The Boss of the Escape Game is My Husband

Chapter 5: Haunted House Shadows


In the vortex is the clamor of thousands of ghosts.

Looking at the ever-expanding vortex, Gu An frowned tightly, but after only a moment of frowning, he was smoothed out by warm fingers.

Ming also said, "Don't be afraid, I'm here."

Gu An's eyes were a little dazed, as if someone had told him that before.

—Ann, don't be afraid, I'm here.

Ming also put his arms around Gu An, a cloud of black air condensed in his hand, and the black air continued to expand, and then he pushed the black air into the vortex with his palm.

The black air collided with the whirlpool, and the two sides refused to give in to each other. In the end, the whirlpool was slightly better.

After devouring the black energy, he ran towards them with lightning speed.

Wang Nie was sobered up by the Yin Qi emerging from the female ghost. When he opened his eyes and saw this scene, he trembled with fright.

Crying and shouting, she ran out, but the female ghost grabbed him, her nails embedded in her flesh, and held him firmly, unable to move, she could only watch the vortex getting closer.

521 was also a little anxious: "An'an, run away, if you get caught in this thing, it's over!!"

Gu An looked at the vortex and the ghosts in the vortex, and there seemed to be cries of various ghosts in his ears.

Ming Ye hugged Gu An tightly, and he squinted his eyes, as if he didn't expect the female ghost to have such a relationship with this house.

The vortex swallowed the two of them, while Wang Nie was grabbed by the arm of the female ghost, and was killed by the female ghost under his unbelievable eyes.

After the vortex passed, the house returned to calm, but the female ghost threw Wang Nie aside, walked out of the yard, and continued to search for food.

But at this moment, the well emitted a burst of golden light, and the golden light turned into a chain, tightly entangled the female ghost, and after dragging the struggling female ghost into the well, the chains formed a net on the well cover, and the golden light flashed, and the net disappeared. But the power to bind the female ghost has not disappeared.

Because of the female ghost's injury and Jingguchi's formation, she couldn't get out easily.

Gu An was in the vortex, everything in front of him flew by quickly, decades of time passed quickly before his eyes.

Finally, time stopped at a node.

— Eighty years ago.

Huaiyang Town.

There is a family surnamed Lin in the town, who are in the spice business. The Lin family is not local, but came from other places.

Master Lin is famous for his fragrance blending skills and is famous all over Weiyang County, but no one knows why the whole family moved to Huaiyang Town. Master Lin only said that he offended someone and came to Huaiyang Town to avoid revenge.

At first, the people in Huaiyang Town were somewhat resistant to the incense concocted by Master Lin. The folk customs in Huaiyang Town are simple and simple. Most people don't like rouge and gouache, but admire the beauty of nature, so naturally they are not interested in spices.

But the incense made by Master Lin has a unique taste that can make people feel refreshed. Anyone who has bought his spices seems to be addicted and can't quit.

After coming and going, Master Lin's incense shop has many repeat customers.

Most of them are wealthy businessmen. With their recommendations, Xiangfang became famous in Huaiyang Town, and the business started to improve, and the price naturally went up.

It is said that in order to obtain the spices prepared by Master Lin, some people sold their property at all costs, just to get a box of incense powder.

In addition to mixing fragrances, Mr. Lin is more famous for having a daughter who is as beautiful as a fairy.

How beautiful his daughter is, anyway, people who have seen her say she looks like a fairy.

The son of the richest man in Huaiyang Town, when he saw Master Lin's daughter, fell in love at first sight, and promised to give Master Lin many benefits before making an appointment with Miss Lin's family.

A few years later, the family of the richest man returned home to visit his relatives. The whole family, including the accompanying servants, were all killed by the bandits.

A few months later, Master Lin booked another family for his daughter, who was a well-known rice merchant in the town.

Two years later, a gardener came to the Lin family. He was excluded because of a scar on his face, but he was not kicked out because the roses he planted were particularly bright.

Ms. Lin loves roses very much, loves houses and crows, and even has a little bit of appreciation for the gardener. This appreciation, with the passage of time, gradually turned into admiration.

She fell in love with this taciturn gardener.

this evening.

In the corner by the garden, Lin Wan asked the gardener out, and she wanted to confess her love to the gardener tonight.

Although the folk customs are conservative at this time, men and women dare not meet in private, but Huaiyang Town is different. The folk customs here are simple and simple, but it is rare to be open to matters of love/love.

Men and women can meet and play in private. If you get it right, there are some people who confess their love in public. Everyone looks at each other and smiles, and then makes a fuss.

But trysts at night are still a minority.

Lin Wan was also a little scared, she was afraid of being seen, she had already made a kiss.

But she doesn't like the rice merchant's son, not to mention his ugly appearance, he's also playful. Playing around with many singers in the town, the whole Huaiyang Town knows about the affair.

Others said that they got married because flowers were stuck in cow dung, and a good pot was matched with a bad pot cover.

Lin Wan also resisted, but her father was not as loving as he appeared outside, and treated her request as if he couldn't see it, making her a joke among sisters.

Thinking of this, Lin Wan clenched her handkerchief tightly, a look of reluctance appeared on her charming face, why should she marry that philandering carrot for the Lin family

A few minutes passed.

There was a sound of footsteps, and a deep voice came: "It's so late, what do you want me for?"

The gardener asked softly. He was wearing coarse clothes, and the scars on his face abruptly destroyed the entire face, making the originally handsome face terribly terrifying.

Seeing her sweetheart coming, Lin Wan raised her head shyly and said, "Erlang, my father told me today that he wanted me to marry the rice merchant's son as soon as possible."

She looked at her sweetheart hopefully, hoping that he would take her away.

But the gardener said indifferently: "Then I will wish the young lady and the prince a happy marriage for a hundred years and a precious son soon."

Lin Wan raised her head in disbelief, and when she met the gardener's indifferent eyes, she still couldn't believe it. This would be the gardener who was gentle and considerate to her before. It was just a few days since he hadn't seen him. He seemed like Changed as a person.

Her eye sockets turned red quickly, and her voice was a little hoarse.

She took a deep breath to build up her courage, and then asked boldly, "Erlang, are you willing to take me away? To a place where no one knows us."

Lin Wan nervously waited for the gardener's reply, but to her disappointment, the gardener said, "Sorry, I'm just a gardener, and I'm not good enough for you, miss."

Lin Wan couldn't bear it anymore, covered her face and ran away.

Leaving the gardener alone, facing the blooming rose garden.

Not far away, Gu An and Ming also hid behind the flowers and witnessed all this.

521 let out a sigh: "Hey, poor lady, all the infatuation was wrongly paid to the incomprehensible gardener, poor, poor..."

Gu An said coldly: "Shut up."

521: "..."

Come on, another incomprehensible style.

Gu An looked at the gardener not far away and the bright roses in full bloom, with a flash of thought in his eyes.

Why can this rose not be eroded by Yin Qi

Ming, who was at the side, also saw that Gu An was drooping his eyes in thought, so he didn't make a sound to disturb, but quietly took Gu An's hand, subconsciously wanting to put it in his pocket, but found nothing.

He looked down and realized that the clothes he was wearing had no pockets, so he gave up.

Ming also contacted 521 and asked, "When will An An remember me?"

"..." came up with a question of death, 521 wanted to pretend he couldn't hear it, and fooled it, but Mingya's next sentence was: "Don't pretend to be dead."

521: "..."

Why can't you treat me well

Am I not good, disobedient QAQ

But it didn't dare to say that to Ming Ye, so it whispered, "I don't know either."

Ming also seemed dissatisfied with the answer, and he asked again: "What's wrong with you?"

521 shrank into a ball. It can be said that it collided with the power of the main god of the escape game, and its energy was unstable, which caused Gu An to forget Ming Ye.

But can it say so? The answer is of course not!

521 said in a low voice: "I don't know, maybe something interfered with my operation..."

Ming did not respond to 521's answer. He hummed and stopped talking. Instead, he turned his head and looked at Gu An gently. The tenderness between his brows and eyes made 521 sigh.

Love is so great that it can make a person like Ming Ye change his nature.

Gu An came back to his senses, and met Shang Mingye's eyes.

He closed his eyelashes and asked him, "What do you see me doing?"

Ming also said: "I'm looking at the person I like."

Gu An couldn't answer this question.

He sighed imperceptibly, he could feel his emotions towards Ming Ye, and he didn't feel any repulsion towards Ming Ye's closeness, he only felt familiar in a trance.

As if they were already familiar with each other physically, they would naturally not reject some of Ming Ye's actions.

Even though he has no memory, his heart and body still remember it.

Gu An raised his eyelids to look at Ming Ye, and asked, "Are we really lovers?"

"No," Ming Ye stroked Gu An's cheek, and softly retorted: "We are a legal couple, we have a certificate, some kind of banquet."

Gu An's eyes widened, and he asked a little foolishly, "You didn't lie to me?"

Ming Ye said softly but firmly: "I never lie to you." My baby An An.

After finishing speaking, he stretched out his hand to hold Gu An into his arms, first rubbed Gu An's forehead affectionately, then stretched out his hand to gently scrape the tip of his nose, sighing like love: "Little bastard, you almost didn't scare me to death!" .”

Ming also thought of the moment when Gu An disappeared, feeling desperate and regretful.

Desperate that An An couldn't find him, he regretted why he let Gu An go shopping alone.

Ming also frantically looked for Gu An for two days, when he was full of disappointment and wanted to commit suicide, Gu An entered the game world and pulled Ming Ye into the game world.

He didn't know how long he stayed in this weird world, and he didn't come out of the darkness until the player entered the house.

At the same time, he also smelled Gu An.

After a lot of effort, he finally found his precious An An. Fortunately, nothing happened to his An An, otherwise he didn't know what crazy move he would make.

Gu An felt the sad breath emanating from the man, and lowered his eyes. After a while, he raised his arm and patted Ming Ye's back lightly to comfort him.

The two hugged each other quietly.

The gardener on the other side, after Lin Wan left, he stood for a while, then took out a short dagger, raised his sleeves, cut his arm with the dagger without blinking, blood flowed out from the wound like a stream, dripping on roses.

The evil spirits raised in the rose, smelling the smell of blood, scrambled out of the petals, devouring the blood that fell on the rose.

The gardener looked at this scene indifferently, with hatred in his eyes, but there was a trace of intolerance in his heart, but that trace of intolerance, when he thought of the words he heard outside the window, disappeared without a trace, and all that was left was the piercing pain. hatred.

The evil ghost who ate the gardener's blood grew up again, and the gardener was a little happy when he saw this.

Looking at this scene, Gu An frowned.

The gardener cut again, but at this moment, a voice suddenly sounded: "Garden, what are you doing here?"

The gardener looked back and saw that it was a servant of the Lin family, so he didn't care.

Unexpectedly, the male servant said: "I know what you are doing, you are raising evil spirits, gardener, believe it or not, I will tell the master about this, and see how the master punishes you!"

When the gardener heard this, his eyes were fierce, and a thought flashed through his mind.

Then he turned and smiled at the manservant, who asked cautiously, "What do you want?"

The gardener smiled softly, holding the dagger, taking advantage of the servant's inattention. Aim at the servant's chest and stab it hard.

Blood sprayed on his face, at this moment, he looked like a demon.

Just after he killed the servant, Lin Wan suddenly appeared behind him and asked him loudly: "Erlang, what are you doing?"

She looked at the male servant who fell on the ground, and was terrified: "You actually killed him?!"

Lin Wan watched her sweetheart walk towards her, with a gentle smile on her face, she couldn't stop shaking, and then her eyes went dark, and she didn't know anything.

And all of this was seen by Gu An and Ming.

The author has something to say: Chumi~thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution during 2020-03-23 15:24:07~2020-03-24 20:47:31~

Thanks to the little angels who cast mines: Xunxi and Luyou one;

Thanks to the little angels who irrigate the nutrient solution: 1234, 10 bottles of Liangxia;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!