The Bourne Ultimatum

Chapter 12: The fish bubbling


In the rear of Chongqing, in the accompanying capital of the Nationalist Government, a military commander with the rank of colonel died unexplainably. The shock and impact caused were all-round, especially related to the military information leaks in the battles of Tongling Mountain and Changsha, military command headquarters and military orders. The Ministry and the MIB issued a death order at various levels, and the case was solved within a time limit.

The pressure on Wang Yan who took the initiative to ask for this incident can be imagined. Busy for most of the night, dragging back a dead Tao Xiangke, his frustration can be imagined, but at this time there is another person who is more sincere and fearful, Xuan Jialun, the director of the special affairs department of the military command.

First, Fan Xuanjie called and awakened Wang Yan, who had just been lying in the office for a while, and asked what was going on. He told him briefly, saying that he wanted to clarify his clues, and the two of them had an interview later in the evening. As soon as he put down the phone, Xuan Jialun opened the door and walked in. He put on a gesture of begging for crime, and drove directly to his desk. "Commissioner Wang, I heard that you had a busy night last night. Ashamed, how come there is no one"

Gently waved his hand, Wang Yan asked him to sit down on the sofa and ask for advice: "Xuan Department, it's all about the incident suddenly, but I don't know something. I must first figure it out before proceeding to the next investigation. May I ask Xuan. At this point, Tao Xiang is your subordinate, but why did he ask me, who is almost an outsider, to Geleshan? What is the matter he can’t directly report to you?” The reason why he treats him with such an attitude is not out of one thing. This kind of narrowly defined revenge, but as a newcomer, after experiencing an unfair "courtesy", he must take a counter-attack method, otherwise, how can he gain a foothold in the future.

Xuan Jialun, who looked embarrassed for a while, thought about it for a while and said: "From what happened last night, it can be seen that the commissioner is a practical person, so I will not hide it. It is not clear in a few words. In short, the antagonism between Lao Tao and I was purely due to some misunderstandings in personnel changes. From time to time, my friends for many years created gaps for no reason. It’s not worth thinking about it! Suddenly he left like this. There is no chance for an explanation, hey!"

Of course, the matter was not as simple as what he said. It can be seen that he didn't mean to go on, and Wang Yan didn't intend to go further, so he tentatively asked: "Then what do you think he will ask me to be in a secret place."

Shaking his head, Xuan Jialun said: "This is really not very easy to say. Since he was demoted to a group leader from the position of deputy, the whole person's temperament has changed drastically, and in the eyes of colleagues, he has become a lone ranger who does his own thing. Who Don’t put it in his eyes. Let’s just talk about this. I have asked many people just now. No one knows what medicine he sells in the gourd."

Knowing that there was nothing out of his mouth, Wang Yan nodded faintly, and after letting him out, called Yan Shengping in. Now it is time to switch the pressure to him to taste.

Within two hours, Wang Yan talked to many people in the secret service. Obviously, these people have a kind of resistance to him. This is normal. As a minister of imperial envoy, Wang Yan, after handling this case, patted people away, but they still have to continue to discuss life under Xuan Jialun, who is more important, and who is more ignorant, unless they have no brains.

At ten o'clock, the technical pony washed out photos of Tao Xiangke's handwriting written on the ground with a branch before he died and sent it. This is an unfinished word: one point and one horizontal line, and the next word is unsealed.

At first glance at the photos, Wang Yan felt that something was wrong. In his impression, this font seemed to be wrong, because it was an unformed character, and he couldn't think of what was wrong for a while, but it was definitely not what the photo showed and it was certain.

While he and Xiao Ma were making various speculations about the photos, Yan Shengping came in happily, saying that there was a message from the Geleshan checkpoint. Gao Jun, the director of the Confidentiality Department, had checked before and after Tao Xiangke’s accident last night. station.

Xiao Ma immediately said with excitement: "Commissioner, look, if the word left by Team Leader Tao is interpreted as a high word, it is quite possible."

As soon as his mind passed quickly, Wang Yan initially recognized it in his heart, but said to Yan Shengping: "Did you understand whether it was before or after the accident?"

Yan Shengping was a little startled, this veteran who had just come off the battlefield really couldn't be underestimated: "I asked, they just have this impression, there is no record."

Wang Yan said faintly, "You send someone to implement it", and sent him first, then reviewed the photo again, and became interested in that "point". Xiao Ma also confirmed that this "point" seemed to be a convex point. The other strokes are concave.

He immediately said to Xiao Ma: "You immediately take a few people and follow me to the site of the accident of Team Leader Tao, and re-investigate the scene."

The handwriting left by Tao Xiangke when he was alive, Gao Jun found in Gele Mountain, and one thing that Wang Yan never mentioned to anyone: When Tao Xiangke stuffed a note in the door crack yesterday, he hurried out to look at the corridor stairs. That person is also Gao Jun!

It was a coincidence that a coincidence happened, and they all got together, so he had to take a trip to Gele Mountain to make sure of Tao Xiangke's handwriting.

After passing the Geleshan checkpoint, Wang Yan asked the car to stop. A lieutenant officer in the team saw a general coming out of the car and ran over quickly. After giving a military salute, he asked, "What is the general's order?"

Wang Yan asked if he led the team last night. The lieutenant reported that it was another lieutenant. Wang Yan ordered him immediately and hoped to see this lieutenant when he returned to the checkpoint.

The car drove to the place where Tao Xiangke crashed last night. Wang Yan and Xiao Ma respectively climbed the ropes that had not been removed to reach the place where Tao Xiangke was found. It took a little effort to find the writing left by Tao Xiangke. Slightly recognizing it, the dot on that horizontal line is nothing but a stone like a "dot", which is definitely not left by Tao Xiangke.

After two hours, Wang Yan returned to the Geleshan checkpoint. Another lieutenant was already standing beside the lieutenant who was on duty just now. According to the lieutenant’s recollection, Gao Jun indeed drove an American jeep to and from the checkpoint last night. I can’t remember the exact time, but it is certain that the crash had already occurred when he passed the checkpoint on the return journey.

This does not explain any problems, and may be purely coincidental. "Is he alone?" Wang Yan asked.

The lieutenant shook his head and said, "No, there is a young woman in the car."

"What kind of woman?" This is what Wang Yan is interested in.

The lieutenant still shook his head and said, "I didn't see clearly. Because the woman didn't intend to be seen at all, her face was covered with a black veil."

"A woman with a veil? How do you see that she is young?" Wang Yan then asked.

"I think I should still be able to see this." The lieutenant smiled.

"What was Chief High's expression at that time?" Wang Yan added.

"This," the lieutenant touched his head and smiled embarrassedly.

"Think about it? This is important."

"It's nothing special. It seems that I turned to look at the woman and said something in her mouth, but I didn't hear it clearly. I knew you wanted to understand so carefully, so I'll just prick my ears to hear it clearly." The expression was slightly nervous. The lieutenant was a little secluded.

"Is that woman wearing a veil all the time?" Wang Yan seemed to ask extra words.

After getting an affirmative answer, Wang Yan thanked the lieutenant and let the car drive, and the sky was getting darker.

In the car, Wang Yan asked Xiao Ma if he had heard of such a woman next to Gao Jun. Xiao Ma said that he had never heard of Gao Jun's family. Wang Yan emphasized that this is very important. Xiao Ma said, how dare his subordinates deceive the chief.

Wang Yan seemed to want his words, so he immediately asked: "Then I ask you, what are the insoluble contradictions between your Director Xuan and Team Leader Tao?"

Xiao Ma suddenly understood that he had entered his dice, and said: "This is actually not difficult for you to figure out, but the mystery of this, you should understand."

"Then you are not going to say it?"

"Please understand my difficulty. Here, the matter of sesame seeds bigger than watermelon will spread tomorrow."

Speaking of this, if Wang Yan insists, he will be suspicion of overwhelming the small. But he sternly warned Xiao Ma that he was not allowed to tell anyone about Gao Jun's car with an unknown woman.

Back in the first hall, still walking on the stairs, Xuan Jialun greeted him from the office, and said repeatedly, if Commissioner Wang needs to run for a few small things, just give orders.

Wang Yan was refreshed, and immediately said: "Now there are three things to be explained by the Troubled Propaganda Office. First, Tao Xiangke's recent whereabouts. Second, monitor Gao Jun around the clock. Third, check the military truck."

Xuan Jialun immediately said that the first and third things have been implemented to the people, and the monitoring of Gao Jun will proceed immediately.

Back at the office, Wang Yan called Fan Xuanjie and wanted to make an appointment with him. The secretary answered the call, saying that Mr. Dai had been found by Boss Dai. After thinking about it, Wang Yan asked him to tell him that he was waiting for him in the office.

Then, he leaned his tired body on the back of the chair and closed his eyes for a while.

The context seems to be clearing up a little bit. Two people in important positions in the first hall have emerged in their own special ways. Although it is not clear, and one has died, at least the clues are in hand and there are traces to follow. But the problem is that Gao Jun's appearance is too accidental. Including the seemingly human factors, why the mysterious woman in his car hides her true face in front of the soldiers at the checkpoint is very doubtful. Even if she is Gao Jun's outside room or lover, Gao Jun doesn't seem to care. What does she care about

Wang Yan had a suspicion that Gao Jun's woman was very likely to be in a certain position in the hall. If this inference is true, if the woman is still hidden in the dark in the next investigation, the play will have to be sung. So, what role did Gao Jun play in it? Chief of Confidential Department, what an important position!

There was a noise from the door. Before he could speak, Fan Xuanjie had pushed the door and entered. He said, "I have already entered. Which door did you knock?"

Fan Xuanjie walked directly to his table, picked up his teacup and poured a cup of tea into his stomach, and then said: "Tell you something, you have to continue. Boss Dai asked me for one thing. Take you down. The army is no longer in charge, so let a half-hearted person charge Dai for me? Isn't that nice?"

I don’t know that Wang Yan is neither angry nor annoyed. He even said, “I don’t mind at all. He’s right. I am really a half-hearted person. At the same time, I’m not worried. I believe you have settled it for me, buddy. It’s very simple to ask why, you are my guarantor."

He wasn't angry, but Fan Xuanjie became angry and said, "You, you, always get a bargain, and you can't get a favor. Come on, call me here, what's your order?"

Smiling at him, Wang Yan was about to speak, but was interrupted by the phone's ringtone. He picked up the microphone and just heard a few words before shouting, don't mess around, I'll go over immediately.

Facing Fan Xuanjie's inquisitive gaze, Wang Yan couldn't talk to him in detail, and ran out after pulling him off the sofa.