back."

After speaking, he floated away. Gu An closed his eyelashes and asked the old man, "Why do you want to do this kind of experiment?"

The old man said: "What do you know, this is the obsession of my life!!"

"Obsession?" Gu An said: "Are you obsessed with killing your own kind?"

The old man turned pale all of a sudden, and he retorted: "I am also doing this to benefit mankind..."

"Tut tsk tsk," a player interrupted the old man, and spit at him: "Bah, what a thing! It also benefits mankind. What kind of thing you made, it eats a lot. You want to 'benefit' people."

"Using the guise of 'benefiting' mankind all day long, you actually do some disgusting and disgusting things!"

The old man's lips twitched, but he couldn't say anything to refute. He could only lower his head and allow himself to be criticized.

"Wait, I will report you when we get out! Let you squat in the bureau until you die!!"

The old man smiled strangely, and said softly, "I'm afraid you won't live until then."

As soon as the words fell, he turned into a bug under the eyes of everyone.

This change was unexpected, and the old man ran out unexpectedly.

But just as he was about to climb out of the door, he suddenly let out a shrill scream, and then his body slowly stiffened, and finally died.

Gu An only felt his eyes go dark, and a cold mechanical sound came from his ear.

"Congratulations to player 7963 for successfully passing the level."

"Please come to receive the reward."

The author has something to say: Good night babies~